Cabin Fever [7/10]

Sep 18, 2010 22:33

Title: Cabin Fever
Pairings/Major Characters: Rachel/Finn, eventual Rachel/Quinn, Rachel's dads (Bruce and Michael), Judy Fabray.

Mentions/Minor: Finn/Santana, Quinn/Finn, Quinn/Puck, Brittany/Santana
Other Characters: The rest of New Directions, a couple of OC's, and mentions Jacob Ben IsraelRating: R
Length: ~3,100/~33,000 (subject to change)
Summary: By a freak booking accident, Rachel and Quinn find themselves in the same cabin in upstate New York for two months over summer vacation.

Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4
Chapter 5 | Chapter 6

Author's Note: I'm not happy with this chapter at all. It sucks and I know it but I'm sick of trying to fix it. Soooo yeah. Be gentle =P

Chapter 7
It fit. It fit perfectly. Rachel snuggled back into Quinn and tugged the blonde’s arm to hold against her chest and it fit. It wasn’t awkward with a too big body with rough hands; it was perfect and Quinn’s hands were soft and sized perfectly. She fell asleep quickly and slept soundly, waking up only when the sun was shining and still with Quinn’s front pressed against her back and the blonde’s hand still hugged against her chest.

Rachel rolled over and watched Quinn sleep for a few minutes before the blonde’s eyes fluttered open and she immediately smiled.

“Good morning,” Rachel whispered.

“You okay?”

Rachel nodded. She was really okay, more than okay after having woken up still being held safely in Quinn’s arms. The look of concern on Quinn’s face was a bit adorable; Rachel nodded again to reassure her.

“Did you sleep okay?”

Rachel couldn’t help but grin and duck her head a little. “I slept wonderfully, thank you.”

“Me, too.”

Quinn’s fingers trailed down Rachel’s neck causing her to shiver a bit. Rachel let her eyes close for a moment to savor the sensation; when she re-opened them, Quinn was smiling.

The conversation with Quinn the night before was still echoing through her head. She was scared, of course, that if whatever this thing was between her and Quinn were to blossom into a full-fledged relationship there was no guarantee that one wouldn’t hurt the other. Yes, Quinn had made a promise in a round-about way that she wouldn’t break the diva but there was no way of knowing what the future held. Half of Rachel’s brain (and the shattered pieces of her heart) was yelling at her to stay guarded, stay safe, stay away from Quinn and that it was all still too fast; the other half (and the rest of her heart) was telling her to go for it because there might not be many more chances in the short time they had left of summer.

The part that told her to go for it won. Unfortunately, it seemed as though Quinn had the same idea and when Rachel leaned in to kiss the blonde their foreheads collided and they both yelled and rolled back in pain. The groans of pain turned into giggles and Rachel’s hand eventually found Quinn’s. Fingers interlaced and Rachel smiled at the feeling of Quinn’s thumb stroking her hand.

“Girls, is everything alright?” Judy asked sleepily from the other side of the tent.

Rachel turned her head to the blonde next to her and smiled. “Everything is fine, Judy. Good morning!”

“Ladies,” Michael called from outside the tent, “we need to get going, the park overseers just came by and said the forecast is calling for storms.”

There was no time to think or talk or anything; Rachel and Quinn both scrambled out of bed and started packing their things as quickly as possible. Rachel knew that at one point she grabbed one of Quinn’s shirts but she didn’t really care. They hastily rolled up their sleeping bags and deflated the air mattress. A rumble of thunder made them move even quicker, Quinn took down the tent in a matter of seconds after the mattresses were packed away. They managed to pack up the entire campsite in about fifteen minutes and just in time for it to start pouring just as Quinn shut the rear driver’s side door on the Berry SUV.

“Well,” Bruce said as they pulled out onto the highway, “I hope everyone had fun aside from the sudden downpour.”

“It was wonderful,” Judy said. “I haven’t been camping in years!”

“It was fun, Daddy,” Rachel said with a smile. She glanced over at Quinn and locked eyes with the blonde momentarily. “Definitely an experience.”

