Jun 17, 2007 17:25
Susan! Justin! Meg! Wayne! Someone! You should all come over and visit! I'm so incredibly bored! Mum's driving me insane. I've already had to help her in the garden, which wasn't so bad, except for we have a gnome problem.
I think I should get a pet now that I'm home and I can fully devote time to one. What should I get?
Jun 11, 2007 09:23
Promise me some of you will drop by and visit over the summer! I don't want to be completely bored until I find a job, which let's face it won't be my first priority when I get home.
Jun 02, 2007 14:56
Thank Merlin it's over and I can breathe again. If I see another book, it'll be too soon.
How does everyone think they did?
May 18, 2007 03:00
How many exams do we have left? Is there any way out now?
May 03, 2007 04:08
Please tell me the insanity will be over soon.
Does anyone really know what they want to do when they get out of here?
Apr 15, 2007 20:48
I will be so glad never to see another book again when this year is over. I'm so sick of studying. Does anyone else feel like that?
{Private to Justin}
Steal me away from studying sometime this week.
Mar 25, 2007 16:21
Ernie! Study session, yeah? And I've got something to tell you!
I've got a question for all of you! If you could have dinner with any five people, living or dead, who would you choose?
Feb 22, 2007 00:30
Why can't I get Justin out of my head for more than five seconds?
Susan. How's the studying going?
Feb 09, 2007 15:21
Justin and I made up...I mean we really made up. Now I don't know what to do. He's always been the one constant in my life and I think I'm in love with him.
I can't help but be afraid of taking the next step.
Zach. Can we talk?
Jan 28, 2007 14:28
Ernie. Is it me or have the first years gotten rowdier since they've come back from holiday?
Mum and Dad have insisted that I do an internship at the ministry after I finish up at Hogwarts. Which means I'll be stuck behind a desk all day with paperwork of some sort. I know that's not really for me. Perhaps I'll discover a better job while I'm