You Want To 1/1

Mar 03, 2011 00:56

You Want To

Pairing: Jared/Jensen

Rating: R

Words: 3,400

Warnings: drinking, drunk dancing, confusion about sexual orientation, kissing etc.

Prompt by hunters_retreat : you want to, don’t go now, drunk dancing (I was supposed to pick one and instead I fused three ^^)

Summary: Helping out a friend in need is a question of honor and Jared doesn’t think twice when his honor has him end up in a gay club. However he didn’t expect to end up actually wanting to dance with that guy who is so blatantly flirting with him.

“Feeling better yet?” Jared tipped his beer against his lips while he was waiting for an answer from his friend. It was not the first time Tom and Mike broke up, probably not even the third time and the office had bets running on how long it would take these two to reconcile this time. The longest they had made it apart up to this day was two months. They had been the most terrible months of Jared’s life because while work was pretty good most days it surely sucked real fast when the two people supposed to coordinate everything going on in the different work groups were not speaking. This time Jared’s bet was four days.

That didn’t mean that Mike didn’t fall into a deep hole every single time these two crashed and broke up, so even though Jared believed very firmly that all would be back to normal sooner rather than later, he still felt obliged to make sure that Mike got to throw himself a pity party. It was also his job to make sure that as pitiful as he got, Mike didn’t do anything stupid, like starting to kiss another guy like had happened once before - which was the reason why a simple fight prolonged into two months of horror.

The music is loud and Jared needed to strain his hearing to understand Mike’s grunt that didn’t really answer the question anyway and the man shrugged and pulled down his second beer way too quickly.

“I gotta go take a piss. Behave!” Mike poked him in the chest and waggled his eyebrows before turning around on his heel and stomping away to wrestle his way through the throng of bodies towards the restrooms. The line was already long as the evening grew older and Jared was sure it would be a while until the man would return.

He was a little tipsy - or a little more since other than the two beers they’d had, Mike had decided that tequila shots were a great way to start the evening - and he was content leaning against the bar for some people-watching. It was by far not the first time Mike brought him into a gay club and Jared had grown rather eloquent in letting the interested guys down easily because while he did a lot for his friends, he just didn’t swing that way.

He watched a few men who were laughing and seemingly shooting the shit about one thing or another while trying only half-seriously to dance at the same time as they were sticking their heads together. It was fun just watching them have fun and Jared was lost in his observations when suddenly two of the guys turned towards him, eyes catching on his watching gaze. Embarrassed at being caught watching, he quickly looked away but he recognized one of the two men. The guy had tried to hit on him maybe an hour ago and Jared had politely declined the offer.

He hadn’t even noticed before that the man was part of the group and Jared swallowed hoping that Mike would return before that guy thought that maybe Jared had reconsidered the advances. He ducked his head concentrating on his drink for a few minutes effectively emptying the beer a lot faster than he had planned on.

“Let me buy you another one?”

Jared stiffened suddenly feeling like the air on his right side was sizzling with heat from someone standing extremely close but not touching him. It was like an electrical current that didn’t have the chance to unload and Jared scalded himself for thinking ridiculous things like that. The voice that had addressed him was deep and gravely sounding like too much whiskey and several hours of raised conversation and Jared swallowed turning slowly as nervousness swirled in his stomach.

It wasn’t the guy he had expected - and really he should have known because that man didn’t have such a recognizable voice - but the man who had stood next to the first guy when Jared was caught people watching. He was tall, like six foot or a bit above with light brown hair and quite recognizable eyes that Jared couldn’t match a color to in the artificial lighting of the club. He was handsome, very handsome actually, and Jared wouldn’t have been surprised if a lot of people were watching that man wishing to be in Jared’s stead but he didn’t look around to check because he still had to come up with an answer to the question that had been hanging in the air for an awkwardly long moment by then.

Funnily enough the guy didn’t seem nervous by the lack of answer nor exasperated by Jared’s slow uptake. Instead there was a smirk slipping onto his lips that was knowing and quite kinky if Jared might say so. The man was probably used to people stopping and staring at him and didn’t that sound a little creepy?

