I Thank Your Dad for the Damaged Goods [Sam/Dean NC-17]

Jan 13, 2008 02:25

Title: I Thank Your Dad for the Damaged Goods
Author: vampire_heart/insomniacs_home
Pairing: Dean/Sam, Jo
Rating: Rish
Warnings: Slash, Incest, M/M [brother/brother] sex, voyeur Jo.

Summary: She wasn’t sure what time it was, but the strangled groan from across the room was clear and casting of light gave her a clear view of the other bed. She was instantly wide awake.

Continuation of this. Cause Dean’s got a kink.

It took ten more minutes before Dean came back to the bar, his clothing somewhat rumpled but other wise fine, when Sam reappeared though he didn’t appear to have gotten away from the tryst so lucky.

He had the ‘just fucked’ look written all over his face, his lips puffy from bites and kisses, his neck littered it what would blemish to nicely shaped bruises come the morning and almost perfect teeth indentations on his throat. If Jo hadn’t already seen what happened she wouldn’t have had to leave much to her imagination.

Dean ordered three shots, paying the bartender, throwing back his shot and then jerking his head towards the door. Jo quickly followed suit, feeling the shot - tequila she was sure - burn all the way down her throat, she missed the salt and lime. She didn’t see if Sam took his shot, but he was beside her when they reached the ‘cloakroom’. After retrieving their jackets the three headed towards the car, ignoring the line of people still standing outside the club, and the same burly guy who let them in.

When Sam made a noise that resembled a squeak and spun to face someone Jo almost fell over at the speed Dean about turned. She was sure she’d missed something, but within seconds Dean had a large Hispanic male by the scruff of the neck, glaring at him intensely while Sam attempted to coerce Dean away. With a sharp tug on his arm, Dean was pulled down the street a little before he pulled away and stomped away. Jo and Sam walked along behind Dean, keeping back slightly.

“Did you get to talk to your friend?” Jo asked, trying to at least alleviate the tension, looking up at Sam just as the younger Winchester licked his lips. Jo was suddenly struck by the image of Dean and Sam, against that wall again, only this time Sam had those thin pink lips on Dean’s neck sucking and licking and biting. Jo tried to repress the shudder, but found herself completely unable and let it rip through her body, almost like a shiver in the cool air.

“Are you okay?” One of Sam’s overly large hands was on the small of her back, and Jo could already feel the heat spreading into her skin, even through her leather jacket. Nodding her head, Jo tried to keep her breathing normal, tried to at least act normal around Sam and not go off into her own little fantasy about what those hands could do. Because for some reason, Jo didn’t want to know what they’d do to her, what tricks Sam might know to get a girl writhing against him. By the time they reached the car, Dean already sitting in the drivers seat, Jo had an entire scenario playing out in her head about Sam and those hands and just what they could do to Dean.

“Sammy!” They were right next to the car, Dean and Jo on one side, Sam on the other. Walking towards them was a tall, blond haired male, clearly from the club by the way he was dressed. Sam shot one look at Dean before walking to meet the guy coming towards him. Jo could almost feel the tension seeping out of Dean, the hard set to his jaw, the glare in his eyes. She’d wanted that kind of possessiveness for herself, for Dean to look at guys who hit on her at the Roadhouse like that, for everything in his being just screaming ‘danger - about to explode’ for her. Instead, Dean was ready to kill a tall blond guy for approaching his little brother. Jo could see just how weird it was in her head.

Sam and the blond, who appeared to be the same guy who had Sam pinned against the pillar earlier, talked out of earshot but the body language seemed to do nothing but put Dean on edge. Sam being a little too close to the other male, a hand on Sam’s shoulder that was shrugged away after a little hesitation, or the fact that the blond moved in and kissed Sam, yes, kissed him, right there in front of both Jo and Dean.

