Master List of Fics

Jan 12, 2008 23:12

Masterlist of Fics


Song to Say Goodbye // You are one of God’s mistakes // R // Drug Use
Drive // We don’t need these happy endings // NC-17 // Slash
Don't Hate Me Anymore // ‘Sometimes, when it’s dark, I just want you to come and take me away from all this’ // PG-15 // Drug Use
History // The end had to come, we were just putting it off // PG-15 // Drug Use
The End of Nothing // Does this feel like love? // PG-15 // Drug Use
Hold Me Closer // All he needed was to be loved, and maybe that could save someone else as well // PG-15 // Het, Drug Use // Written for caramel_maddy
I Promise You // Is it better this way? Is it better now? Because I don’t feel better // PG-15 // Written for caramel_maddy
FanFic 100
Beginnings // When you put me down, it hurts a million times more than when others do it // PG-15 // Drug Use
Middles // When you look at me with those eyes, telling me I can do it, I feel like nothing else matters // PG-15 // Drug Use
Hours // It's only been hours // PG-13
Yellow // People think Ryan’s got red hair // PG
Diamonds // They say the King of Diamonds is the suicide king // PG-15 // Faulty Plot
Rain // Whenever you need me, kiss the rain // PG-13 // Boy Kissing

Bam on the Brain // Ryan's got something weighing on his mind, he just can't figure it out. Dico lends a hand in the form of a concussion // PG-15 // Boy Kissing
Suddenly I See // And all at once, it’s all too clear // PG-15 // Het, Slash
All About The Glitter? // Bam likes to shock. Ryan’s shocked. // NC-17 // Raver!Bam // Written for high_school_low
Know Me Like You // Where Dunn’s confused, Bam’s unsure and Knoxville plays matchmaker. // PG // Fluff
Sweet Little Moment // April says they can’t cook. Bam’s out to prove her wrong. // R // Non-Graphic Slash // Challenge from so_pseudeogoth
Kissing it Better // Bam gets hurt and Ryan makes it better. // R // Request from nicb0723
Just Can't Get Enough // It hurts Bam, it hurts. // PG // Challenge from high_school_low
Violent Pornography // Bam gets aggressive after drinking whiskey, what about if he watches porn while drinking whiskey? // NC-17 // Slash, Alcohol // Written for high_school_low
Ending in Tears // You were meant to be the one. // PG // Drabble
Bleed Like Me // Big boys don’t cry, but they have their issues. // PG-15 // Self Harm
And Love Said No // Dunn’s sick of it, and he’s starting to move on. Until Bam throws the proverbial spanner in the works. // PG-13 // Boy Kissing // Written for caramel_maddy's birthday
Addiction // Ryan’s got a new addiction. // NC-17 // Back Alley Sex // Written for high_school_low
Tension // Bam’s got it all inside, and now he has to let it out. // R // Written for high_school_low
Bitemarks and Bloodstains // Somewhere along the line you sunk your teeth in… // Pg-15 // Angst, Violence
Cold // And then it all goes dark. // PG // Angst
Why I Love You // It’s their one month’s anniversary, and they want to make it special. // PG-13 // Based on fleshintogear_x's RPG.
Black Bullet // We’ve been here before, but it wasn’t like this. // PG-15 // Character Death // Written for reigning_damned
In Your Eyes // In your eyes, I lost my place, could stay a while. // PG
I Don't Care If You Don't Care // It was just something to do, and Bam could get used to this. // NC-17 // Written for high_school_low and fleshingtogear_x
Green Eyed // Bam doesn’t understand it, it just is. // PG-13 // Written for vodka2tharescue
In Your Arms // They’d never met like this but it was a rush anyway… // NC-17 // Written for high_school_low
Winter Swims // Bam’s and idiot, so Ryan’s taking care of it. // NC-17 // Shower Sex // Written for high_school_low
For My Love & To My Love // Ryan fixes things for Bam, and Bam keeps Ryan close. // PGish // Character Death, Angst //
A Shattered Love // Companion to For My Love & To My Love. Dico's POV. // PG // Mentioned Character Death
Vacationing // The boys get a little vacation in their own little love shack. // PG // Fluff
There's a Spider Under My Bed // Bam’s a wuss. Ryan’s the Random Hero. It fits. // PG // Written for high_school_low
Mine For Life // I’ve never been able to stop loving you Bam, but sometimes I don’t like you that much. // PG-15 // Het, Slash
Coming Out // Ryan wouldn’t pressure Bam, but Bam’s sure he’s not being pressured. // PG-13 // Boy Kissing
Lonliness // Everyone I know has gone away. // PG // Angst and Fluff
Curious // Bam just wanted to know. // NC-17 // First Time // Dedicated to caramel_maddy, high_school_low and _hoffnungloses
The Call // Bam and Ryan are seperated. Only one thing to do. // NC-17 // Phone Sex
Jealousy // Bam gets jealous. But it's not of who he'd expect. // NC-17 // Outdoor Sex
Losing Myself // I’m draining away like blood down the sink. // PG-15 // Optional POV
Externally Yours // Bam's about to marry Missy, but doubts and hopes might lead to a new discovery. // PG-13 // Mentioned Het
Externally Mine // Moving forward is sometimes like moving back. // PG-15 // Sequel to Externally Yours.
Flames // ‘Close your eyes, let me touch you now’ // PG
Bruised Lips and Bloody Kisses // We all have our secret desires, what if Bam’s scares him too much. // R // Mentions rough sex/non-con, blood play, S&M
Lose You Tonight // The thought of losing Ryan doesn’t sit well with Bam, but how does he make it right? // PG-13 // Boy Kissing
Flipping Out // They quit being pussy’s and just tried it. Sometimes Bam hated being right. // PG-13 // DVD Filler
Cuffed // Strange things happen when they drink, even stranger things happen the following morning. // NC-17 // Handcuffs
Seven Days // Some times, Ryan’s too dense for Bam to be subtle. // NC-17 // Rimming // A Birthday fic for nicb0723
What I Want // Protect me from what I want. // PG-13 // Angst