The storm seemed to stretch on for miles and it was even still raining when they got back to the cabin. At one point, Rachel passed around a pack of (ADA approved, sugarless) gum since no one had time to do anything but pack that morning and the brunette insisted that oral hygiene should never take a back seat to anything. Rachel spent the duration of the trip back with her head on Quinn’s shoulder, staring at the seat in front of her. The moments in bed replayed through her mind over and over and each time it made her smile a little wider. They were close, so close. Rachel knew she just needed to be patient.

When they got back to the cabin Bruce backed the SUV up to the front door so they could offload everything without getting too terribly soaked. Rachel darted back and forth a few times, the last time she met Quinn who was on her way back in with one last bag.

“That’s it,” Quinn said, gesturing to the bag with food in it.

Rachel nodded but didn’t move to go back inside. She only looked up at Quinn with the droplets of water cascading down the blonde’s forehead and over her face and suddenly became very aware of her heartbeat: fast and threatening to burst out of her chest. She reached out and put her hands on Quinn’s shoulders and then, with a deep breath, she leaned in and pressed her lips against Quinn’s.

“That’s it,” Rachel repeated softly.

There was a crash as the bag of food dropped and Rachel found herself being pulled in by Quinn’s hands on either side of her face and once again, lips connected. Rachel wrapped her arms around Quinn’s back and held on tight, savoring the moments that ticked by as her lips slid against the blonde’s. Quinn pulled her even closer and Rachel gasped a little when Quinn’s tongue dipped into her mouth. She wasn’t over eager, she wasn’t sloppy but she wasn’t methodical and robotic. She was perfect.

“Girls you sho-Oh…”

Rachel snapped her head to see Michael standing in the doorway staring blankly.

“D-dad…we…we were just…”

“Yeah…Uh. Come in when you’re ready. Hot chocolate.”

Rachel nodded and as soon as the cabin door shut she turned back to Quinn who was still staring at the door.


Rachel giggled a little. “Quinn, it’s fine. He won’t say anything.”

Quinn nodded and pressed a kiss to Rachel’s temple. Rachel smiled responded by kissing the blonde’s neck before turning to head to the door.
The high wore off quickly once Rachel stepped into the scalding hot shower. There were five weeks of vacation left and after that they would be thrust back into the social system of McKinley where Rachel was untouchable and Quinn was Queen Bee. Rachel sighed and let the water fall over her as she tried not to think about anything beyond the summer.

The moment that Rachel’s lips touched hers, Quinn knew that was it. Nothing else mattered right then. Nothing at all. Not the rain, not the fact that Rachel was fresh off of a break-up, not that she would get her ass handed to her by most of the other Cheerios if they found out that Quinn was with Rachel. It didn’t matter. What did matter was Rachel was there in front of her, water dripping down her face, and she wanted Quinn. The bag of food hit the ground and Quinn pulled her back in, wanting, craving, needing more. Needing it all. The interruption by Michael was just about the most unwelcome thing in her life at that moment. She was mostly worried about him telling her mother, yes, but she wasn’t even close to finishing wanting to kiss Rachel until she was physically unable to do so anymore.

The scalding hot shower Quinn took afterward gave her plenty of time to figure out what the hell to do next. Aside from try to kiss Rachel any chance she got, that is. There was a steaming mug of hot chocolate waiting on the kitchen island when Quinn came in from her shower in her pajamas and wrapped in her bathrobe. Michael glanced over his shoulder at her but, thankfully, didn’t say anything. The blonde settled on the plush rug in front of the couch and smiled at Bruce who was stoking a roaring fire in the fireplace. It was only a few minutes later that Rachel settled down next to her with a cup of hot coffee and Bruce smiled before heading to the kitchen.

“What now?” Quinn asked, her eyes fixated on the flames.

“There are five weeks of vacation left.”

Quinn nodded. “I know.”

“I have feelings for you and I’m fairly certain you have them for me as well.”

“I do.”

“But your reputation would be slaughtered if you ever, even for just a moment, considered dating me.”

“I know, Rachel. But…I don’t care.”

“Not right now, anyway. What happens when we get back to school?”

