Zip It 1/1

May 12, 2011 23:26

Zip It

Pairing: Sam/Dean
Rating: NC17
Words: 1,420
beta by mangacat201
Disclaimer: They aren't mine but I'll put them back oiled, scented and freshly lubed. ;)
Warnings: humor, crack, Wincest, oral, pwp
A/N: My first Wincest ever. I officially lost all my virtue to this fandom LOL

written for cha  who prompted this.

Summary: Sam gets himself caught in the zipper of his jeans. Dean helps.

The shower was a blessing, warm and with a decent water pressure that could only rarely be found in the craptastic motels they usually stayed in. He lingered, washing himself slowly because Sam wasn't back yet and there wasn't any reason to hurry. So he just stayed under the spray, head bowed so the hard water beat onto the stiff muscles of his neck.

He grinned when there was the banging of their door, loud and clear even over the water because the walls in this place were thin like a sheet of paper. After turning the water off, Dean got out of the shower trying to keep contact with the filthy looking shower curtain to a minimum and wrapping one of the too thin, too small towels around his hips.

”Ow, FUCK!“

Sam's shout was loud and agitated enough to make Dean stop mid-motion to throw himself through the bathroom door that probably was lucky not to break into a million pieces at his force. He didn't know what to expect as he hastened out of the bathroom but it definitely wasn't his brother standing in the middle of the room with his white fake-FBI-agent shirt untugged, hunched in on himself while fumbling with pants that were hanging half open.

“What the fuck are you doing, Sam?“

The younger Winchester hissed throwing his hands away from his crotch as if burned. “I got caught in the zipper.“

Dean couldn't help the snort of laughter that escaped him, but immediately turned somber when his brother shot him a deadly look. He tried to give Sam an apologetic smile and when that didn't seem to have the right effect, he walked to his brother dropping to his knees.

”Let me have a look...“

“Dean, I can handle it!“ The older brother simply slapped Sam's hands away as he tried once more to go for his zipper. “Be careful!“

Sam got a deprecating look for that comment as Dean started to sort through the mess of pants, belt, starched shirt and cock.

”If you don't stop whining I may not be careful anymore since you seem to not need your guy parts anyway when you're such a girl“, Dean smirked.

He got the thanks for his efforts when a large hand grabbed his wet hair tightly, making him hiss in an echo of Sam's earlier discomfort. “Don't. You. Dare“, Sam ground out through clenched teeth and Dean swallowed because he loved it when Sam got growly like that. Casting his eyes up in what he knew was a look that would make his little brother go all hot and bothered Dean licked his lips, nodding with tiny movements.

“I wouldn't ever hurt that gorgeous cock.“

Sam's gaze caught on Dean's spit-slick lips and the man grinned widely before resuming his task of saving Sam's cock from the evil zipper of doom.

“Why Sammy, I never thought you would go commando while acting out the righteous law official. You kinky bastard.“

He pulled the shirt free of the mess so he just had to unhook the caught zipper, carefully touching Sam's cock that was red and irritated where it had got caught. It wasn't very bad though and Dean bit down on a remark on Sam being a drama queen.

”It's your turn to go to the laundromat, you lazy ass“, Sam growled.

“You never complain about my ass when you get your hands on it.“

Sam, obviously losing his patience under the danger of serious damage to him manhood, tightened his grip on Dean's hair. “Zip it, Dean!“

”Whatever you wish.“ With a swift move of his wrist Dean pulled down the newly untangled zipper emitting an effective 'zig' sound that had Sam flinch and Dean cackle.


Dean grinned blowing warm breath on his brother's cock with an innocent flutter of his eyes. ”I'm just trying to make it all better.“

Sam's eyes grew darker, pupils dilating at the way Dean was kneeling there breathing against him with Sam's hand on his head. Obviously the pain of the zipper incident wasn't too bad because Dean felt incredible glee when his brother's interest was piqued quite obviously as his cock started to fill.

”Want me to kiss the pain away?“

He didn't wait for an answer, simply licking up the length of Sam's cock, smoothing his flat tongue over the red spot on the shaft. Sam's hips jerked, breath hitching and his hand in Dean's hair pulled him closer until his nose was nuzzling the dark pubes at the base of Sam's cock.

”See? It's already better“, Dean whispered in between kisses along the rapidly swelling flesh. By the time Dean took it in his mouth, Sam was completely hard and moaning when the warm heat of a mouth closed around the head of his cock as a tongue teased the salty slit.

Dean sucked slowly trying to be mindful of any possible injury, but obviously Sam didn't feel the same need, hand pushing Dean down once more making him gag for a moment before he could prepare himself for the eventuality. Sam growled, fingers relentless in his brother's short hair as he rocked his hips in and out of Dean's mouth. The older Winchester grabbed Sam's thighs with both hands for purchase and opened up wide, sliding his tongue along the thick vein on the bottom of Sam's cock as he let his brother set the pace.

”You're just gonna let me fuck your mouth, Dean?“

Sam's voice was low and gravely, dirty sounding, and he was grinning as green eyes turned up to look at him with a challenge in them that had Sam bite his lip as his hips stuttered in their strokes. Dean chuckled around his mouthful, enjoying the way a simple look from him could drive his brother insane and Sam groaned pushing deep enough to make Dean gag again but he resumed sucking and pushing the tongue under the head of Sam's cock rhythmically until the younger Winchester seemed unable to take any more. His strokes halted and the muscles under Dean's fingers twitched as he groaned out his release, leaning heavily on Dean's shoulders.

Sam tasted bitter sweet, musky and salty and Dean swallowed the best he could as his mouth was flooded by the hot liquid but the little string of come running from the corner of his mouth showed quite clearly that he wasn't thorough enough.

”Fuck“, Sam murmured as he let go of his brother, cock leaving Dean's mouth with a filthy popping sound.

“We should play doctor more often“, Dean answered with a grin, wiping come off his chin.

Pulling Dean up to a stand, Sam's hands roamed over Dean's undressed body. There was a bead of water running down a freckled face from his wet hair and Sam caught it with his tongue before leaning down a little more to capture Dean's lips and his own taste with a bruising kiss.

”Maybe... but next time it's your cock that's on the chopping block.“

Sam pulled the towel off Dean's hips pushing him towards the bed while quickly getting rid of his own open pants and throwing off his shirt to crawl onto the mattress next to his brother.

“What were you even doing pulling your zipper up instead of down when you just got here?“ Dean asked with a smirk hands running over Sam's stomach.

“I wanted to join you in the shower, but then I remembered I forgot a book in the car...“ Sam blushed, looking at Dean with a sheepish shrug. It was adorable, making the older of the two brothers laugh.

”You're such a fucking geek.“

“No... but I will be a fucked geek in a minute,“ Sam grinned with a dirty smirk as he flipped onto his stomach while reaching for the lube...


cha  popped my cherry. It's her fault! :P

*hugs* Birdie

supernatural, oneshot, fanfiction

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