Merry Xmas. Or whatever.

Dec 25, 2010 21:11

Dear solar festival season, once again, thank you for your yearly ruination of my birthday. I should celebrate my half birthday or something. Maybe then there'd be a realistic chance of being able to do something fun on or around it. I suppose I should be grateful that I didn't have an exam on it this time.

In defiance, I nixed any traditional foods and made tacos instead. Because everyone needs tacos. It was Tacomas today. I asked EL what kind of filling he wanted and his look was one of why would you ever put anything but beef in a taco.  So it was beef.

I did make pumpkin muffins of awesomeness which are very seasonal, but I would make pumpkin muffins anytime. And I hung the Xmas ornaments on the motorcycle jack in the corner of the living room. I'm the regular babysitter of the birds belonging to the owner of the fencing club and they are here for the holidays. Their cages are decorated with Xmas flair which, I have to admit, is adorable.

Here are things I've been occupying myself with:

I'm trying to decide if Damn You Auto Correct is an argument for or against the iPhone. It has its mind firmly ensconced in the gutter. Hilarious! It also likes to choose the weird and obscure word when a common and pedestrian one would seem more likely.

Doc Martin is a series about a surgeon who develops a blood phobia and moves to a small Cornish village to become their cranky doctor. It's better than and different from House. He makes excellent bitch faces. Sample quote:
Patient: And you reckon these will work, do you?
Doc Martin: No - I just prescribe them for fun.

I bought a Roku. Hooray! No more watching Netflix streaming on the temperamental old laptop.

I just finished The Magicians. Loved the expressive writing, the Harry Potter references, and the tarnished characters. There's some visceral content in there.

I'm reading The Dirt on Clean: An Unsanitized History. It's fascinating --  also gross. I'm so glad I was born into a time and place that doesn't believe a bath or shower will damage your health.

I read Cryoburn a while back. Wow. I don't have anything to say but that.

There's been a lot of kumihimo braiding, needle poking -- I mean felting, and general amateur jewelry making since exams finished. And by exams I mean projects really. I need more colors. And findings to make the braids pretty. I may be turning into a magpie. Except that I don't want to keep stuff. I just want to make it. The difficulty is finding people who want it. I don't feel like it's really good enough to inflict on people,  except for a few things. But it's relaxing to do.

skool, fud, wwr

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