Jo was certain that Dean was growling, it wasn’t some wolf behind them, it was Dean. Jo coughed to clear her throat before opening the door to the Impala and making it slam shut as loud as possible, watching to see if Sam moved to get back in the car and away from the guy who seemed to be checking Sam’s jacket for loose threads. Sam started to edge towards the car, looking back at Dean with a slightly apprehensive glance. Jo had already figured out that Dean was possessive when it came to Sam, and that was long before she caught a glimpse of what their relationship was really like. Before this it had been older brother looking out for younger brother. Now, now it was jealous lover ready and willing to dissect anyone who touched his lover.

Sam slowly backed away from the blond, heading towards the car. From what Jo could see, Sam took one look at Dean before swiftly entering the car and facing front, not uttering a word to anyone. Dean sat in the driver’s seat for what seemed like an eternity, reality dictated a mere two minutes, before the engine was started and they were heading back towards the motel.

The tension in the car was suffocating, Sam shooting nervous glances to Dean while Dean just stared straight ahead, muscles tense and jaw clenched. Jo was mildly worried about just what could happen. Dean didn’t seem remotely violent towards Sam, to other people yes and if there were a chance of Dean getting his hands on this bold blond interloper then Jo was sure there would be bloodshed, and it wouldn’t be Dean’s. But currently they were just sitting there, watching the road pass by as Dean sat with an icy cold persona and Sam emanated nervous agitation. The low drone of Ozzy in the car was all that stopped Jo from commenting, deciding to let it go unless things looked to be getting bad.

When they arrived at the hotel, Dean said something about blowing off steam and wandered off, throwing the key to Sam first. Sam didn’t even blink, taking the key and letting Jo and himself into the room.

“Will he be okay?”

“Yeah? Why not?” Sam asked, and Jo remembered that she didn’t know about Sam and Dean being involved.

“He just seemed tense.” Jo tried, hoping the Sam wasn’t too observant for her own good. “Well, if you say so. I’m beat.” Jo grabbed her duffle bag and headed for the bathroom, debating on whether or not to take a cold shower. Deciding that it wouldn’t be needed Jo started to remove her clothes, wondering if she’d be able to keep them? By the time she got out of the bathroom, little shorts and tank top replacing the new clothes she got, Sam was already in his own bed. The realisation that Dean would likely share that bed later hit Jo like a volt of electricity and she felt her nerves thrumming.

Why do they turn me on? It couldn’t be normal for the object of your affections and his brother to get a girl off. Was it? Lying in her own bed she had to admit that there was a certain appeal to Sam and Dean, Sam was all limbs. Toned hunter’s body and big hands. Dean was all power and finesse, all that strength inside a sculpted body. They were both good looking, very good looking. So put them together and they’d be doubly good, right?

Sighing and leaving off on the analysing, Jo settled down and tried to sleep.


She wasn’t sure what time it was, but the strangled groan from across the room was clear and casting of light gave her a clear view of the other bed. She was instantly wide awake. Gathering her wits about her, Jo remembered to stay as still as possible, trying to keep her breathing even and shallow.

Dean had evidently returned to the room, the covers from the bed thrown back and revealing both Winchester’s in all their glory. Dean had Sam pressed to the mattress, both arms above his head and held at the wrist in one of Dean’s hands. Sam’s body was arching up towards Dean’s, their legs tangled and Jo could imagine why Sam’s breath was coming in frantic gasps.

“Dean,” the low, almost whine of a whimper sent a shiver down Jo’s spine, heat pooling between her legs as she tried not to squirm. Dean’s free hand reached between their bodies, steadily jerking Sam off, slow, long thrusts of his hand that had Sam arching beautifully and straining against Dean’s grip. The silhouette of Sam’s body, all angles and muscles, was amazing. His mouth open as Dean moved above him. Arm muscles straining, chest heaving with every breath, sweat glistening from the eerie light cast through the shoddy hotel curtains. “God, Dean, please.” Sam’s voice was gravely and husky, his plea almost coming out as a whisper.