“You do not do this very often, do you?”

Obviously Jared had extended the silence to a degree that made an answer to the first question unnecessary. He swallowed and shrugged not quite sure what the man was referring to. “This?” Damn, he was having an eloquent day.

“Get hit on by strangers at a club… which with the way you look suggests that you don’t go out much.” He wasn’t quite sure if he should be flattered by the stranger complementing his looks.

“Erm, thank you, I guess?”

“For calling you a loner? Any time, dude. So, how about that drink?”

Jared couldn’t help laughing at the easy banter he received out of a still smirking mouth. Obviously the guy wasn’t an awkward flirt like most people are when they are still trying to impress someone. He probably just didn’t need to impress what with looking damn fine to say the least. It was almost hard to dig up his well-practiced answer.

“Thanks but I’m good. I’m here with a  friend.”

The chuckle that answered him was nearly too low to hear over the music. “So you’re gonna make me beg?”

“What?” Jared’s eyes went a little wide. It wasn’t an answer he had heard before. “No, I just… I’m not gay.”

If anything the man’s grin only grew. “D’you get lost or something? Do I need to call the authorities?”

Jared rolled his eyes. At least the man didn’t really seem disappointed. “My friend is gay.”

“Well, I sure hope so or you’d really need some help with your party-planning skills.” The man waved to the bartender and Jared inwardly sighed when two beers were set in front of them on the counter.

“I really don’t…”

“Just drink it. It’s early, yours is empty. I swear you are not selling your soul if you drink it… and I have to beg if you don’t because I have a bet going and the minimum thing I need to accomplish tonight is to have you let me buy you a drink or my friends will never let me live it down.” He bit his lip at the confession giving Jared the biggest puppy eyes in the history of canine blackmail.

“You got bet on me?” He wasn’t sure if he should feel flattered or insulted.

“At least pretend you’re sipping? You don’t actually have to consume any of the beer if you don’t want to.”

Jared sighed shaking his head a little at the strange idea and grabbed the bottle downing several large gulps. “You happy now.”

“As a clam!” He answered with a grin opening and closing his hands in a sloppy depiction of a ‘happy clam’ making Jared snicker. “I’m Jensen. Thank you for letting me blackmail you into consuming alcohol.”

He held out his hand and Jared grabbed it fueled by the good manners his mother had implanted in him. To be honest Jensen seemed like a fun guy, if a little pushy.


“Nice to meet you Jared, the lonely straight guy. Where’d your friend disappear to?” Jensen - and Jared liked that name because it was unusual but not weird like Monte Carlo or Paris - asked as he settled in comfortably to lean against the bar.

“Restrooms… I think he got swallowed by the man-eating snake that is the cue over there.” He nodded in the direction Mike had disappeared to with a shrug.”

“Sounds dangerous… So, I’m curious. How many guys have hit on you tonight?” Jensen squinted at him with a smirk that asked for the best gossip.

“Including you and your friend? Four.” He shrugged wondering if that was a good statistic or not.

“And the others all bought your ‘I’m here with a friend’-line? How pathetic! I’m embarrassed by the lack of whitty retorts of my flaming brothers.” He slapped his flat hand against his chest in fake horror and made sure to over enunciate in a way that only really bad drama-shows could.

“Well, kudos to you for saving the day, then.” Jared raised his now half empty beer to a mock salute.

“I do my very best, sir!”

They were chatting for another minute about nothing substantial until someone slipped into the seat next to Jensen clapping him on the shoulder and shouting something about shots. Jensen laughed waving him on but it didn’t take long until several shots of tequila properly prepped with salt and lemon were lined up on the bar and Jensen shrugged grabbing one for himself and holding another out to Jared.

“I swear I will make sure that your gay virginity stays intact until your friend returns.” The smirk was challenging and Jared didn’t really think about the pros and cons of it. Jensen was a really nice guy and Jared liked tequila.

