Mar 29, 2006 23:35
my head hurts
I'm a little boy haha
I get crushes on like every girl
it's sad really
Lauren is amazing
she get's all my love and all my kissin
somethin somethin what she's been missin
Mar 13, 2006 13:48
"can I call you to say goodnight and stuff"
*ring ring*
*talk talk talk*
45 minutes later...
"goodnight, I love you"
haha. <3
Mar 08, 2006 01:20
I guess it was bound to happen.
I've fucked up bad now
Feb 20, 2006 02:04
I wonder if Lauren has gotten her vday cards yet.
I want her to see them. I need her to see them.
I want her to read them to me and we'll get all emo and cry on the phone.
I want to hold her in my arms.
I want to fast forward through time.
Feb 09, 2006 19:05
I had a dream that penguin ninjas were trying to steal something in my house. There were swarms of them... and for some reason they couldn't be electricuted, but they could shock you.
I defeated all the penguin ninjas by myself.