Viva La ...
A series of ficlets taken from each season of Viva La Bam. // Largely written because of caramel_maddy // NC-17 // Contains Het and Slash
Season One / Part 1
Season One / Part 2
Season Two
Season Three

Set 1
Set 2
Set 3
The Calling Series
Whiskey & Tears

Hurt Me, Heal Me // Bam always gets what he wants. Drunken Bam wants Johnny. // NC-17 // Dub-Con, Angry Sex
Traitors Embrace // When things go wrong for Bam and Ryan, Bam just wants it to numb. // PG-13 // Boy Kissing

It's All Over But the Crying // Everything you think you know, baby is wrong. And everything you think you had, baby is gone. // PG-15

Failure In Stereo // Bam wants to help Johnny, and Ryan has to help. // NC-17 // Threesome

When in Prague // It’s a miracle no one can figure it out… // NC-17 // Bathroom Sex // Written for yukieirie666


[implied Ville/Bam]
Poor Impulse Control // Sometimes hate and love mingle so much that it’s hard to separate them again. // NC-17/R // Het // Written for sublimerotica

The Rule of Four // Four loosely joined fics. Each depicting a little Ville/Linde loving. No plot - just sex. // NC-17 // Bondage, Shower Sex, Rough Sex

My Chemical Romance

Sunday Morning Wake Up // Waking up at 10am wasn't a high factor on his good day list, but waking up at 10am with Mikey's mouth wrapped around his morning erection was. // R // Incest, Morning Sex // Written for sublimerotica
Shot to Remember // But with pent up adrenaline, and a surge to his heart, it was bad for him to be around Mikey when these thoughts surfaced. // NC-17 // Incest, Dub-Con
Must've Been Something You Said // Mikey deals with the repercussions of a hard day, and Gee lends some brotherly help. // R // Incest, Mentioned 'attempted' Rape // Written for sublimerotica and loveangel2141

My 10_cliche_fics submissions
These are not written as a WIP. These are stand alone stories which can be read on their own. Although I would recommend reading them all.
Cover me in Gasoline // Mikey’s friend Frankie doesn’t really get Mikey’s big brother Gerard. Gerard thinks Frank’s nothing but a stunted nuisance. So getting locked in the school dark room together sucks so bad. // R // AU, School Boys
Gimme all Your Lovin’ [all your hugs and kisses too] // Frank and Gerard are paired on a science project for the Jersey High School Annual Fair. In competition with all the other schools, Gerard gets ambitious and Frank gets…horny? // R/NC-17 // AU, School Boys
I’ve Waited For All My Life [to be here with you tonight] // Frank’s never been forthcoming on information about his home life. So when he turns up at the Way household in the middle of the night with no explanation, questions need to be answered. Can Gerard help? // NC-17 // AU, School Boys, Child Abuse
I Feel Just Like I’ve Fallen in Love // After Frank moves into the Way house, Gerard and Frank decided to tell Mikey about their relationship. Mikey doesn’t take it too well forcing all three to confront some demons. // NC-17 // AU, School Boys, Child Abuse

