Title: Puzzling Evidence (Part XV)
inkscribePairings: Lorne/Zelenka
Kink: mild D/s, bondage, spanking
Warnings: None.
deci-angst (moderate)Rating: NC-17
Words: ~1700 (this part)
Spoilers: none (this part)
slashing_lorne, my LJ
Feedback: yes, please!
Summary: What we see is not always what it seems.
Chapter Summary: Disorder.
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Comments 19
Rodney *hugs protectivley*. Do I need to add Rodney to my list of characters I need to take away from you 'cause you keep hurting 'em. *glares accusingly*
LOL - kidding. Hopefully things will start looking up now.
...and Yeah, we know Rodney's reached a new level when his minions actually start running away from him. *nodnod* It's a little beyond his usual technique of making them huddle in a corner and cry.
LOL - looking forward to the next update.
I *think* we've injured just about everyone who has to be injured. For this story, at any rate. However, no promises -- there are still things to do, angst to stir, you know the drill. ;-)
Next update tomorrow, as usual. Sometime before noon MST, UST -7.
Seriously though...oh man, I wanted to see John and Rodney and Carson again so bad and now I want EVEN MORE! Oh man. Plus I'm still worried about Radek and...man, you're juggling a lot of plates here! And I LOVE it!
Hmmm ... another possible plot bunny. Infirmary orgies? All those gloves, all that conductive gel. The possibilities are ... intriguing. :-D
Aw man, that's tough! Poor woobies.
*huggles them all to herself*
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