I Constantly Thank God For… [Jared/Jensen R]

Jan 12, 2008 17:36

Title: I Constantly Thank God For…
Author: vampire_heart/insomniacs_home
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Rating: R
Dedicated: To those who like Chad.
Because I felt a little bad about bashing on him all the time.

Summary: Jared has a dilemma. Maybe telling Chad in confidence wasn’t the best idea.

I Constantly Thank God for…

“I don’t think that approach will get me much more than a broken jaw.” Jared said down the phone, flopping onto the couch and disturbing Harley. He just shook himself free, padding through to the kitchen or somewhere else, likely going to find Sadie.

“I’m telling you man. Sophia went that way and it blew me away.”

“And look where that got you. Divorced and almost kicked off the show, which really they need you for.” Jared replied sarcastically.

“Dude, if you didn’t want my advice why’d you bother calling and telling me?” Jared supposed he was being a little hard on Chad. After all, it was just before midnight in Vancouver, and Chad was somewhere in England, doing promotional touring for One Tree Hill’s next season.

“Okay, whatever. Just remember that this is me and not Sophia. I can’t exactly grope my co-star in public.”

“Isn’t that what you usually do?” Even on the phone, Jared could hear the smirk in Chad’s voice.

“Excuse me?”

“Man, I’ve seen the pictures and interviews. If you two aren’t pawing at each other you’re climbing him like a tree. Dude, there are rumours. You know you’ve made it when there are rumours.”

“But that’s not…that’s not groping.”

“Yeah man, it is.” Chad answered, pausing for a moment and Jared could hear the yawn.

“What time is it there?”

“The back of bumfuck early.” Which meant Chad should’ve been up anyway. “How did Jensen react when you told him you broke up with Sandy?”

“Well, I haven’t actually told him yet.”

“You haven’t told your best friend that you broke up with a girl that you admitted yourself was fuckin’ perfect? Dude are you retarded?”

“Dude, you’re my best friend.”

“No, see compared to you and Jensen, I’m just a really close buddy who you call at ridiculous times of the day. Now, why didn’t you tell Jensen you broke up with Sandy last week?”

“Cause then he’ll ask me why and I don’t know how to tell him.” Jared picked at the loose threads on his jeans absently, trying not to feel like he was being scolded by his mother.

“How about ‘cause I rather be fucking you’?” Chad offered. “It’s simple and to the point.”

“Can you be serious for just one minute?”

“I am! You broke it off with Sandy cause you’re mad about Jensen. But you still haven’t told Jensen that you can’t stop thinking about him. Dude, if hear you go on about this much more I might end up liking the guy. So stop with the emo ass phone calls and just tell him. Or so help me God I’ll get on a plane and smack you upside that over grown head.”

“Yeah, maybe. I dunno.” Chad sighed down the phone and Jared figured he had that look on his face that just screamed frustration.

“Dude, I gotta go. Take a fucking shower, get yourself together and tell Jensen how you feel.”

Chad hung up before Jared could answer and he was left sprawled on the sofa staring at the phone. Harley and Sadie were sitting at the end of the sofa, both staring at him.

“You can’t be taking his side. Who feeds you?” There was no reply and Jared didn’t really expect one. “Okay. Fine! I’m going for a shower.”


Chad shook his head, ignoring the early morning cobwebs. There was no way Jared would take the plunge, not for a good while yet. And Chad wasn’t prepared to go through this for another week or however long. Not when it could be resolved so easily. Scrolling through his cell for the number he’d stolen from Jared’s phone with the intention of prank calls, Chad made a call he’d swear he’d never have thought he’d ever make.


One hour later, Jared wandered through the house towards the insistent pounding on the front door. Feet padding across the wooden floor and hair dripping water everywhere.

