Jealousy [Bam/Ryan]

Jan 17, 2006 23:54

Disclaimer: Not Mine

AN: I’m trying to get back into the writing…it’s coming along slowly but surely.

Didja miss me?

Summary: Bam gets jealous, but it’s not who he’s supposed to be jealous of.


Bam sat on his bed, legs crossed, elbows on knees, head in hands. Everyone was downstairs, and that was why he was up there.

Ape was fussing over Jess, who was home for a while, taking a break from the tour. Phil and Dico were arguing about something that Bam really couldn’t care less about. But the more important fact was Ryan. Ryan who was sitting in the living room with Jenn and Novak. More specifically leaning on Novak while Jenn practically curled up in his lap.

It had thrown Bam for a minute, walking in from skating in the back to see them lying there, cuddled up on the sofa, the end credits of some random movie rolling up the screen. Jenn was sleeping against Ryan, her head on his chest and one of his arms around her shoulders while she snuggled into him. Ryan was close to sleep, his eyes falling shut and head nodding towards Novak’s shoulder. Brandon had his head resting on top of Dunn’s, a small smile on his face as he dreamt.

The three of them looked so comfortable that Bam just turned and headed up to his room without another word. And that was where he had been since then. Thinking. Bam had too much to think about just then. He’d been stunned at how easily Jenn seemed to fall asleep next to Ryan, she’d once mentioned not liking him very much, and Bam knew that although Ryan got on with Jenn, he did have to try hard to do it, mainly for Bam’s sake.

There was a knock at the door before Jess came in, his head poking round the door first. They both did that now, before entering the others room. They had done that ever since Bam had been 15, when he had walked in on Jess jerking off.

Jess smiled and started to say something, until he noticed the frown on Bam’s face. He walked over to the bed and sat down next to his little brother, watching him and waiting for Bam to start talking if he wanted to.

“Have you ever been jealous of the wrong person?” Bam asked quietly, looking over to Jess.

“What do you mean, the wrong person?” Jess asked, slightly confused.

“Like, when you think that you should be jealous, of like some guy hitting on your girl, but you’re not…Have you?”

“Yeah, once.” Bam waited for Jess to continue, the elder catching on after a moment. “In Mexico, there was this hot chick that Chad and I both liked, and I mean she wasn’t all that great, she was just a really nice, cool girl. We both decided that neither of us would put the move on her and she ended up going home with Deron.” Bam got the drift that it wasn’t Deron his brother envied.

“Did you see them on the sofa?” It would be hard for anyone to miss them, but he still had to be sure. He looked back to his hands before continuing. “When I saw them, I thought I’d be angry. That I’d be annoyed at her for sleeping like that with him. I was jealous though, jealous that she got to sleep in his arms, that they looked so comfortable.” Bam was trying to think how this could happen. How he was going to fix it. “How’d you deal with Deron?” Bam turned back to Jess. Jess and Deron were as close as ever, they were still great friends. So maybe Bam could figure this out.

“I took Deron home.” Jess stated simply, waiting for Bam to realise what he meant.

“You mean you think I should…that I should take Ryan home? Like…fuck him?” Jess laughed a little at Bam’s indignant squeak.

“Yeah, it may fix whatever you’re feeling, might build on your friendship too. Just think about it, do what you feel comfortable with.” Jess ruffled Bam’s hair before standing up and heading out of the room.

“Hey, what did you come up for?” Bam called out before he left.

“I was just wondering if you knew that Jenn was in Ryan’s lap now. But I guess you’d feel worse about the fact that Ryan had his arms around her.” With that Jess left, leaving Bam to think about his own emotions.


When Bam finally came downstairs Novak was out the back skating. Ryan was stretching in the living room before tucking a blanket around Jenn’s shoulders as she lay out on the sofa still sleeping.

“Hey Random, can I talk to you out front?” Bam didn’t wait for Ryan, heading out the front door and standing at the side of his Hummer. Ryan followed, yawning and leaning against the Hummer, facing Bam.

“What’s up?” Ryan asked, his arms dropping to his sides, hands flat against the side of the truck.

Bam took a deep breath before moving closer. His hands curled around Ryan’s wrists, his body pressing against Ryan’s warm, solid body.

“Bam, what’re you doing?” Bam didn’t answer; instead he leant up and caught Ryan’s lips in a kiss. It was strange at first, kissing Ryan. His lips weren’t as soft as Jenn’s, but they were firm and nice. There was a tickle around Bam’s nose from the facial hair. It was all a little clumsy, Bam pressing as close as he could, trying to deepen the kiss while Ryan was too stunned to react. Until Bam pressed one knee between Ryan’s legs, rubbing it a little against Ryan’s thigh. When Ryan gasped into the kiss, Bam took the chance and pressed his tongue into Ryan’s mouth, half expecting Ryan to bite his tongue.

