Oct 17, 2010 21:07
Okay, so at first I thought I was just transported here, somehow. By someone, or something. That we all were. For reasons I haven't been able to figure out yet.
But it seems now it's more than that.
We seem to not be able to die.
At least, not permanently.
Now, where I'm from, you don't stay dead forever either. You die, you enter Cryllis, you're reborn hundreds of years later, likely looking different and without any memories of your previous life.
Here, it looks like you die, you just come back to life right away. Looking the same, remembering everything, just being bale to get up and walk around again like nothing happened at all.
It's disturbing.
I'm pretty sure it has something to do with the fact that somehow, someway, upon entering this world... our blood has been changed.
It's darker now. Inkier.
And appears to be the same liquid in that Well we all crawled out of upon arriving here.
This... someone, or something, that brought us here, didn't just steal us from our worlds.
It's toying with us.
We can't even escape through death. And killing each other will do nothing except provide momentary satisfaction, and then frustrate us.
I'm not happy about this.
This is just fantastic.. F#$%ING FANTASTIC.
Now not only am I stuck in some lame place I don't know with a bunch of freaks, with Jimmy not around, but now I CAN'T EVEN KILL ANYONE!
That crosses the line.
I'm finding out where we are, and who or what's doing this.
We're going to need to explore past this city.
So unless you wanna be stuck here infinitely and immortally, you're going to need to come with me
I'll work on more of the details of the expedition later, and update accordingly.
For now, Heloise out.
[jimmy two-shoes] heloise