The thrill that you give is gonna kill me dead [Jensen/Jared]

Apr 17, 2007 12:59

Title: The thrill that you give is gonna kill me dead
Author: vampire_heart/insomniacs_home
Pairing: Jensen/Jared
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 1,972
Warnings: RPS, exhibition, elevator sex.
AN: Because Catt owns me. And my muse. And cause she’s unbelievable.
Dedicated: To riorhapsody she made me an awesome Ten Inch Hero header for my personal journal, and lots of pretty icons.

Title taken from Har Mar Superstar’s single ‘Cut Me Up’ which was on repeat for most of this story.

Summary: Jared and Jensen in an elevator. Do I need more than that?
Pure smut, no plot. Just…sex.

Jared knew Jensen was vain; not overly so, but enough that, had it been anyone else it would certainly be annoying. With Jensen though it was mildly endearing. The way he just had to do a quick check before he left his apartment, how he always watched himself while in make-up, even just walking past reflective glass, there was that quick double glance to make sure everything was in place.

So yeah, Jared knew that Jensen had this thing for looking at himself, Chad had even mentioned it during one of those times where he just had to bitch, ‘Has he ever been able to walk past his own reflection without gawking at it? The answer was probably no, but then again, Jensen had a lot to gawk at, as Chad so eloquently put it.

From the shade of his eyes right down to the number of freckles, the curve of his lips, the line of his jaw, the way his eyebrow sometimes quirked completely on its own. Jensen was definitely something to admire, and why shouldn’t he? Those freckles make him adorable in a non-kid like way, whereas Jared is convinced he’s just the cute kid on the TV, Jensen’s the brooding sexy one. And his eyes, oh God, Jensen’s eyes actually change colour depending on his mood, no joke. Sometimes, his eyes go from sea-green to jade in a second, and on the off occasion when they get really drunk, all you can see is a rim of emerald around the dark of Jen’s pupil.

Without a doubt though, Jensen’s best feature is his mouth. Those lush lips that are just made for kissing, the way they quirked when he smirked, or when they pulled apart when that shit eating grin spread over his face. Sometimes, Jared thought far too much about those lips, and it was hard not to just kiss them when the urge hit him. As it was, only Christian Kane and Chad Michael Murray knew that, given the opportunity, Jensen and Jared would spend their days in bed together and moving for no one. They’d only really started sleeping together, stepping up from their already very close relationship into a more fulfilling role for each other, and only their two closest friends each knew - although Jensen’s disapproval of Chad being told was loud and clear.

But Jared was noticing all the little bits of Jensen’s personality that just seemed so out of this world. The vanity was one thing. Another was Jensen’s exhibitionistic streak. So when Jared walked into the hotel elevator, noticing instantly the mirrored walls, at 4am, he should’ve instantly known what was about to happen.

The first hint was Jensen’s calm swagger and cock sure smirk, even while checking out his reflection as Jared shook his head and pressed the button for their floor, there were subtle hints - if Jensen ever really did subtle.

But when Jared was yanked back, pushed against the back wall while Jensen hit the emergency stop button, that was when Jared noticed that the cock sure smirk had morphed into the I’m-getting-laid grin. In the elevator. Jared would’ve made a smart assed comment, but when Jensen’s hands went straight inside his jacket, moving down to cup his ass and pull their bodies closer, Jared really didn’t have anything to say.

It always started out lazy, soft kisses against his jaw before Jensen would swoop in - if someone could really swoop on someone who was 4 inches taller than them - and practically take possession of Jared’s mouth. Jensen kissed like he acted, with a serious intensity that just had him owning the scene. In this case, he was pretty much owning Jared, and the taller male had no problem with that since it did all sorts of good things for him. Jensen’s tongue darted out to wet Jared’s lips and Jared parted them, expecting Jensen to continue his little exploration. But Jensen’s tongue continued to just play with Jared’s mouth, running around his lips, trailing over his teeth before finally entering Jared’s mouth and seemingly mapping out every single detail. Jensen always loved to kiss, he loved to just be able to laze around and just kiss. Something that Jared realised pretty early on about Jensen was that he conveyed things through touch, and kissing was his favourite method.

Jensen’s thigh pushed between Jared’s legs, brushing against his slowly awakening cock, before Jensen pushed his own hard cock into Jared’s hip. Jensen moaned into Jared’s mouth and they had to break apart just to breathe, Jen’s head resting against Jared’s shoulder as he continued to just hump against his thigh.

“Dude, are you serious?” Jared remembered their last time vividly, hell, it only happened three hours ago. But Jensen was like a rabbit. He just kept going.

“Can I help it if you’re just too irresistible?” Jensen murmured, his lips brushing against Jared’s throat, tongue making a quick swipe against sweat-salted skin. Jared only just managed to repress the shudder, Jensen may have some kind of kissing fetish, but Jared’s own fetish just happened to include anything Jensen did with his tongue. “Are you saying you’re not interested?” It was a low blow and Jensen knew it, and Jared knew he knew it from the smirk on his face and the way he palmed Jared’s cock through his jeans. Jared gasped audibly and pushed his hips forward, needing more contact and friction or anything, he just needed it.

