Don't Think 1/1

Mar 02, 2011 21:43

Don’t Think

Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Rating: NC-17
Words: 1,150
Warnings: schmoop, some teenage-angst, m/m teenage sex, oral, minor kinkiness
Disclaimer: I don't own these characters. It's a lie.

Summary: Jared makes Jensen stop over-thinking everything. - After White Lie, can be read stand-alone.

“Jensen, stop thinking!”

I opened my eyes blinking up t Jared where his face was hovering over mine. His roaming hands stopped on my naked stomach and I swallowed because I knew I made a mistake. I was trying to do it perfectly, to respond in a way that would tell him I liked it and to make the right sounds at the right moment and to ignore the way we had been making a mess of my room in the awkward backwards march towards my bed. I had tripped and nearly fallen flat on my ass and that would have been a turn off.

Of course I would never say any of that, so instead what I said was: “What?”

“You’re thinking, Jensen. I can hear the cogwheels turning in your head and you have that crease between your eyebrows that says that you’re concentrating.”

“I’m not”, I said not very convincing and Jared’s eyebrows rose in disbelief. “Okay, maybe I’m concentrating but I’m just trying to be good at this.”

I knew I was blushing because this might not be our first time but we were anything but well experienced yet and I didn’t want to make a fool of myself by being terrible in bed.

Jared looked at me for a long moment before sighing exasperatedly. His hand moved again to touch my cheek and I felt like a child all of a sudden. “You are good at this. We’ve done it before and I liked it, so if anyone isn’t living up to the expectations it has to be me…”

He was biting his lip looking a little nervous and I couldn’t help but shake my head. “You’re good, too.” I never liked to see Jared uncertain like that.

“Great! Then there’s nothing to worry about. I know we’re probably not perfect yet but that’s what practice is for.” He was beaming at me and I relaxed a little more.

“Yeah”, I said before wondering if Jared was comfortable with most of his weight on one elbow like that. “Would you prefer if we…”

“Jensen! Don’t think.” Thankfully Jared was laughing only slightly annoyed by my lack of relaxation. “I need you to stop worrying about me and what you should or shouldn’t do.” He was pulling away making me swallow when I thought that I had finally managed to ruin the mood. “Here’s what we’ll do: You will close your eyes and relax. I will do whatever I feel like and you will stop worrying about how your reactions look or sound. Just go with the flow.”

I blinked wondering how exactly I was supposed to do that but the words fell short when Jared pulled open a drawer of my dresser to fish out a scarf. He held it up with a grin then slid back towards me until our thighs met.

“Close your eyes.” I obeyed simply because I had already put enough of a dampener onto the mood by then. It was weird to let him tie the scarf over my eyes. “Now just enjoy the ride.”

It was hard not to think about all the things that could go wrong, the ways I could embarrass myself or this whole thing could go out of control but Jared’s hands were warm and I was ticklish especially when I couldn’t anticipate his moves and the soft touches. He was kissing the skin behind my ear and the warm puffs of his breath were louder than I remembered and tickled the small hairs on my neck.

When he touched me in an unexpected place I could feel my own body reacting, muscles twitching and body curving to or from the touches automatically. It was an out-of-control feeling but weirdly exhilarating at the same time.

“I want to try something”, I could hear Jared whisper right next to my ear and I didn’t know what to do so I just nodded waiting for the next surprise. I could feel the bed shifting and Jared’s presence disappearing from its spot by my neck. I was confused for a moment until I could feel his lips kiss the skin beneath my belly button and my abs twitched with surprise. He kissed along the trail of hair that went downward and my breath sped up with lust and anticipation - and worry. Should I have shaved more or less than I did? Good thing I only just had a shower and…

All thought disappeared when there was a moist tongue trailing over sensitive skin and hard flesh and I gasped. There was a long period that I couldn’t describe, couldn’t even remember details of besides the fact that it was driving me crazy and I felt like my skin was too tight and my body too hot and Jared’s mouth too perfect to believe. He was… ambitious and although it was his first time doing this he made all shortcomings there might have been - not that I had any comparison, so I was definitely happy with what I got - up with enthusiasm.

It was over way too fast but I was seventeen and just got my first blow-job and suddenly the expression ‘mind-blowing’ made so much fucking sense! I twitched and came with a low groan that I hardly heard but would later wonder whether it was a sexy sound or not.

When I came back to my senses my hands were buried in slightly tangled hair and I was panting uncontrollably. I felt relaxed to a degree that made my body feel like lead from being so tired and when the scarf was pulled away from my face I blinked sluggishly.

“Fuck, you’re gorgeous when you’re letting go.” Jared was grinning and I couldn’t help leaning up and kissing him hands tightening in his messy hair when he tried to pull away.

“Dude! I got cum in my mouth. You don’t want to…” He tried to slip out of my grasp but I wouldn’t let him. It should have grossed me out to kiss someone like this but I couldn’t even remember why.

“I don’t care! Shut up and kiss me.”

He did and when my brain started working again I could only see how perfect Jared was for me because he knew me and my brain. He knew how to make me stop worrying and had an unbeatable instinct for giving me just what I needed even if I didn’t know what it was.

When we came up for air I looked at him still a little amazed. “I love you.”

“I love you too”, he beamed back at me and let me push him on his back to give him a proper ‘thank you’.


*hugs* Birdie

A/N: There was no prompt for this but every commenter said Jensen thought about things too much, so I decided to fix that ^^

j2au, oneshot, fanfiction

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