When Ryan just moaned, sagging a little against Bam, there was a smile. Bam pressed on further, more reverently exploring Ryan’s mouth, his hands releasing Ryan’s wrists and moving to tangle in Ryan’s mass of blonde curls. Ryan’s newly freed arms wrapped around Bam’s waist, holding their lower bodies closer together, his own tongue pressing firmly to Bam’s, fighting for dominance and pushing back into Bam’s mouth.

They broke apart to catch their breath, Bam pressing his forehead against Dunn’s, sighing and just inhaling Dunn’s scent, one that had always been there but he’d never just paused to take it in.

“You gonna tell me what’s going on yet?” Ryan asked quietly, one hand moving to take some stray hair out of Bam’s eyes, looping it behind his ear.

“I got jealous when I saw you all on the sofa earlier.” Bam said, pressing a light kiss to Ryan’s neck, suckling on the pulse point and enjoying how Ryan would arch against him.

“Why?” Ryan managed to groan out, a hand threading through Bam’s hair as he continued to kiss and nip at his neck. “What about?”

“Cause you were cuddling Jenn,” Bam said, coming back up and smiling at the disappointed whimper from Ryan. “I wanted you to cuddle me. So I told Jess about it and he said I should take you home, like, take you to bed and all that.” Ryan smiled lazily, pulling Bam towards him for a slow kiss, their tongues meeting again but this time just to taste, not pressing for more power or dominance. Bam pressed against Ryan hard, their groins rubbing and both moaning against the others mouth.

“Then why aren’t you taking me home?” Ryan asked against Bam’s mouth, hand still threaded through his hair while the other one rested on Bam’s ass, pulling Bam against his own body. “Forget it; I don’t want to go home.” Their lips parted as Bam looked at Ryan expectantly. “Do me here.”

Bam laughed a little, before looking around and moving to undo Ryan’s belt, smiling when his hand came in contact with Ryan’s cock, sending a shiver through Ryan and bringing a groan from his lips. Bam smiled wider when Ryan’s hand tightened in his hair, Bam’s lips coming to kiss at Ryan’s newly exposed hips, licking a trail down to his cock before taking the organ into his mouth, slowly enveloping it in the heat of his mouth, swirling his tongue around it before pulling back. Bam listened to the quiet gasp from Ryan as the cool air hit his erection, contrasting with the heat from Bam’s newly removed tongue.

“So you want me to do you, right here, against my Hummer?” Bam asked, moving to stand fully, smiling against Ryan’s lips. He placed a soft kiss on Ryan’s lips, pulling back before it became anything serious. “Do you?” He asked again, his hand skimming down Ryan’s body and curling around his erection, slowly stroking up and down.

“Oh God, yes.” Ryan clutched to Bam’s shoulder and hair, leaning completely against the Hummer while Bam assaulted his body. Neither were bothered with the chance of them getting caught, Bam was to busy following his brothers advice, and Ryan was too caught up in Bam’s attentions on his body to care about someone coming out to catch them.

“Okay then.” With a smile Bam moved in again, capturing Ryan’s lips and pressing closer than he thought he would be able to. Bam undid his own belt with one hand, letting his pants fall to his ankles. Ryan groaned again, noticing that Bam had gone commando yet again, it brought a small smile to his face and Bam just shrugged. With both hands on Ryan’s hips, Bam turned Ryan to face the Hummer, one of Ryan’s hands clutching on the rung above him on the roof of the Hummer, the other bracing himself against the cool metal door.

Bam sucked two fingers into his own mouth, licking them and wetting them as much as possible before moving them to Dunn’s ass, sliding down the crack before slowly pushing past the ring of protective muscle. Ryan arched back, taking Bam’s fingers in more, groaning slightly at the intrusion. Bam scissored his fingers, twisting and adding a third, hurrying to prepare Ryan but not wanting to hurt him at all. Bam pressed close to Ryan’s body, placing a series of kisses on his neck, licking down his spine and biting into his shoulder blade. Ryan pressed back into the kisses, arching his neck back as Bam’s teeth dug into his skin, almost breaking the skin.

