Tangled Blood, Part 3

Dec 17, 2005 00:14

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5

Author's Notes: death eaters are KINDERGARTENERS!




Ginny spent the next few days working on her scarf, occasionally reading one of Snape's books. For the most part, he kept Wormtail in the jar, but he was let out a couple times a day, and each time he was out, Ginny never left Snape's side, even though Wormtail always went directly to his room.

One morning, Ginny awoke, certain she'd heard a pop in the sitting room. Looking around, she didn't notice anything different; shrugging, she laid her head back down and fell back asleep on the couch.


Snape apparated to the front step of a large, elaborate house that overlooked a small muggle village. He knocked on the door and waited.

It was silent on the other side for a minute or two, then the door opened.

"Severus?" Narcissa smiled. "Come in. What brings you here? Lucius is out with Draco." She opened the door wider.

Snape walked inside, smiling as much as he did. "Hello Narcissa. I didn't come to see Lucius today. I came to see you."

"Oh, how lovely," she answered, though there was a hint of curiosity in her voice. She closed the door behind him and lead the way through the entry hall to the large living room. "Have a seat, Severus."

"That's all right. I don't plan to be here long." He bowed his head. "I came to ask a favor."

Narcissa looked back at him. "A favor? And you don't wish to see Lucius?" She looked a little uncertain.

"No, I need your help on this, Cissy."

"Well...What is it? I'll help if I can."

Snape nodded, but didn't speak for awhile. He looked as though he was carefully considering his words. After a few minutes, he spoke.

"Have you read the papers recently?"

"I have."

"I'm sure you've read of the Weasley girl, then."

"She was front page on The Daily Prophet no more than three days ago. It claimed her brother denounced her as a Death Eater and she fled. What does this lie have to do with me?"

"Well, it's not a lie."

"She's one of us? A Weasley... They were burned off the Black Family tree, for their love of Muggles." Narcissa's face was confused.

"Their youngest is returning. It began during the last year, at Hogwarts. Draco knows, he was instrumental is much of her training. I'm surprised you haven't heard, I was certain Draco would have bragged to Lucius over it."

"I haven't heard a word of it." Narcissa looked thoughtful. "Again, though, what does it have to do with me? What favor are you asking?"

"She's living at my house right now. She can't stay. I have work to do for the Order, and when the summer is done, I must return to Hogwarts. I would prefer not to leave her with Wormtail."

Narcissa's eyes widened. "You're asking me to take her in?"

He nodded. "I am. She needs a place to stay where her brother can't find her, and you've always wanted a girl."

"You can't believe that Lucius would approve of this. No matter if she's one of us or not, all he'll see is her red hair; all he'll hear is the name 'Weasley.' "

"She's still pureblood, Narcissa," Snape added, very much hoping to appeal to her lack of a daughter, and her son's lack of a suitable girl.

The blonde woman said nothing, obviously in thought.

Snape waited patiently.

"How long would she be here?"

"At least until she's of age. She's almost fourteen now, so perhaps three more years?"

After a few minutes, she smiled. "I have wanted a girl. Someone to make into a lady, to train and teach manners. Lucius only let me teach Draco so much, saying a man didn't need to know those things. But a girl, I could teach."

"I'll bring her later tonight."

Narcissa looked genuinely happy. "I'll make sure that her brother never finds her here, and that she's very comfortable."

"Thank you, Cissy." Snape's lips curled in as much a smile as he ever had.

The woman walked her guest back to the door.


Snape apparated into his sitting room, to find Ginny standing on the couch, her wand pointed in front of her, eyes scared, yet determined. On the other side of the room, Wormtail stood motionless.

"What happened?" Snape asked as he sat in his armchair.

"He changed in the jar and it shattered. Then he came at me." Ginny held her wand steady at the man.


"And, I used a freezing charm. Hermione taught me it."

Snape yawned, then looked at Wormtail. "Finite," he said, and Wormtail took a surprised step forward, almost falling. "Misbehaving, again?"

"I can do what I want." Wormtail's glare was fixed on Ginny. "I want to know why she's here."

"She's leaving tonight. Really Wormtail, does it matter that much to you? Did you get attached when you lived with her family?"

Ginny jumped down from the couch. "Wait, what do you mean, I'm leaving tonight? Where am I going?" She put her wand away, watching Snape.

Wormtail's ears perked and he listened carefully.

"I'm taking you somewhere else. Malfoy Manor."

"I can't live there! Lucius will kill me."

"Narcissa has agreed to take you in."

"Draco's mother?"

"She's always wanted a daughter."

Ginny sat on the couch hard. "I don't want to live there. Why didn't you ask me?"

"You said it. You don't get what you want anymore."

Wormtail's face curled in a cruel smirk

The girl's eyes fell away from Snape. "And I have to stay there all year? Because I can't go to Hogwarts."

