13 ::0011000100110011:: 13 [Voice]

May 29, 2009 21:31


[There's the sound of him punching the wall near the terminal.]

Why?! Why is she here?! If this is a place to repent... she's not going to repent. That much is obvious.

[He growls, and tries to compose himself.]

... They need to be told. Just like last time.


[Filtered to Celestial Being + Soma Peries//Unhackable]

Tomorrow at ten A.M. sharp, there will be a meeting in Celestial Being's Lower Level headquarters. It is extremely important that everyone attend.

Soma Peries. This is also relevant to you. It would be wise for you to attend, as well.

[/Filtered to Celestial Being + Soma Peries//Unhackable]

[[ooc; ... Yeah he's including Toshiko in this. SERIOUS BUSINESS IS FUCKING SERIOUS and... he's really freaking paranoid about an Innovade (that's aware of being an Innovade) besides himself running around. Meeting will be handwaved because... yeah. Basically it's gonna cover basics of "wtf is an Innovator/Innovade", specifically "this is how they will try to fuck our shit up". He's inviting Soma along because lol QBW fuckery once Hilling gets her powers back.]]

innovade, mission, celestial being, soma peries, unhackable, voice, this is how he copes, fucking ribbons, scared, filtered, private, ticchan come out of the closet already, innovator, let's get down to business, hilling care, don't piss off the moebot, angry

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