Quinn shrugged. She really didn’t know. Technically she didn’t have her reputation back yet so she had nothing to destroy. But climbing back to the top would be a little more difficult with Rachel by her side. But as she’d told Rachel, she didn’t care. She really, really didn’t. All she wanted to do was wrap her arms around the brunette and tell her it would be okay. She set down her mug of hot chocolate and reached around Rachel’s waist to pull the girl in a little closer.

“It’ll be okay.”


“Quinnie, are you cold?”

Quinn snapped her head up to her mother, standing in the doorway between the common room and the Fabray side of the cabin, and drying her hair.

“A little. I’ll be fine.” Quinn smiled a little and stared at the next obstacle. Her mother might have been a little oblivious but she would figure it out eventually. Right then wasn’t the moment to discuss it, though, so Quinn just turned her head back to the flames and tightened her grip a little.

The pair eventually moved to the couch and Rachel fell asleep with her feet on Quinn’s lap. Michael kept stealing glances their way and chewing on his lip a little nervously and Quinn new that would be yet another obstacle to get through. Another problem distracted her when her phone vibrated in her sweatpants pocket. Santana was actually calling her. It took a little clever maneuvering to get out from under Rachel without disturbing her but the blonde did and quickly padded to her bedroom to answer the call.

“Hey S.”

“Okay Blondie, something doesn’t add up. RuPaul broke it off with The Giant. You and B are the only ones that know we hooked up and I know she hasn’t said anything.”

“What does this have to do with me?”

“Facebook, my friend, is a wonderful thing. Britt has Berry as one of her friends and a few weeks ago she wrote a longass note about how she was going to be spending the summer in a cabin by a lake up in New York. She left the address and all that shit and rambled about safety precautions or whatever.”

Quinn swallowed and shifted. “And?”

“And, your mom left the address where you’d be staying with my mom just in case. I found it when I was going through her wallet to get the credit card.”

Quinn didn’t say anything.

“So you’ve been sharing space with Treasure Trail for the last three weeks and you didn’t tell me! God, Quinn, you’re not creative enough to torture her for two months. I want in on this!”

“Look, San…it…it’s not…Rachel…It’s complicated right now, okay?”

“Oh my God. No fucking way, Fabray. Please tell me this is some kind of joke. Are you and the Smurf going at it out in the woods?”

“Shut up, Santana.”

Quinn rolled her eyes as Santana fake gagged on the other end of the line.

“I’m hanging up.”

“You know you’ll never get head Cheerio with her hanging on you, right? Especially when Sylvester finds out.”

Quinn smirked. It was times like these when she loved the fact that she’d inherited her father’s ruthlessness. “You won’t get it either when she finds out you and Brittany have done it on her desk.”

“You wouldn’t fucking dare.”

“You know I have evidence.”

“What the hell do you want?” Santana growled.

“Be civil to Rachel and you keep your mouth shut about this.”

“Whatever. Have fun. Don’t get poison ivy when you take Berry up against a tree.”

“Later, S.”

Quinn shut off her phone and silently thanked Jacob Ben Israel for being a perv and trailing the two Cheerios that day. Quinn had forcibly ripped his camera from his hands and taken the memory card, knowing full well that it would come in handy someday. She looked up to see a small brunette with a huge smile on her face standing in the doorway.

“Threatening people to protect my dignity when we only shared our first kiss a few hours ago? I’m aware that our sudden change in relationship status has been rather hasty but if we’re going to continue moving at this pace would you like to go ahead and move into my room?”

Quinn rolled her eyes and couldn’t help but giggle as Rachel practically skipped across the floor and reached up to embrace her and connect their lips. The pair ended up on Quinn’s bed, Rachel on top and straddling Quinn’s hips with the blonde’s hands holding onto her waist, trading moans and heated kisses. Quinn jerked a little as soft skin met hers in the form of Rachel’s hand trailing up her side, underneath her t-shirt.

“Now who’s moving fast?” Quinn mumbled before she dove back in to take Rachel’s lower lip between her teeth.

“Do you want to stop?” Rachel kissed up Quinn’s jaw and grazed her teeth just underneath the blonde’s earlobe eliciting a shudder.


“Tell me if you want to stop. I just thought…”

“I’m fine, Rach.”

