Part 2 *
“Adam, if you had too...”
Adam looks up from the vegetables sizzling on the saucepan to where Michael is, wondering what caused the archangel to trail off like that. Said archangel leans against the refrigerator, staring out the doorway that leads into the living room, looking very lost. A look that has been present on his face all day. Adam hasn't seen Michael sport that look for a while now. Not since Michael finally decided that yes, Adam did want him back, and he wasn't going to take back that decision and throw him out. Adam seriously wonders exactly why Michael thinks he'll do that, but honestly he doesn't want to ask. Sometimes the way Michael thinks still scares him. Even though he's given up that life, he's still an archangel after all. He's spent his whole life being once. As Michael once said, it's not something you can let go of easily.
“If I had to?”
“If you were given the choice between having your mother back and me...” Oh so that's what's been eating at Michael. Sometimes Adam forgets that while he has made his peace with a lot of things, Michael still hasn't forgiven himself, even as much as Adam wants him too.
Michael still doesn't look at him, when he finally asks; but there's so much guilt and insecurity radiating off him. Adam just wishes he would just forgive himself already, because he hates when Michael gets like this. He's even briefly contemplating taking a page out of Raphael's book and telling Michael how archangels should not be like this. They're meant to be proud, strong beings.
But on the other hand he knows the Michael who came out of the Cage was much different than the Michael who fell in. And the Michael is front of him now, is even more different than that Michael. This one allows Adam to see him at his weak moments, and Adam knows how much Michael trusts him to show him this side.
Sighing, Adam turns back to the vegetables. He doesn't want them to burn. Michael has asked him this question before. Many times. Adam's never had a straight answer because his mother has always held more of Adam than Michael, despite all their years together. Just as Michael's duty and Father, Lucifer, Raphael, and his other siblings have held onto Michael.
“Both.” Adam replies. Adam's mother taught him a long time ago that you can't choose which part of your heart you love and yearn for the most. He's only realised exactly what that means in these few years, when he looked back over a lot of things in his childhood. Hindsight is always a blessing.
Michael looks at him, finally, confused. So Adam elaborates.
“I still miss her. Never going to stop missing her or wanting her around. But I'm not going to trade you for her. Unless of course the situation called for it, but that's because I know you're more than capable of turning the tables on whatever than mom is. Though, I wouldn't put it past her to be sneaky. I mean she's my mom, after all.”
Michael seeming to get the joke, has a small smile on his face. Adam has always, and still maintains that he's more his mother's son than John's. It seems that Michael has finally started sharing that opinion too.
“Both of us, then.” Michael sounds relieved, something which makes Adam smile.
“Yep. I kinda wish you two could've met. She'd have liked you.”
“Or tried to kill me.”
“Well yeah she would've. But then she'd have let you go, and fawned over you.”
“Like you do? I honestly doubt anyone can, at least as much as you do.”
Adam's about to reply with a 'no, she's much worst when it comes to the fawning thing,' but he makes the mistake of looking at Michael again. Michael who's looking at him with so much open adoration and wonder, and Adam mentally rescinds that comment. Mom's awesome and all, but he's not sure he likes the idea of anyone else fawning over Michael, or Michael giving other than him those looks. Even his own mom.
Yeah he has it bad.
So maybe Adam's possessive. He's always been possessive over the people he loves.
“Damn right. I doubt anyone could outdo Adam Milligan on loving the archangel Michael like crazy.” Which seems to be the magic words, because Michael's smile is just so happy. There's no other word that can describe it aptly.
“Olani hoath ol monons.” Michael murmurs voice rough and filled with emotion as he utters each of those ancient words, barely audible in the noise that fills the room. But Adam hears it, feels the rush of air ring in his ears, and in his bones, feels that something warm go down his spine and coil low in his belly at the words.
“Don't do that,” Adam says, just a little breathless. Enochian this ancient, isn't meant for human ears. It's not even meant for other angels. It's the language that was used to create existence, only meant for God and his first four. They both know that. Adam is lucky enough to be used to it by now, after years in the Cage, but it still leaves him just a little bit overwhelmed. Michael simply smiles as he ignores that, comes up behind Adam wrapping his arms around Adam, and keeps murmuring those words into the skin of Adam's shoulder, like the oath Adam has learnt it is.
“Yeah,” Adam says leaning back against Michael, once he finds his voice, and breathing is a possibility again, “I love you too, you dolt. Now let me cook. You don't want burnt food for dinner right?”
The sound of Michael's laughter, stifled by his own skin, is the best sound Adam's heard all day.
Michael never asks him to choose between him and Kate after that. Adam's thankful that he's finally got it.