“Alright, okay. I’m coming.” He paused briefly to wander if Chad had been lying about being in England and had come to smack his head, but dismissed it quickly. Pulling the towel as tightly around his waist as he could Jared opened the front door. Just shy of 1am Jared didn’t really expect to find a near frantic and tousled Jensen Ackles on his door step. “Jensen, what’re you doing here?”

“Are you okay? What happened? Why are you wet?” Jensen stepped inside the house, eyes searching over the living room and joint kitchen while pulling off his jacket.

“Um, yes, I don’t know, I was in the shower.” Jared asked, standing stupidly in just a towel, dripping on his floor. “Are you okay?”

“I came to make sure you were okay.”

“Why wouldn’t I be okay?”

“Dude, I know she meant a lot to you. It’s okay to be upset.” Jensen said, giving Sadie an affectionate pat as she nudged at his leg before wandering off again.

“Why am I upset?” Jared was sure he’d fallen into the twilight zone. Maybe he’d hit is head in the shower and this was a weird dream that his subconscious had cooked up to confuse him.

“Sandy! You broke up with her. Are you okay?” It took a while for Jared’s brain to process things and catch up, his mind still stuck on tousled Jensen and kissable lips. “Yeah, I’m fine. I just…wait. What? Did Chad call you?”

“Yes. Said you’d broke up with Sandy, said you’d sounded off and asked if I would check up on you. Dude, why did Chad have to tell me you’d broke up with your girlfriend?” Jared felt a headache coming on as Jensen stood there, waiting for an answer.

“I just didn’t want to bother you with my stupidity. And Chad owes me for dealing with all his stupidity.”

“You think it was a mistake? Well hell, we can win her back for you. We can woo her, or hell call Chad. The guys a sleaze, but he seems to be able to woo the girl.” Jensen started pacing, formulating plans for Jared to win back the girl he’d dumped for Jensen. “How does Sandy feel about overblown public shows of affection? Can you sing?”

“I don’t know. And no.” Jared shrugged, before realising what he’d said. “No. Jensen, thanks but, I don’t want her back.” Jared said, running one hand through his rapidly drying hair while the other hand clutched to the towel for dear life.

“What? Why not? Why are you stupid then?”

“I don’t want Sandy. I want someone else, I just, I didn’t want to bother you is all.” Jared felt the blush start up and decided a hasty retreat was needed. Only problem was this was his house, and throwing Jensen out would be rather impolite. “I um, I need to get dressed.”

Jared made a swift exit, swearing to every God or deity listening that he was going to skin Chad the next time they met up. He stood in his bedroom, trying to figure out what to put on. Jeans and a shirt were too much. But boxers and a t-shirt were too little. Why did these things have to happen to him?

“Is it me?” Jared turned around sharply, seeing Jensen in the doorway with a curious look on his face. Jared thought he’d saw something resembling hope flit across Jensen’s face and Jared furthered his hate on Jensen’s handling of his emotions.

“What?” Jared thought it might be wishful thinking, but the idea that Jensen thought it might be him that Jared was interested in and wasn’t running in the other direction, or threatening to beat Jared black and blue, had to be a good sign.

“The person you want.” Jensen stepped into the room, voice low and steady as he maintained eye contact. “Is it me?” Jensen could’ve been asking for Jared’s soul at that very second and the answer would be the same a million times over.


“So why not just tell me?”

“Didn’t know how you’d react.” Jared admitted. “Didn’t want you to hate me.”

“God Jay, could never hate you.” Jensen’s voice was low and husky, doing all sorts of things to Jared’s body. “And now I owe Mayhem for this.”

“For what?”

Jensen didn’t vocalise his answer, instead pulling Jared’s head down, fingers tangling in Jared’s hair as their lips met. Jared moaned as Jensen pressed for entry to his mouth, tongues moving together before Jensen started the slow exploration of Jared’s mouth. Jared felt the need to make sure it was real, hands moving to Jensen’s waist, running up his back and enjoying the play of muscles under his touch.