Quinn groaned as Rachel re-attached her mouth to sensitive flesh under Quinn’s jaw. Rachel’s hand slid further; Quinn arched her back. Rachel’s hand was so close to where she wanted it and when her hand slid up just a little further…

“Girls, we’ve got…”

Rachel shot up off the bed. “Dad!”


Quinn sat up and buried her burning red face in her hands. “Oh God not again.”


Quinn heard quick footsteps and she turned even more bright red when her mother appeared in the doorway.

“Is everything alright?”

“Fine, Mom,” Quinn mumbled. “Fine…just…just fine.”

“Everything is alright,” Michael assured her.

Judy nodded and headed back into the common room leaving Michael glaring at the pair. Quinn wanted to crawl under her covers and die when Michael opened his mouth to speak again.

“Okay,” he sighed. Quinn chewed on her lower lip nervously as he took off his glasses and rubbed his temples. “I don’t know how long this has been going on, nor do I want to know, but as of right now there’s an open door policy.”

“Dad…” Rachel whimpered.

“Please, Rachel…just…just work with me on this. You know it’s no different than at home with Fi-“

“Finn and I are no longer an item. He cheated on me.”

“I’m sorry about that sweetheart but it’s still no different. And Quinn?”

Quinn looked up and took a deep breath.

“If you tell your mother…please warn me first so I know to expect being bombarded with questions.”

“I will,” Quinn said weakly.

“It’s time for dinner. I’ll see you in a few minutes.”

After Michael was out of sight, Rachel dropped back down to the bed and reached over to take Quinn’s hand and pull it up to kiss the back of it.

“That was awkward,” Quinn mumbled. “Your dad probably hates me.”

Rachel shrugged and smiled and for some reason, that smile made every awkward feeling run right out of Quinn’s brain and she leaned forward to catch those lips in a kiss. The rest of the summer was going to be awesome.

The days blurred together and Quinn grew happier by the minute. She and Rachel quickly learned how to get secluded moments together, even for just a second. The rain kept coming, lasting for three days almost non-stop. The five exhausted almost every single board game that was in the cabin and played countless card games. When the rain finally stopped and the sun came out in the morning they went into town to look around at the various lake-front stores and tourist attractions.

They spent a day on the beach by Lake Erie watching the fishermen and Michael talked to one of the fishermen who agreed to let them go out on his boat as he fished the next morning. Quinn’s sides hurt by the end of the day from laughing so much. The fish seemed to gravitate to Rachel somehow. One jumped out of the net and landed on top of the brunette’s head. Rachel shrieked and jumped practically on top of Quinn to cling to her and then scowled and stormed to the other side of the boat when the blonde couldn’t hold her up because she was doubled over from laughter.

When one of the crew members opened the hatch to show them the tank underneath, by some freak happening, one of them leaped out of the tank and right at Rachel’s face. Quinn fell on the deck, gasping for air, in between choking out laughs.

“This is exactly why I’m a vegan!” Rachel yelled. “See! They’re exacting their revenge on me from eating their siblings earlier this summer! Why couldn’t this town just have decent tofu?!”

Quinn only laughed harder.

The blonde stood by Rachel as they steered the boat and the navigator showed them how he used the boat’s echolocation equipment to find schools of fish. A flash made Quinn turn around to see Bruce with a camera and a smile.

“Daddy!” Rachel growled. “I’m covered in fish goo; it’s absolutely not flattering at all!”

Bruce chuckled and walked back out on deck; Quinn slipped an arm around Rachel’s waist and leaned down close to her.

“You make fish goo look good, sweetie,” Quinn whispered.

When Quinn pulled away, Rachel’s cheeks were fire red and she was grinning from ear to ear. She ducked her head when Judy came in to look at all of the navigator’s equipment and accidentally set off an alarm of some sort. Rachel let Bruce take as many pictures as he wanted for the rest of the day and into the evening when the town was painted red, white, and blue for the Independence Day festival. The fireworks were a little brighter when reflected in Rachel’s eyes, Quinn noticed.

Later that evening Quinn looked at the calendar tacked on the wall and whimpered. There were only four weeks left. It seemed like a long time, sure, but she knew it was going to fly by.
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