I Didn't Want to Fuck You Baby [Dean/Sam SPN]

Mar 16, 2007 00:00

Title: I Didn’t Want to Fuck You Baby [But You’re Pretty When You’re Mine]
Author: vampire_heart/insomniacs_home
Pairing: Dean/Sam
Warnings: Slash, incest, blood play [*blinks*] and a completely wild theory, which doubles as a tiny bit of plot. Dub-con! Un-beta read.
AN: Maddy should not be allowed to badger people to write. Plot bunnies pop out of everything.
Dedicated: To caramel_maddy, because she is God and pretty much egged me on, and riorhapsody because she feed’s my Supernatural needs and is all around awesome.

Everyone should listen to VAST’s ‘Pretty When You Cry’. It’s the perfect wincest track.

Summary: ‘Are you staring at my neck?’
Dean manages to contract a blood virus, temporarily giving him vampire like qualities.

MILD WARNING: dub-con ahead. Sorry if it squicks

“You’re completely sure?” Sam sighed down the phone; he didn’t really understand how things could get so weird in their already weird life. In the space of just a day everything was turned upside down.

They had been hunting what they thought was a Black Dog. There had been seven victims, throats ripped out, teeth marks over their arms, legs and torsos. Then it had changed. Another three victims, this time with smaller bites; imprints like human teeth. Except there were far too many teeth for it to be human.

“A werewolf?” Dean had been stumped; there was nothing in Dad’s journal to say anything about a creature like this, nothing about a demon or wolf changing from one form to the next.

“The cycle of the moon’s all wrong. The last full month was two weeks ago. It lasts two days. The seven that were ‘mauled’ took place between August 9th and September 4th. That’s almost three weeks Dean. Maybe it’s something that works in the opposite way. Is almost human one week and … wolf the other three?”

“Now wouldn’t that be fun.” Dean hadn’t been in the least bit keen to go into the job without knowing what they were up against, and with the body count climbing and the victims injuries varying from wolf like attack to an almost vampire like attacks. “We need to figure this one out. Before another innocent person gets mauled.” And that had been when they’d set off. Asheville, North Carolina, six of the ten victims had lived in or near Asheville; it seemed like the best place to start.

It was when a University student had been attacked that things turned really ugly. Trying to figure out what kind of exorcism would work on the still unknown creature and still keeping the young girl, a petite brunette who’d introduced herself as Catt, safe from harm had been a little bit complicated. In the end Sam had deep lacerations on his left shoulder while Dean got bit in the arm. They’d dropped Catt off at the University campus, the girl mildly shaken but unharmed thanks to Dean and his ‘I’ll shove my arm in its mouth’ decision.

“What was that thing?” Sam had glanced back at Dean, worried mildly about the bite in his arm before turning back to Catt.

“We’re not sure. But we’re going to stop it.” She had seemed content in the knowledge that they were both trying to fight it. “Call animal control tonight, tell them that a large wolf like dog is roaming the campus grounds, it should get them to enforce some kind of curfew.”

“Thank you. I don’t want to think what would’ve happened if you hadn’t been there.” With a nod and smile Sam made his way back to Dean and the Impala, finding his brother scratching around the wound on his arm.

“She okay?”

“A little shook up, but she’ll be fine.” Sam saw the angry redness around Dean’s torn skin, the blood was clotting but it didn’t look right. “Dean, we should get you to a hospital, that doesn’t look good.”

“Sam, it’s fine. We’ll get cleaned up, do some more searching and then go kill this thing.” Sam hadn’t been happy, and looking back maybe he should’ve pressed more to get Dean to a hospital or something. But he’d always trusted Dean’s judgement before and he’d never thought that things would’ve ended up like this.

After Sam’s shoulder had been cleaned, and Dean’s arm had been tended to - although not to Sam’s satisfaction but it was all Dean would allow, things had gotten weirder. Sam was sure Dean was growling, he wouldn’t sit still, he was channel surfing worse than before and he was constantly drawn to the window. Sam had been trying to find something, anything, on the net; constantly coming up with nothing.