“God you’re a tease.” Jared panted, clutching the bar behind his hips, as Jensen pressed kisses along his throat while flicking Jared’s jeans open and snaking a hand inside his boxers. Jensen’s fingers trailed over the underside of his cock, coaxing him to full hardness while still teasing at the skin of Jared’s neck with his teeth and tongue. Jensen pushed Jared’s jeans down over his hips, tugging them to the floor and Jared was spun around, a hand pressing to the bottom of his spine to urge him forward a little. Jared braced himself against the wall, hands holding the support bar as he glanced over his shoulder as Jensen pulled his jeans and boxers down over his hips and moved behind him.

“You want it?” Jensen had that smirk on his face again, his thumb pressing just at the rim of Jared’s ass, “You want me to fuck you right here?” Jared moaned and pushed his ass back, trying to get Jensen to just do it, his thumb slipping past the ring of muscle. The groan of pleasure practically vibrated through Jared, his neck craning back and his mouth falling open in a silent cry. Jensen bit his tongue between his lips, smiling as he watched Jared’s expressions change in the mirrored wall in front of him. The thumb was slowly removed, two fingers being slowing inserted in its place. “God, you’re still loose from before.”

“So hurry up and fuck me.” Jared complained, pushing back into Jensen as completely confident fingers trailed over his cock and those fingers still pressed up inside him. Jensen chuckled mildly, the sound over cast with the lust that’s in his voice, as he withdrew his fingers and lined himself up behind Jared for the fifth time that day. Well technically it was the first time that day, but Jared didn’t really care, because the tip of Jensen’s erection was slowly teasing its way into his body, fitting almost perfectly with just a little bit of stretch, just to make it that much sweeter.

“God, you’re just so fucking perfect.” Jensen pressed his length all the way in, not stopping till his balls were touching the back of Jared’s thighs. That was when he stopped, just waiting there, and Jared mewled in frustration. “Look at you.” Jensen’s voice was husky and strained as he whispered in Jared’s ear. Jensen’s hand trailed up under Jared’s shirt, stroking tense muscles before pinching down painfully on a nipple. Jared gasped and hissed in surprise, his eyes snapping open. He nearly came right there.

Even in the off coloured and slightly blurred mirror, Jared could see what Jensen was mumbling about. They both stood there, eyes linked in the mirror, as Jensen continued to pet Jared’s stomach and chest. When Jensen started his subtle thrusts, mild movements of his hips to begin with, Jared sighed in pleasure, biting his lip as the slow burn and radiating pleasure started to build. Slowly but surely Jensen’s pace built, the strokes lengthening as Jensen withdrew almost completely before pushing back in quickly, catching Jared in just the right way that his entire body was pulsing with the pleasure.

“Harder, please,” Jared would never admit it, but Jensen knew exactly how to fuck him, knew exactly where to touch, how to touch, every way to drive Jared over the edge and beyond. But the boy was vain enough without Jared stroking his ego. “Fuck!” Jensen smirked into the mirror, eyes dancing with mirth as Jared threw his head back on a strong thrust to his prostate, then another, and another. Jared was moaning like a two-bit whore, one hand pressing against the mirror; nails scraping the glass, the other moving to take his weeping erection in hand, stroking in time with Jensen’s thrusts.

“Come on, baby. You want it like that?” Jensen bit into Jared’s shoulder, moaning around the skin as his hips thrust erratically, all rhythm lost in the need for release. Jensen clutched to Jared’s hips almost painfully, pulling back on every thrust, building the pressure as he strained to bring them both off. When Jen bit down on Jared’s ear, just as he hit Jared’s prostate with a brutal stab, Jared’s whole body tensed as his climax shot through him, his cum hitting the wall with force. “Oh God, Jay.”

Jared watched Jensen come undone, one, two… five more thrusts into the clenching heat before Jensen went rigid and came, moaning Jared’s name against his sweat slick neck. They stayed like that for a few moments, Jensen’s nose in the back on Jared’s hair, Jared only just managing to stay standing up with Jensen’s weight on his back as his chest pressed against him. All too soon Jensen was pulling away from him though; their bodies protesting to the movement as Jensen pulled out of Jared and moved back, pulling his pants and boxers up again. Jared followed his lead, picking up his jeans and boxers and moving to lean against the side panel, watching Jensen with hooded eyes. He was spent, completely and utterly, all Jared wanted to do was crawl into a bed and sleep ‘til noon.

Jensen pushed the stop button again, releasing it this time and the elevator jerked back to life. Jared smirked slightly, almost sleeping on his feet, until Jensen moved to plaster himself against Jared’s body. Their lips met in a lazy, unhurried and messy kiss. Nothing but tongue and lips, no finesse or dexterity in it, just tongues pressing and lips moving together. “We should do something about that.” Jared mumbled against Jen’s lips, indicated jerkily to the mess on the other wall that they made. A chuckle from Jensen blew warm breath against Jared’s lips.

“Leave it,” Jensen smiled and Jared had to laugh. Who’d have known that Jensen was such a kinky bastard?

“Dude, you are so gonna be the death of me.” Jared laughed, loving how Jensen was still pressing into his body.

“Yeah, but you’ll die happy, right?” And really, how could you argue with that?


Okay, so, first J2. Comments would be great.

character: jared padalecki, character: jensen ackles, genre: slash, rating: nc-17, fandom: supernatural, warning: rps, pairing: jensen/jared, author: torncorpse

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