Three in a Bed // Frankie is in for a surprise when Gerard invites him over. // NC-17 // Threesome, Het and Slash

Supernatural and Supernatural RPS

I'm Watching You Two From The Closet // Jo was sure she was blushing to the roots of her hair. But seeing Dean push Sam against the wall like that, she knew she didn’t stand a chance. // R // Incest, Voyeurism // Written completely for caramel_maddy and riorhapsody
I Thank Your Dad For The Damaged Goods // She wasn’t sure what time it was, but the strangled groan from across the room was clear and casting of light gave her a clear view of the other bed. She was instantly wide awake. // NC-17 // Incest, Voyeurism
A Friend With Breasts and All the Rest // It wasn’t like she knew how she’d fit in. It was up to Sam and Dean, and really she couldn’t picture it any different. // NC-17 // Incest, Threesome, Slash and Het
Possession // Dean feels the need to make sure Sam understands his place // NC-17 // Incest, Bondage
This Path Has Lost Direction // A walk through Season 2 and the developments in Sam's relationship with Dean. // NC-17 // Incest // Season Two Spoilers

The Strange Affliction Duo // Dean manages to contract a blood virus, temporarily giving him vampire like qualities. Sam has to bring his brother back from the aftermath. // NC-17// Incest, Blood Play, Dub-Con, Rough Sex // Written for riorhapsody and caramel_maddy
I Didn't Want to Fuck You Baby [but you're pretty when you're mine]
So What If You Can See [the darker side of me]

Sam’s Wonderful Confusing Gender Change Adventure // Sam wakes up with a bit of a shocker. The boys need to find out how, why and who before they can turn Sam back. Only it’s a little more complicated than that. // NC-17 // Het, Slash, Gender Swap // Written for riorhapsody's birthday.
Part 1
Part 2

The Thrill That You Give's Gonna Kill Me Dead // Jared and Jensen in an elevator. Do I need more than that? // NC-17 // Elevator Sex // Written for riorhapsody
I Constantly Thank God For... // Jared has a dilemma. Maybe telling Chad in confidence wasn’t the best idea. // R // Boy Kissing

CSI New York

Put Me Back Together // Danny knew that it would end; he didn’t know what it would take for them to admit they’d miss each other too much for it to stay ended. // NC-17 // Threesome
A Series of Unfortunately Fortunate Events // A series of events, at the time very unfortunate, lead to a rather wonderful outcome for most. // PG-13 // All-Star Cast, Het and Slash, Threesome, Character Bashing
Public // The only sounds in the room were Danny’s moaning, the slap of flesh against flesh and the occasional dirty whisperings in Danny’s ear. // NC-17 // Threesome, public sex // Drabble


Bound // Sometimes you just need a not so gentle push in the right direction. And hand cuffs. // NC-17 // Bondage, Jail Cell
Prelude to Disaster // Before things changed. // R // Slash
Fire and Ice // Fire and ice might be an old cliche, but two cocky young men stuck out on a mission in the middle of nowhere just begs for extreme smut. // NC-17 // Written for the XMMFFicathon. For mochademic
Everything You Want // A look at the life of rest for Gambit and his mystery woman. // PG // Het, Comic Verse
Can't Take It // The X-Men have to recover after they lose a valuable asset because of the past. // PG // Het, OFC, AU, Post Antartica.
Scars // Healing is hard to do, especially when you're surrounded by glass. // PG-13 // Implied Het, OFC, AU
This Time Imperfect // Even the strangest of scenes hold normalcy. // PG // Post X3 AU

X-Men: Evolution
Turning Point // When things get too much in the Acolytes, Gambit is forced to run, sparking a cascade in events leading to the demise of Magneto’s group. But surely Magneto and Sabertooth won’t just roll over and let the X-Men win, will they? // R // Abuse, implied rape, child abandonment, violence // 43,000+ // 10 chapters


This is What it Feels Like When You Come up For Air // Ryan and Stephen find a strange flower after tracking a creature in the forest. And it’s stranger than they’d think. // NC-17 // Sex Pollen
Slippery When Wet // To conserve water, Ryan makes a suggestion. // NC-17 // Shower Sex
Of Plans and Failure // Connor's on a mission and somehow Stephen gets tangled in the web. // PG-15 // Includes Het
Days Off // Early morning trysts on a morning off. // NC-17