The clincher for Sam had been during a little break from his research. His muscles were tense, his eyes were tired and he was sure he’d have a migraine soon. He’d thought this was somewhat behind him when he’d left Stanford with Dean. Stretching his arms over his head; mindful of his torn shoulder, Sam had waited till he felt the kinks in his back had loosened. That was when he’d felt it, Dean’s presence right there, their bodies were almost touching and Dean had leant up slightly, lips brushing the back of Sam’s ear before inhaling.

Sam had turned around so quickly his head almost spun. Backing up Sam had practically gawked at Dean, seeing nothing on his face that registered as strange. “Are you staring at my neck?” Sam was sure that was where his brother’s eyes had lingered, but Dean was staring him in the eye now, no different from any other time they’d looked each other in the eye. Dean had pulled out one of his old wife beaters, not wanting to ruin yet another shirt with blood stains; it gave Sam a clear view of the bandaged arm - the bandage now stained with crimson. Collecting himself Sam had put it down to his imagination, but kept his guard up.

“I should change the dressing.” He’d mumbled, turning and heading to the bathroom, getting clean bandages and antiseptic from their make shift first aid kit. Within seconds Dean’s there, pressing against him, pushing into him. Sam’s hands grip the white porcelain of the sink while Dean’s hands hold tightly to sharp hip bones, pulling their bodies flush and grinding into Sam’s backside.

“I can smell you Sammy,” Dean’s voice was husky, right beside his ear, “I can smell your blood and it makes my head spin.” A sharp rotation of hips and Sam was moaning and almost pressing back against Dean, almost wanting more. “I want you Sammy, and I’m gonna have you.” When Dean’s mouth had pressed over his neck; just behind his ear and down a little, Sam had jerked away. Pushing Dean back into the bath tub Sam had virtually ran from the bathroom, pulling the door closed behind him and grabbing the chair from the corner.

After wedging the chair under the handle and effectively locking Dean in the bathroom, Sam moved to the middle of the room, standing in front of the mirror. Turning his neck slightly and pulling down the collar of his shirt Sam cringed at the sight. Teeth marks, not human teeth marks, indented on his skin. There was a tiny trace of blood, were a few of the teeth had tore the skin. That was when Sam had called Bobby.

And heard the things he didn’t want to hear.

“So it’s in his blood? For good?” Sam hadn’t been willing to accept that his brother now had this…thing in him. Blood disease or not. “Does that mean that all these attacks, all these killings will just continue?”

“No, it’s a type of demon, a cellular one. There are creatures that never evolved past the single cell stage, like flu bugs only deadly. This one, this one is the clincher.” Sam had paced the entire room, hand threading through his hair while he tried to stay slightly calm. “Good news is it’s a simple incantation to kill the thing.”

“Okay, can you remember it, or know where it’s from? Maybe there’s something in Dad’s journal.”

“Calm down boy, when I said simple I meant simple. I can kill it from here.” That had given Sam pause.

“Really? So, you can just what, hocus pocus it and it’s gone?”

“Told ya, this thing didn’t evolve. At all.”

“You’re completely sure?” Having got this far, been this confused and not known anything for so long, it was hard to accept that an unevolved demon was what had reaped so much havoc.

“Only thing is the side effects.” Sam knew it; he just knew that they wouldn’t get out of this one that easily. “Dean’s going to suffer the effects for about three hours, even once the demon’s dead.”

“You mean like what’s happening just now? He’s just going to stay like that for a few hours and then what, he’s back to normal?”


“Hmm.” Sam knew he could probably keep Dean in the bathroom for the next three hours. “Okay. I’ll call you in the morning and tell you if it worked.” He said goodbye to Bobby and fell back on the bed. He sighed heavily, hearing the low drone of Dean’s humming and figuring that everything would work out in the end. After all, Bobby was sure this would work.

Sam had just sprawled out on the bed for fifteen minutes before he heard the crash of the chair falling to the ground. Springing up from the bed Sam was met with Dean; standing in front of him with a wide grin and the handle from the bathroom door in this hand.