“Oh God, just do me.” Ryan groaned, pushing his ass back as an invitation for Bam to just get on with it. Bam removed his fingers, spitting on his hand and stroking his own erection before lining it up with Ryan’s ass. One of Bam’s hands held on to Dunn’s hip, the other steadying his cock as he pushed into Ryan slowly. Bam moaned at the heat and tightness around him, he’d done this once before, with some unknown guy he’d met at a bar, and comparing Ryan to his first time, there was just no competition, Ryan was so much better and Bam had only just pushed in. Bam rested his head against Ryan’s back, getting himself under control, he wasn’t about to blow and have this over before it really started.

Ryan groaned at the lack of movement, pushing back against Bam and trying to get him to move. Bam took the hint, feeling more under control and pulling out slowly before pushing in hard, gripping Ryan’s hips hard enough to bruise. They tried to keep their noise to a minimal, but when Bam stabbed right at Ryan’s prostate, the blond just couldn’t keep the low wail from escaping.

“Jesus,” Ryan’s body shook with pleasure, the movement going straight to Bam’s cock and he shoved in harder, aiming just for that same spot that made Ryan scream. When Bam started nailing Ryan each and every time he pushed in, Ryan had to fist his hand and bit on his knuckles, stifling the noises he was making as Bam released one of his hips and took a hold of Ryan’s erection, stroking in time with his thrusting. Ryan’s muscles were clenching around Bam, milking his cock before Ryan whimpered Bam’s name and came in Bam’s hand, his back arching as far as it could while Bam continued thrusting.

Ryan panted and sighed, still clenching his muscles around Bam and pushing back, Bam’s hand moving back to grip at Ryan hip as he thrust as hard as he could, getting a few more grunts out of Ryan. Bam could feel the his control fading and gave one last thrust before coming and slumping against Ryan’s back. They stayed that way for a while, trying to get their breathing under control, their heartbeats slowly evening out to normal again. Bam slowly pulled out of Ryan, trying not to hurt his friend but needing to see Ryan’s eyes, to feel Ryan’s arms around him. He almost cringed at his own thoughts, one good fuck and he was turning into a fucking girl.

But Ryan moved, rolling over to lean against the car, a little further from where he had been standing. Bam’s bones felt like jelly and he couldn’t stop himself from falling forward a little, his head resting against Ryan’s shoulder. Slowly, almost hesitantly, Ryan’s arms came around his waist and shoulders, one hand tangling in his hair and playing with the little wisps at the base of his neck, the other stroking soothing patterns on his skin. It was nice, Bam decided, being held by Ryan, and he supposed the he could get used to it. If Ryan would let him.

“Bam,” Ryan’s warm voice rumbled through Bam’s thoughts, the young skater looking up at the grey/blue eyes and smiling a little. “It’s cold, why don’t we sneak inside?” Bam noticed then that it was indeed getting a little chilly out, and since they both had their pants around their ankles still, some places were going to start protesting to the cold.

“Yeah.” Bam pulled back hating the loss of warmth that leaving Ryan’s arms brought. “Come on, we can climb up there and sneak into my room.” Bam wasn’t sure why he had butterflies in his stomach from the thought of sneaking into his room with Ryan. When he and Jenn first started dating it was the feeling he got when they were sneaking into rooms and out of the house, now he was getting that feeling when he was sneaking around with his best friend? Bam knew instantly that he was in trouble now, and taking Jess’s advice on that one would probably lead to more trouble.

They both climbed up on the garage, climbing in the window and making it into Bam’s room without being detected. Bam sighed as he got to his bedroom, thinking about collapsing on the bed and just falling asleep, until the door clicked shut and he turned, seeing Ryan pressed against the door and his eyes shut. His lips were still a little red from kissing, and his face was flushed. Bam had to admit, despite the trouble he was slowly immersing himself in, seeing that ‘just fucked’ look on Ryan’s face made it all worth it.

With a smirk Bam slowly made his way towards Ryan, smiling wider when Ryan’s eyes opened and he looked at Bam in the way Bam hadn’t known Ryan could see him. The look alone told Bam how much Ryan wanted him, and he really wasn’t in any position to argue. Sealing their lips together, Bam reached behind Ryan to lock the door, before pulling Ryan towards the bed and smiling at his new lover.

So he was in trouble, what else was new? Just like every other time, he was going to enjoy himself while it lasted.




It sort of changed near the end there…wasn’t supposed to come out like that at all.

Oh well. Better luck next time?

character: bam margera, genre: slash, pairing: bam/ryan, rating: nc-17, fandom: jackass, warning: rps, character: jenn rivell, character: ryan dunn, author: torncorpse

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