Dean moved down, biting at Sam’s collarbone hard enough that Sam hissed, not flinching away from the attack but moving into it. In an instant Dean had let go of Sam’s wrists and hauled his body up, turning him to the wall and kneeling on the bed. Jo had to bite her lip, containing the moan that threatened to give her away. Dean’s teeth bit into Sam’s neck, the younger brother groaning at each attack, head falling forward to give Dean more skin to bite. Dean’s hand pressed between them, pushing into Sam’s ass. Sam just arched, moaning wantonly and pushing back, Dean’s name falling from his mouth like a chant. Shallow movements indicated Dean’s preparation of Sam and Jo found herself with one hand under her shorts, the heat still building as she was getting wetter and wetter.

“God, you’re so fucking tight.” Dean murmured against Sam’s skin, hand moving away from Sam’s ass and pressed into the middle of his back, leaning forward Sam braced against the wall as Dean slowly pressed his erection into Sam’s ass. Jo couldn’t help but gasp, a small whimper coming out as she rubbed her clit. Sam’s low groan covered her own, his head falling between his arms as they pushed against the wall. Dean held to Sam’s hips, slowly drawing back and them pushing back in just as slowly. It was like Dean was making a point of drawing it all out; of going slowly, of making Sam feel every last second of it. Jo’s body was wired, heat pooling in her gut, her fingers working to pleasure herself as her eyes were glued to the pornographic image in front of her.

Dean switched up his rhythm; drawing out slowly and snapping his hips back in, clearly catching Sam in just the right way as the younger male gasped and shuddered each time, hands scratching at the wall for purchase while Dean kept the speed steady.

“Mine Sammy, mine.” The possessiveness in Dean’s voice was arousing on it’s own, his mouth on Sam’s neck, muttering the word over and over against Sam’s skin as his hips thrust into the willing body in front of him was enough to bring Jo to a shuddering orgasm, just as Dean wrapped a hand around Sam’s cock, giving one sharp tug and pushing Sam over the edge.

Sam’s cry of Dean’s name covered Jo’s quiet whimper and groan as she felt herself reach completion. Sam was anything but quiet, groaning loudly and having to bite into his own bicep to muffle the noise. Dean groaned into Sam’s skin, nose close to Sam’s hair as he thrust three, four times before his body went rigid and he practically whispered Sam’s name into Sam’s ear.

They didn’t move for more than a minute, Dean kissing at Sam’s neck and throat, hands running down Sam’s chest. When they disentangled Sam pressed his mouth to Dean instantly, whispering ‘Yours’ against Dean’s mouth. As they slowly settled back into the bed, occasionally kissing and whispering words Jo couldn’t hear, Jo lay as still as possible. Coaching her own breathing even and listening to the blood rushing in her ears.

Waiting five minutes, listening for the steady breathing from the other bed, Jo quietly made her way to the bathroom, choosing to turn on the small mirror light instead of the room light. Running the cold water Jo rinsed her face before stopping to watch her own reflection. Should there be some sort of difference to say she had a secret? Some kind of tell that would give her away the next morning.

“How long have you been awake?” Jo turned suddenly, seeing Dean standing in the doorway, boxers low on his hips, hair in all kinds of angles. The scent of sex was finally penetrating her senses and it was starting to get too much.

“I, well…long enough.” Jo nodded, trying to get some kind of defence up. Dean nodded, a small smile on his face as he stepped into the bathroom. Jo braced herself against the sink, holding her ground, despite the fact that she knew he would be able to tell how turned on she was.

Dean stood directly in front of her, arms moving to cage her in, one on each side of her body. She could feel the heat coming from him; smell Sam still on his skin. It was highly intoxicating. She expected to get the ‘tell anyone, I’ll kill you’ speech. Dean protected Sam, from everything. Instead, she was met with a steady gaze and a lazy smile.

“Maybe if you ask nicely, he’d let you join.” Dean placed a tiny peck on Jo’s lips, grabbing something behind her and leaving the bathroom. Jo just stood there, completely still, lips tingling and her body tingling even more.

Join in? Oh God, she was going to melt.



Well, it will only be continued if there is call for it.
Comments breed happiness.
Con-Crit is all kinds of sex.


genre: slash, character: sam winchester, rating: nc-17, pairing: sam/dean, fandom: supernatural, series: voyeur jo, warning: incest, character: jo harvelle, author: torncorpse, character: dean winchester

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