“Now that’s not nice Sammy.” Dean took one step towards Sam and Sam took one step back. There was a glint in his older brother’s eye, one that was less than human, one that was slightly feral. Sam glanced around the room, he couldn’t exactly leave, that would mean Dean could leave. If anything happened to Dean; or if Dean did anything while like this, Sam would never forgive himself. “Come on Sammy, you’re not scared of me, are you?”

Sam side stepped, heading towards the duffle that Dean had brought in from the hunt, worst comes to worst he could clock Dean one and tie him up until the morning. But Dean had other plans. Moving faster than humanly possible, Dean breached the space between him and Sam, pressing Sam against the wall. Leaning in close Dean nudged Sam’s head to the side, breathing in while pinning Sam’s body with his own. One arm forced Sam’s shoulders against the wall, pressing against Sam’s neck. His other hand came up, weaving into Sam’s hair and holding his head to the side, Dean’s mouth pressed small kisses to Sam’s neck, tongue licking at the salty-sweat skin.

“Dean,” Sam tried to move, tried to get Dean to back up, to let go, anything. All it got him was a knee pushed between his thighs, rubbing up against his groin with just the right amount of friction. Sam bit down the moan, his body still wired from the encounter in the bathroom. It didn’t help that Dean was nibbling slightly on his neck, moving up to the lobe of his ear, teeth biting down just right. Sam instinctively arched his body up, pressing into the knee and that caused a spark throughout his body. Dean smiled against his skin as Sam moaned with pleasure.

“See, you do want me.” Suddenly Dean’s warmth was gone; Sam’s entire body was thrown to the bed, hands tearing at the t-shirt he wore. Dean ripped the fabric right down the middle, tossing the ruined garment to the floor before his head dropped to Sam’s chest; trailing kisses, licks and bites over the exposed skin. Sam got lost in the sensations, he didn’t care that this was his brother, didn’t care that his brother was suffering from some kind of demonic possession; he just didn’t want the feelings to stop. When Dean ripped the gauze on Sam’s shoulder off, the younger brother cried out, twisting away from the body above him. Dean pressed his body down, holding Sam in place while moving up and trailing his tongue gently along Sam’s injured shoulder. “Shh,” Dean’s hands ran through Sam’s hair, almost as if he were petting him. “You know I won’t hurt you. I’d never hurt you.”

Dean pressed a chaste, closed mouth kiss to Sam’s lips before moving his weight up and off Sam, tugging at the belt on Sam’s jeans. Sam feebly tried to stop Dean, his hands easily pressed away with a firm grip and a warning squeeze. Sam left this hands where Dean put them on the bed. Quickly Sam’s jeans and boxers were thrown to the floor with his shirt, Dean standing above him, stripping his own clothes slowly before crawling over Sam’s body. Sure hands trailed over warm skin, Dean knowing almost instinctively where to touch Sam, almost as if something in Dean was telling him how Sam needed to be touched, how Sam needed to feel Dean.

Their first proper kiss was tainted with blood, Dean’s unnaturally sharp teeth tearing Sam’s lip and sparking the copper tang of blood to flood into each of their mouths. Dean’s tongue seemed impossibly long, trailing around every crevice of Sam’s mouth, tasting so deep and pulling Sam into a bliss he’d never felt before. When Sam felt Dean push his legs open he stiffened almost impulsively; his muscles tensing even as Dean continued, a single finger breaching Sam’s entrance and pushing inside none too gently. Sam pulled away from Dean, but a strong clamp on his hip kept him in place on the bed while Dean’s probing digit pressed deeper. When Dean rubbed against his prostate Sam almost arched off the bed entirely, moaning low and deep in his chest. Dean smirked, adding another finger and repeating the action. The pleasure was mixed with pain this time, the combination making Sam’s head spin and his body weak. When all the sensations stopped suddenly, fingers withdrawn and Dean’s body moving, Sam looked up at his big brother with worried eyes. With no slick, Sam knew he’d end up torn in some way.

“Dean,” shaking his head Sam knew the shake in his voice was evident. Dean just smiled, and Sam had this sick feeling in his gut that something inside Dean wanted them to hurt. Something wanted to hurt Sam here and now, it wanted Dean to hurt afterwards. Would Dean remember this? Was this even Dean? It may move and sound like Dean, but this little blood demon could’ve completely taken over his brother the instant it got into his system. Dean pulled something out of the back pocket of his jeans. A condom.

