Men at Arms reading

Jan 16, 2011 20:26

So my birthday happened about a month ago and I didn't do anything for it. This isn't unusual (I was born in mid to late December after all and people born then quickly learn the futility of that) but it did get me to thinking about what I would do if I was the sort of person who did do things. And that reminded me that I'd been meaning to do a reading of Men at Arms. I can't remember if I've held one or two readings of Pratchett novels. I know I've done Guards! Guards! at least once. I may have done Men at Arms before but in any case, I think Men at Arms is a good idea, whether or not it's a repeat.

So I'm planning a reading of the above, not for my birthday just inspired by a train of thought from it. I am looking at the 19th of February, which is a Saturday at my place around 5 or 6. I will provide the scripts and some snacks. I will even clean up the living room! So, local peoples, comment or send me an email if you are interested.
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