innovate_human Jul 16, 2009 20:08
this is how he copes, nightmare, feelings nothing more than feelings, ticchan went back in the closet, work work work, private, michel stop making him confused, let's get down to business, michel blanc, unhackable, ow, baww and woe
innovate_human Jul 06, 2009 23:02
this is how he copes, feelings nothing more than feelings, private, ticchan came out of the closet, michel blanc, *eyes/ph, unhackable, *event end, ow
innovate_human Jun 28, 2009 10:37
this is how he copes, unfit, nightmare, *power loss/gain, feelings nothing more than feelings, private, *event, *eyes/ph, unhackable, *event end, unsure
innovate_human May 29, 2009 21:31
innovade, mission, celestial being, soma peries, unhackable, voice, this is how he copes, fucking ribbons, scared, filtered, private, ticchan come out of the closet already, innovator, let's get down to business, hilling care, don't piss off the moebot, angry
innovate_human May 25, 2009 11:51
this is how he copes, innovade, celestial being, become the change, nena trinity, fucking ribbons, private, innovator, setsuna f. seiei, anew returner, unhackable, baww and woe