The ring is an unexpected birthday gift. It's nice and all, nothing flashy, just a simple silver band with what looks like Enochian engraved into it, but it's really unexpected. Adam looks from it, to the nervous look in Michael's eyes - Michael who didn't even wait until he got home but came right into the dispensary as Adam was closing up, to give him this birthday gift - and back to the ring.
He's not sure how he feels right now. He thinks he's happy, quickly approaching that state of stupid kiddish joy kind of happy, even though he's supposed to be a calm rational adult, about what it means. But mostly he's just confused. He's already promised Michael forever. He's promised Raphael that he'll keep Michael forever, which is as good a permanent commitment as anything else, because Raphael is fucking scary, and the fact that Adam had the balls to sincerely mean that promise, and counter threaten Raphael over coming between them, should count as to how serious he is. (Even though to be fair, he was a little intoxicated at the time, but he really meant every word he said. Including the whole bit of violence and mutilation - and really why hasn't Raphael killed him for that yet? ) He doesn't really know exactly why Michael had to buy them rings. Besides while Michael is kind of big on a lot of human things now, Adam's pretty sure this wasn't one of them.
He decides for once maybe shutting on his brain to mouth filter is the best. “Why the rings? I mean I like them, but last I remember you weren't so big on something like this.”
Michael hums with nervous energy, and no it's still weird seeing him like that. Adam's never going to get used to it. Never. It doesn't help that he thinks of Raphael waiting in the dark ready to smite Adam for making Michael wear that look, whenever Michael has that face on. “I once asked you to be my bond mate.”
“And I said yes. Pretty sure you never mentioned rings. You said they were a human thing.”
Whatever Adam was thinking he'd get, he's not prepared for the self depreciating look that crosses Michael's face. It makes Michael look old, and just a little helpless, and that's just wrong on so many levels. Really, as glad as he is that Michael lets Adam see this more insecure side of his; one of these days, Adam is going to do a Raphael, and Michael will have only himself to blame for that. “Yes they are, but... After what I did, with the... When I... With the mark....” He trails off searching for words, but Adam already knows
what he means. He still has the last vestiges of the brand on his back. The remnants of Michael's name in Ancient Enochian. Those scars that have yet to fade completely. If it hadn't been put the way it had, when Michael was not completely Michael , Adam would've worn it proudly.
“Yeah you can skip mentioning that.”
“Yes well, I did bond with you back then. Not the way we normally do, because bonding was not meant for lovers. I've told you that before. And what I did was twisted and wrong and....”
And while Adam can understand Michael's need to painfully lay out every possible detail when it comes to angelic things, so that Adam understands fully, he doesn't really want to bring up those memories on his birthday. “Mind fast forwarding to the relevant non trauma revisiting parts?”
He probably shouldn't have said that because Michael looks stricken, and he pulls his gaze away from Adam onto the floor. Maybe Adam shouldn't have said that. Actually he definitely shouldn't have said that. Those memories are harsh on Michael too. More than they are on Adam. Adam's forgiven, and moved on; Michael still fights with them.
But thankfully, Michael gets right back to the point he was trying to make and marches on. Adam's glad, because he's not sure he could deal with Michael high tailing it again. “You rejected me. We can't bond with the same being again once we're rejected. And even if we could, even with your consent, attempting a bond now would strain your soul far too much.”
Adam's starting to wonder just what else would strain his soul too much. Just about everything sounds like it could these days, from what Michael says. Michael probably has a list of them. It's probably: Raphael, sneaking up on Adam, Raphael, angel bonding, Raphael, branding, Raphael, too much snow, too much coffee, too little protein, cholesterol, Raphael, spilling hot soup, Raphael, Winchesters, Michael existing. That last one is probably circled multiple times over too. Along with Raphael.
Okay so maybe he over did it on Raphael, but seriously, half his life scares once Michael and him started something came from her. Even if she is Adam's closest friend.
Though if she ever heard that, she'd smite him on principle. And then bring him back to life, so that she could smite him again.
Why are they even friends, anyway?
Shaking those thoughts away he focuses back on the issue at hand. “So you bought me a ring instead.”
“Yes. To be honest, I think I prefer this much more. Any mark I asked you to wear, would be permanent. You'd chose to wear it once without being able to get rid of it later. Unless of course you do something difficult, dangerous, and crazy, which most normal people would avoid. Which knowing you, you most likely would.” Michael does an impressively good job of deflecting Adam's glare when he says that. “And this, you could chose to wear this everyday. You even have the option of getting rid of it, painlessly, without any hassle, if you should feel like it. I never realised just how much it reaffirms one's commitment.”
