*Del has not been out for a while. But she has been thinking quite a bit since her birthday Which the mun totally forgot about, and has decided that she'd like to start getting out more.
So today, she is out, and looking for something in specific. Anyone know the way to a music store?*
*Out, out, out, Del needs out! She's actually feeling homesick--something she never thought she would be--and thusly she is trying to escape this feeling. Because really, home was where Tesu was, and, well....
If you look for her, you can find her in the park, doing her best to outrun her own thoughts.*
*Being suddenly punted from the middle of winter to the middle of summer has sort of thrown Del's sense of time all a-whack. But the date can still catch her eyes, and she does still remember what happened on this day. Suffice it to say, it's officially a Bad Day.*
*Del is out and about today! A list in one hand, her whiteboard tucked snuggly under her arm, communicator stuffed into her pocket, and a half-hearted wish for a car accompanying her.*
*Del has found a communicator! Well, rather, she walked into one of the apartments near Shinju's and 'borrowed' it, but he, it works. More or less. So she's playing with it, in lieu of going out again. She may go out in a day or so for personalization stuff. Unintentionally, she triggers a camera flash
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