Nothing Really Matters Behind Shades of Blue // This is what dying feels like. // This is what living feels like. // PG-13 // Post Season 2 //
Sweet Sensations, Hot Temptations // It was easy to give in to Nick, to just let him take control, to just let him do what he wanted. // NC-17 // Dub-Con, Angry Sex. Season One Spoilers

Guaranteed to Blow your Mind [anytime] // Connor and Stephen break into an office in search of incriminating evidence. Somehow they end up in the closet. // PG-13 // Boy Kissing
More My Type // Connor was more than used to being the odd one out. // PG // Fluff

The Dinner Date // Claudia and Cutter get tricked into a date. // PG // Het // Sort of sequel to 'Of Plans and Failure'.

Something More // Suddenly he was surrounded by strange, tailless, two legged animals. He’d never seen a species this strange before. // PG // Rex POV, Het
Say A Prayer For Me Now // Lester knew that coming in the field was a bad idea. // PG-13 // Angst, Slash // Staring fredbassett's Jon Lyle, slight Lester/Lyle

Five Time Stephen Kissed a Co-Worker // Pretty self-explanatory. Right? // PG // Includes slash and het.
10 Hurt/Comfort drabbles // The progression of a relationship. // R // Slash
The Inner Email of an ARC Facility // A look at the emails around the ARC for one day. // PG // Gen // Really written for the ARC Mid-March Challenge Writing Skilz.
IM Messages of the Bribery Kind // Fun drabble from the IM system of ARC // PG // Gen // Another response to the Writing Skilz challenge.
A Lizards Work is Never Done // Rex takes matters into his own claws // PG // Het // For the Primeval 100 Writers Challenge
Five People ARC Wouldn’t Cope Without [according to Olivia Wilson] // There were five people at ARC that Olivia Wilson, personal secretary to James Lester, thought were irreplaceable. // PG // Gen, side of Slash
Action and Reaction // Too much sugar for Connor gives Cutter a headache. // PG // Humour
Full Circle // She certainly wasn’t expecting Connor to shut her out. // PG // Drabble, Post Season Two
Concentrate // Connor had never thought that shooting lessons would be like this. // R // Drabble

Kingdom Hearts

Interluding Moments // A small interlude in a world of darkness. // PG // Drabble // Written for hollow_strife
Take You to the Mat // Leon felt Cloud's breath on his skin, the heavy breathing not only because of the strenuous work out. // NC-17 // Cloud/Leon // Written for hollow_strife
Denial // No attachments, no strings, tension relief and a warm body, that was all either of them wanted. // NC-17 // Drabble // Cloud/Leon
Hidden // Shadows were a Nobodies best friend. // PG-13 // Drabble // Axel/Roxas

Final Fantasy

Twenty Things You Never Knew You Never Knew About Tseng // Twenty facts [made up] about Tseng the Turk // PG-13 // Het
Ten Things Aerith Never Did, But Wishes She Had // Ten things that Aerith Gainsborough wishes she did, but never got the chance to // PG-13 // Implied Het, AU, Spoilers
Five People Yuffie Kisaragi Kissed // Yuffie‘s kissed five people in her life. Only one has ever kissed her back. // PG-13 // Het, AU, Spoilers // Yuffie/Vincent
One Morning with You // Zack likes Cloud‘s idea of an early morning wake up. // R // Slash, AU // Cloud/Zack
Confined // A brief clinch in a small space // R // Drabble // Cloud/Zack
Lazy // I‘ve only ever been in love once before. He was a lot like you. // PG-13 // Implied femmeslash // Aerith/Yuffie
Kiss Me It‘ll Heal [but it won‘t forget] // Sometimes you need to go the extra mile to maintain your cover story. But Reno never really imagined this would be an outcome at all. // NC-17 // Threesome, rough sex // Rufus/Reno/Tseng
Tattooed Your Name [so you won’t forget to claim] // He'd done this, put that need in that usually steady voice. // NC-17 // Bondage, sensory deprivation // Rude/Reno


If It Ain’t Your Love [I want blood from you] // "You're supposed to block." "Shut up." "You're bleeding everywhere." "Well stop staring and cast a cure." // PG-13 // Bad language // Seifer/Squall


Darkness and Light // Darkness turned her back on me, leaving me with nightmares and a cold disposition // PG // Gen

master list

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