Of course he should have known that things wouldn’t end at one tequila but he didn’t really care because Jensen was contagious and after shooting the shit for what were probably two or three more shots Jared didn’t even think twice about joining into slightly dysfunctional drunk dancing when Jensen started it. It was fun and silly and very embarrassing. There were men around them who seemed to watch the two of them with extreme interest that made Jared kind of uncomfortable and when someone pinched his ass he jumped forward into Jensen’s conveniently open arms.

“I was just violated”, he said into the other man’s ear with an audible slur as he leaned a lot closer than he would have if he still were sober.

“Did it rock your world?” Jensen’s hand came up to hold onto the back of Jared’s neck to keep their heads next to each other making sure they would hear each other’s words over the music. Jared’s flight to the front had brought them very close and Jared could feel Jensen’s body brush against his with every other move.

“Someone pinched my ass. It hurt!” He was whining and drunk enough to actually pout.

“That’s when leather pants come in handy, you know.”

Jared’s eyebrows rose and he dropped his eyes to check out Jensen’s body and the clothes covering it pulling back for a moment to give the man a proper once over before stepping back in concluding that a. Jensen had a very fine body and b. he was not wearing any leather pants - and why did that make him feel slightly disappointed? Moving closer his drunk mind knew he was close enough when he could feel Jensen’s body against his and damn, the man was as fit as he looked. “You’re not wearing leather pants, Jensen.”

“Well, maybe I like a little pain on the side.” The comment was accompanied by a chuckle that was close enough to Jared’s ear that he could feel the vibrations of air as well as the warm huff of a breath and the ghost of lips against his ear shell. He swallowed trying to make his booze-clouded brain make sense of the shiver that ran down his spine at the images flaring up in his head at the combination of that voice, the body that was so deliciously close and the talk of leather pants and a little pain on the side.

“You… you do?” He stuttered as soon as he could actually retrieve the control over his voice.

Jensen pulled back enough to give him a lascivious grin with a  cocky eyebrow and a shrug. “Wouldn’t you like to know, eh?”

The man was gorgeous - not that Jared hadn’t seen that the moment he laid eyes on him but still he was! - and Jared felt captivated by the happiness the man exuded and just how easily they seemed to fit together and as Jensen licked his lips Jared’s eyes caught on to them and his body swayed forwards by its own volition.

Only in the last moment something in his brain screamed at him to stop and he turned his head away abruptly at the realization that he was about to kiss a guy. He didn’t do much more than whisper a slurred apology before slipping away from Jensen and walking off the dance floor bumping into people since he couldn’t keep his lines straight anymore.

He got as far as the tables along the next wall before a hand grabbed his wrist and he turned back around wide-eyed to see Jensen look at him slightly out of breath.

“Don’t go now!”

“I- I can’t, I’m sorry.” Jared was shaking his head feeling pathetic.

“Why? You got a wife?”

“No.” Jared frowned at the suggestion that he would be cheating on a wife - although what he had done wasn’t anything that could be called cheating, or was it?

“A girlfriend?” Jensen asked with a shrug.


“A priest?” This time there was that patented smirk again and Jared couldn’t help snorting.

“Excuse me?”

Jensen raised both eyebrows in a questioning look. “So what’s there to worry about? You’re curious. You’ll always wonder what it would have been like unless you’ll try it out. If you don’t like it, you lost nothing but but uncertainty.” He stepped closer again still leaving several inches between them but close enough to make Jared swallow because this man had done something to him that he didn’t know how to undo.

“I don’t know…” Jared was shaking his head trying to hold on to the knowledge that he was straight as an arrow but with Jensen right there it was a terribly hard story to cling to.

“But I do. I know you want to. You’re just scared.”

“What should I be scared of?” Jared asked with a roll of his eyes.

Jensen suddenly seemed a lot more sober than he was supposed to and the smirk disappeared into a weirdly understanding look. “That you’ll like it.”

“What if I don’t?” Jared tried to play it cool but he wasn’t confident in succeeding.

“Then you’ll have absolute certainty that you are who you are.” Jensen shrugged like it was not a big deal only that to Jared it kind of was.

“And… and what if I do?” His mouth went dry but he couldn’t help asking.