“Pre-lubed.” The triumphant smirk and quirk of the eyebrow was pure Dean, that lust filled gaze was unrestrained, aimed towards him; and Sam felt a coil of tightness spread through his chest. Dean tore into the foil with those teeth, and Sam could see the inhuman sharpness to them, the tiny razor sharp fangs that seemed to curve over Dean’s own white teeth. “Relax.” The husky whisper sent a shiver down Sam’s spine, even as the blunt tip of Dean’s cock pressed to his ass.

Dean pushed in slowly, and even with the ‘lube’ of the condom Sam felt the burn and stretch, twisting his head away from Dean, hands automatically pushing at Dean’s chest to stop the intrusion. Dean grabbed Sam’s hands away, pressing them down either side of his head before pressing further into Sam, slowly sheathing himself in Sam’s body. Moaning in pain Sam pressed his head into the pillow, hot tears spilling onto the cotton. Dean kissed at the corner of his eye, taking a tear with him before moving to Sam’s neck, biting through the skin just as he took a thrust into Sam. The pleasure shot through Sam like wild fire, starting behind his eyes and tingling through his entire body. Dean’s hips moved in a rhythm that his tongue mimicked, lapping against the bite on Sam’s neck.

“Spread your legs wider.” Dean commanded, moving above Sam to look down at him, blood staining his lips and smeared on his chin. Sam obeyed the order, spreading wider, giving Dean more access, his butt practically sitting in Dean’s lap. Dean thrust deeper, harder, faster, catching that place in Sam that sent shock wave after shock wave through his body.

“Dean.” Sam panted hard, arching up, starting to meet Dean’s thrusts, whimpering continually. Dean released Sam’s arms, moving closer to Sam; their chests pressed together, rubbing with each thrust. Dean’s forearms rested by Sam’s head, Sam’s hands gripping them tightly. His fingers dug into Dean’s injured arm, earning him a brutal stab at just the right place that sent Sam spiralling over the edge and into bliss. His climax coated their chests, sticking to their sweaty skin while Sam arched against his brother; head thrown back and mouth open as a cry caught in his throat. The moan broke loose as Dean’s teeth found their way into Sam’s supple throat again, this time marking the opposite side from before, piercing the skin and suckling lightly at the warm, crimson fluid.

Dean came hard, moaning against Sam’s neck as his whole body screamed its release. They collapsed on the bed, sated and tired. Dean withdrew from Sam, the younger only just managing to contain the hiss of pain. The used condom was discarded before Dean moved under the covers of the bed, pulling Sam with him. Too tired to argue, and limbs too heavy to move on their own, Sam didn’t stop him.

They fell asleep like that, Dean’s arms possessively around Sam, Sam’s head rested on Dean’s shoulder.


Four hours and forty minutes later Dean jerked awake, pulling away from Sam suddenly and jumping from the bed.

As his heart pounded in his chest Dean’s eyes roved around the room, taking in the discarded clothes, the torn shirt, the gauze from Sam’s shoulder before finally falling on the torn condom wrapper.

Looking back to Sam, lying in bed almost peacefully, Dean took in the twin bite marks on Sam’s neck, almost like perverse tattoos. They were brands. Marks that claimed Sam as his. Dean fought off the rush of disgust. He’d hurt Sam, he’d failed to protect his little brother, and this time it was from himself.

“Dean,” Sam whimpered in his sleep, reaching a hand out for his brother, and Dean had never been able to deny that voice anything. Carefully slipping back into the bed Dean folded his arms around Sam, pulling him close and letting Sam burrow into his chest.

They’d deal with the repercussions in the morning.



Okay so…
That’s another one that I could probably continue. Damn these bunnies.

So, thoughts, comments, constructive criticism , I welcome all.
If you’re just gonna tell me I suck and I’m sick, what the hell did you bother opening the cut for?

genre: slash, character: sam winchester, series: strange affliction, rating: nc-17, pairing: sam/dean, fandom: supernatural, warning: incest, author: torncorpse, character: dean winchester

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