Jensen’s hands wandered over Jared’s skin, stroking lightly up his arms before caressing down his chest, eventually resting over Jared’s ass. They broke apart for breath, Jensen wasting little time and pulling his t-shirt over his head and throwing to the floor while Jared’s fingers worked at Jensen’s jeans, getting the belt buckle and button undone before Jensen waved away his efforts and Jared found himself practically thrown to the bed, towel being pulled off on the way. Jensen knelt at the edge of the bed, pushing Jared’s legs apart before licking up one thigh, moving closer to Jared’s erection.

“Jesus.” Jared strained under the light teasing, fingers itching to push Jensen’s head to where he really wanted it, back arching up in an attempt to hurry Jensen. When Jensen’s lips closed over Jared’s erection it was like being encased in pure bliss. The velvety warmth and slick feeling of Jensen’s tongue sending Jared’s body into overdrive. “God, Jen,” Jared’s hands twisted in the sheets, clawing for purchase while Jensen started bobbing his head, withdrawing slowly before sliding Jared’s cock back into his mouth. Jared moaned as the sensations spiked up Jared’s spine.

Unable to stop himself, Jared’s fingers moved to the back on Jensen’s head, his hips thrusting up to get more from those luscious lips. A strong grip pushed his hips down, but Jensen made no complaint as Jared’s hands encouraged a faster rhythm, fingers digging into Jensen’s scalp.

The build up started in Jared’s gut, coiling and twisting and Jared found himself incapable of forming a coherent sentence or enough warning to tell Jensen he was close. Attempting to pull Jensen’s head away earned him a swat to the thigh, the stinging doing enough to push Jared a little bit closer. When Jensen’s throat closed around Jared’s cock and he hummed, Jared was lost, a silent cry falling from his lips as he felt his body shudder its release.

Jensen kept working him, milking him until he was done and swallowing around Jared, taking everything. Pulling Jensen away from his spent cock, Jared took Jensen’s mouth with his own, still tasting himself on Jensen’s tongue. Rolling them over Jared pressed his body flush with Jensen’s, hand dipping into open jeans and finding Jensen’s straining erection.

With sure, firm pumps of his hand, Jared watched Jensen’s expressions change. His green eyes blown wide from the pleasure, mouth open and panting, face flushed just so and freckles clear for the world to see. Jared leaned down, nibbling at Jensen’s collarbone as Jensen clung to his arms, hips thrusting erratically into Jared’s hand as the orgasm built. Jensen’s head pressed back, neck exposed, teeth biting into his bottom lip as a groan broke out of his throat and his back arched. Jared tightened his grip and ran a thumb over the leaking head of Jensen’s cock and with a shout of Jared’s name; Jensen came over Jared’s hand and their chests.

The following few minutes were silent save for the heavy breathing and occasional wet kissing. Jared moved to pull Jensen’s jeans all the way off, throwing them to the floor. Grabbing tissues from the beside table Jared cleaned them both up before pulling Jensen under the covers and both of them settled down.

“Does this mean you like me too?” Jared whispered with a laugh. Jensen didn’t answer, just curling into Jared’s body and resting his head on his shoulder.


It was 6:45 when they both awoke to the sound of a phone ringing. Jensen grabbed it since he was closer and neither thought anything of it.


“Hey, just checking up on the Sasquatch. I figure I don’t need to since you answered his phone, right Jenny-boy?” With an irritated sigh Jensen rolled his eyes.

“Yeah. Whatever. Thanks. Now fuck off.” There was laughter on the other end before both hung up and Jensen moved back towards the heat of Jared’s body.

“Chad’s very pleased with himself.”

“Well he would be.” Jared murmured, breathing in Jensen’s scent. “I think I’ll send him a fruit basket.”

With a snort the pair fell back asleep, deciding to ignore the rude wake up call.


Comments breed happiness.

character: jared padalecki, character: jensen ackles, genre: slash, rating: r, fandom: supernatural, warning: rps, pairing: jensen/jared, author: torncorpse

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