Title: Reconnecting The Dots
Part: One-Shot
inkcharm_666 Fandom: Super Junior (canon-ish)
Characters: Donghae, Kibum, Heechul, Kyuhyun, Eunhyuk, mentions of Hankyung and Zhou Mi
Pairings: KiHae, EunHae, HanChul, KyuMi
Warnings: fluff, angst
Rating: G
Disclaimer: All people mentioned in this story are real people. I do not mean to slight them with this work of
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Comments 17
i love your writing style in this
thas mean you know? writing about people and pairings i got no clue about >( but since this is my inky writing, i gotta read anyway, no? X)
please forgive me though - since i dont know these guys at all, neither their quirks and personalities nor their relationships with each other, i probably have no chance of really understanding the core of this ficlet. i keep mixing up their names as well which doesnt help matters one bit. but i'd like to inform you that even for an outsider it was an interesting and amusing read and it had its "d'awww" parts just as well :)
again there we find the topic of friendships and distances and how everyone copes in their own way. it is an important and interesting thing to reflect about *hugs*
For some background about the main couple: Kibum "left" the band. He's still officially part of it, but he's pretty much missing in action and dicking around elsewhere in the world. He used to hang around with Donghae pretty much though. So Donghae misses Kibum, who's not around and whom pretty much everyone desperately wants back.
Heechul is one of the oldest members. He's very good friends with Hankyung - but Hankyung left the band for good, so he's gone, which affects Heechul.
Kyuhyun is one of the Korean band members, but Zhou Mi is a Chinese member. They're both in a subgroup of Super Junior, and they're very tight, but not always able to be around each other when they remain in their respective countries.
Eunhyuk gets shipped with Donghae pretty much because they're tight, but I made his feelings for Donghae one-sided in this.
I bet I confused you more than before, eh? xD
*sits on you*
.... netter versuch! |D"
hör auf du. mein kopf ist zur zeit schon voll genug. besides, es sind die namen an sich, die mir die hirnwindungen verknoten. chichouchenghyoukyong - alles dasselbe 8D
ich weiß dein geschreibsel auch ohne background zu würdigen ;) wobei ich es natürlich [i]noch[/i] mehr zu würdigen wüsste, wenn du bei gewissen anderen fandoms bleiben würdest... *hehe* ... ah, ich hätt ne ac-story von dir kaufen sollen *hrr*
...karl may is übrigens gar nich so schlecht. so das format, was du auch deinen kindern vorlesen würdest *notier* 4 und uhr aufstehn ging sogar einigermaßen - AUSNAHMSWEISE. jetzt grauts mir vor dienstag - da gehts 3 uhr früh los bis kurz vor 6, da brauch ich gar nich erst schlafen gehn. ich glaub an dem tag werd ich rumlaufen wie ein wandelndes stück sch... [/random]
*inky wieder runterschubs*
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