“No good talking about the ifs, Jared”, Jensen answered. He brought one hand up to circle Jared’s neck but didn’t move for a kiss.

“Is this part of your bet?” Jared didn’t know where the idea came from but the idea made his stomach churn unpleasantly.

Jensen frowned a little looking a bit offended. “No. I just… I’m curious too, you know?”

“About what?”

“You.” Jensen shrugged still standing close but not leaning in.

It was killing Jared, so he just threw all thoughts out the window and did what he wanted to do - and admitting that was not easy, mind you. He leaned forwards head tipping sideways and eyes falling closed as his lips met Jensen’s. They were soft and tasted like tequila and salt and he couldn’t help nipping on the plush flesh because it felt pretty great. Then Jensen opened his mouth and Jared couldn’t refuse an invitation like that pushing his tongue inside to explore while his arms joined in circling Jensen’s back to press their bodies flush together.

He let himself fall tasting, exploring and just feeling the differences to his previous kisses. There was the rasp of stubble against is chin that was strange and scratchy but also kind of hot and also the hard lines of the body in his arms, lean and tight with some really nice muscles and a complete lack of the soft female curves. Jared was pretty pleased with the fact that he didn’t have to stoop, simply tilt his head down a little to accommodate the few inches he was taller than Jensen.

The time that passed as they kissed was a blur and he couldn’t say how long it was by the time they parted again both panting visibly.

“Wow. I don’t know if you felt anything but I definitely know I’m gay now... Not that there was much doubt before but it was good to check anyway”, Jensen said with a nervous chuckle as he was rubbing the back of his neck looking a little uncomfortable for the first time since Jared met him.

“I- it was good… confusingly so.” Jared knew he was blushing but hoped it wouldn’t be very evident in the colored lighting.

“Looks like you win, Mikey!”

Jared and Jensen both startled at the sudden shout next to them and they practically jumped apart to turn towards the person interrupting.

“Told you so, Tom.”

Jared couldn’t help his utter confusion when he saw Mike and Tom standing next to each other with a twin couple of shit-eating grins. “What? Tom, what are you doing here?”

The tall, dark haired man shrugged. “Mike called me and told me that you had picked up some dude and were dry-humping him on the dance floor. I called him a liar, thought he only made this up to get me to come here… looks like I owe you an apology, baby.” He turned towards the smaller man next to him and Mike’s triumphantly grinning face turned upwards to catch the kiss that was offered.

“Yes, you do and I know several ways you can make it up to me… naked.”

Jared sighed not surprised that the two men seemed to have reconciled in the face of something like his sexual identity crisis. Why they even bothered to announce their break-ups anymore was puzzling to Jared.

“Well, I… I guess I’ll leave you to your friends then.”

He turned to see Jensen looking a little uncomfortable as he started to inch his way back towards the crowd. Jared reached out to hold him back before he even thought about it. For some reason he didn’t want this to just end like that - and maybe one reason was that he had really enjoyed that kiss.

“Wait! What… what if I get confused again? I feel more confused than before actually…” He tried for a hopeful smile and could pinpoint the exact moment Jensen’s resolve to leave him and his sexual identity crisis behind broke.

“Give me your cellphone.”

Jared did as he was told and watched as Jensen hacked his number into the thing throwing Mike and Tom a ‘shut up’-look when he could hear them snicker on the sidelines. When he had his cellphone back in his hand he looked at it for a long moment before jumping in with both feet.

“Is it okay if I call you?”

The look Jensen gave him was pretty clearly stating that he wasn’t so stupid as to give his number to a man he didn’t want to call him. “If you still feel… confused… when you’re sober.”

Jared nodded feeling the flutter of excitement and panic in his stomach. He was pretty sure that whatever this unexpected attraction he was feeling really was had nothing to do with his blood-alcohol-level and everything to do with Jensen. What the hell had he gotten himself into?


Sequel >> You Have To - Jared knows if he calls Jensen, his whole life might change. But he just has to.

*hugs* Birdie

A/N: Yes, there#s an open ending *fake shock* but I will probably write more for them, okay? Okay.

prompts, j2au, oneshot, fanfiction

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