“Michael. You, are, a completely ridiculous sap. Do you purposely model your behaviour out of crappy romance novel leads, or something?” because really, that, that, has got to be the most cheesiest thing he's heard. Adam is pretty sure if any angel could see the glorious Michael now, they'd be shaking their heads, sighing, and agreeing with Adam. Well maybe not Raphael. She'd probably just have another reason to kill Adam. Maybe she'd probably maim Michael too, on principle.
But all that aside, he takes the ring sliding it onto his finger, because yes it is a nice gesture. And yes, Adam likes the permanence it signifies. And yes, if Michael had shown the slightest inkling of liking the idea of rings, it would've been Adam who'd have bought them instead.
“You've mentioned that before, you brat.” Michael rolls his eyes fondly trained on the silver band Adam's now wearing. And really that look of pure utter joy blooming on his face despite Michael's many attempts to school his expression makes something warm unfurl inside Adam.
“Only the last time I distinctly recall you adding that you were equally sappy, and as long as I didn't tell anyone else, you didn't mind.”
But of course Michael being the dense idiot that he is, has to ruin whatever moment they were about to have. Typical. Really typical.
“Do you want me to take this off, less than a minute after I put it on, and aim it for your eye? Because seriously old man, I will do it. And I will not feel even the slightest bit guilty about it.”
“That depends, do you want Raphael storming in here, or smiting you with lightning?”
“That's cheating. You're not allowed to include or take the help of your siblings-- Wait you told Raphael you were getting me a ring?
Seriously? Seriously? Doesn't she have enough reasons to kill me that you're actively giving her more of them?”
“Don't worry, she doesn't want to kill you. She barely seem surprised when I mentioned it.”
“I'm still carrying angel banishing sigils with me for the next few days. I don't trust her.”
Michael shrugs, chuckling as he settles on the edge of the desk in front of Adam, while Adam goes back to locking up his desks and the various shelves. Michael coming here with the rings had made him forget about the fact that he was supposed to be closing up for the day.
“If you want I'll be your escort to the dispensary, so that I can offer you protection.” And really as sweet as that sounds, it'd sound better if Michael's voice wasn't dripping with amusement and barely disguised innuendo.
“You just want an excuse to grope me publicly, and say you're checking for curses.” He's not actually opposed to being groped by Michael in the slightest, but Adam has this thing about drawing a line for public displays of affection. Groping is the kind of thing that's just more acceptable in private, where no one else can watch. And Adam has a lot of people who like to randomly visit him whenever they have free time, to catch up with him. He'd rather not scar them by having them walk in on the shark like middle aged man, doing things to their beloved Doctor Adam.
Well scar them any more than he probably already has. Michael has groped him in his office before. And gone farther than groping too. Adam's just glad that no kids have ever come in for a check up on those embarrassing occasions.
Adam pauses in the middle of double checking whether the last of his patient file cabinets is locked only to catch Michael's eyes trained firmly on his ass. He can't help roll his eyes at that.
Michael smirks when their gazes meet. He's still brimming with energy, only this isn't nervous, but a different kind of energy. Adam briefly wonders if he should pre-emptively put up a note or something, saying that he won't be coming to work tomorrow. If Michael has his way tonight - and oh who is Adam kidding, of course Michael is going to have his way tonight. It's not like Adam will stop him. Hell, if Adam doesn't get any sex tonight, he'll probably be the one kicking Michael's ass out of bed. And maybe out of the house.
Which means that yeah, he'll be sore by tomorrow. Definitely putting up a notice.
“Come on fly boy. Let's head home, and celebrate.” He says as he dons his coat on. Michael's smile is so wide, and happy, and Adam can't help but just pleasantly ache with that. It's nice seeing Michael this way. It's nice just simply seeing Michael, and having this again.
It's only when they're outside that Adam remembers that in his haste, he forgot his gloves. Yet again. And hell, he really needs to stop being so absent minded when it comes to those, or one day he'll end up having his fingers freeze off with frostbite. And wouldn't that be an absolutely stupid thing to let happen. Doctor Adam Milligan, the one who tells everyone how to take care of themselves and scolds everyone for their bad habits toward their health, doing something like that. Seriously, Adam thinks shoving his hands into his coat pockets to keep them warm, he must be getting old.
Warmth suddenly wraps around him, and when he looks at Michael, pressed against his side, the archangel's eyes glint mischievously. “And you call me an old man.”
“Shut up.” He pulls his hand out of his pocket to smack Michael's clothed chest, but Michael catches it there, entwining their fingers. And really, Michael is a damn sap.
That's okay, though, because as much as he grumbles about it, Adam is a sap too.
And together they walk back home in the snow.