"More than likely."

"What about the summer next year?"

"I told Narcissa you'd be there until you were of age."

"Three years?! I don't want to be there for three years!!"

Snape ignored her and picked up his book, muttering, "I really wish the Dark Lord would impose an age requirement..."

She let out a frustrated sigh. "Fine. If that's what I have to do, then I'll do it."

"I told Cissy I'd bring you there later tonight, after the meeting."


"You shouldn't call her that."

"Probably." Ginny pulled book from the shelf near her.

Wormtail's eyes glanced between the two quickly, then he scurried to his room.

"What meeting?" Ginny asked.

"We're having a Death Eater get together tonight. Sort of a...Summer barbecue. Without the barbecue."

Ginny blinked. "Oh..." She focused on her book.


An hour later, Ginny looked up from her book. She hesitated before opening her mouth, then asked, "...Are you crocheting?"

Snape's eye twitched. "Yes."

"What are you making?"

"A potholder."

Ginny hesitated again. Snape's potholder was quite long. "...Is it...for.. a very large cauldron?"

"It might be."

"That looks like a scarf, Snape."

The man didn't answer.

"I know how to crochet, Snape. That doesn't look like a potholder."

"Does it matter?"

Ginny's eyes lit up. "You're making it for McGonagall!"

Again, no answer.

"I'm not going to tell anyone."

"No, you're not."

"Why are you making it in Slytherin colors?"'

"Would you prefer Ravenclaw?"

"Um..Well, I guess not..."


{Written jointly by Amidoji and Sharachan}

Through, loop, under, loop, pull, through...

"What are you doing?"

"I'm ..” Snape quickly went over things that are made with yarn in his head, “Making a pot holder. I'm out in the potions classroom. All burned to cinders by irresponsible students."

Lucius eyed the suspicious 'potholder', it didn’t look much like a potholder. It was about 2 feet too long. "That will wrap around your neck."

"I was cold."

"Why are you making a scarf, Severus?"

"I told you already, I was cold."

He owed an explanation to no one about this. No one but Minerva McGonagall. His secret.

Ginny kept her eyes down and the smirk off her face. The Death Eaters barbecue without the barbecue seemed to consist entirely of a large group of people sitting around a table staring at each other, aside from Snape and his crocheting. No one spoke much, and the Dark Lord had not made an appearance. She glanced down the table where the Malfoys were sitting; Draco looked nervous about something; Lucius looked bored; Narcissa wasn't at the meeting.

Ginny stifled a yawn, wishing she'd brought her own crocheting with her. At the beginning, it had been almost interesting, many of the Death Eaters had read about her in the wizarding papers but hadn't believed the stories. When she'd shown up at the meeting with Snape, a few questions had been raised by others and answered by Snape. But after just a few minutes, the group had settled into silence, no longer interested in the red-haired girl; simply waiting for Lord Voldemort to appear.

The younger Crabbe and Goyle sat across from Draco, and after awhile, began poking and torturing a spider between them, while the two fathers watched Lucius warily.

After an hour of sparse mindless conversation, and no appearance by Voldemort, Lucius leaned down and whispered something to Draco. While his attention was diverted, a rock pegged him on the side of the face. Quickly, the blond man eyed the group, searching for any sign of who the culprit was.

Ginny bit her tongue, knowing that any sign of amusement would cause Lucius to believe she'd done it. She kept her bored look and stared into space over Crabbe's head.

A red spot was forming on Lucius's cheek as he scanned the ground, then leaned over and picked something up; he smirked and then settled his eyes on Snape.

A small rock flew across the table and hit Snape square in the forehead. The surprised man looked up as he missed a stitch in the scarf. His eyes narrowed on Lucius; he set the yarn and hook on the table and stood. He pulled his wand from his sleeve and aimed at Lucius.

"Rictusempra!" The black haired man yelled, and Lucius struggling to keep upright as he laughed uncontrollably.

The elder Crabbe and Goyle stood up and pulled their wands out, yelling "Tarantallegra!" in unison, and Ginny snorted as Snape began to dance wildly.

"Finite Incantatem!" A massive man with short blond hair stood and yelled.

Lucius and Snape both recovered from their effects; no one said a word as the massive blond sat down; Crabbe and Goyle glanced at each other, then Lucius.

It became apparent that the Dark Lord wasn't coming; people began to stand. Snape gathered up his crochet supplies; Ginny waited. Not many spoke good-byes and most simply apparated away. Ginny smiled slightly; the pops and various crackles as the different people left was somewhat interesting; they were similar and obviously the same spell, but each person was just a bit different. She looked at Snape as he touched her arm, and the two also disappeared from the 'barbecue.'


"How do you know what time it is?" Ginny spoke up,looking at the window. "You don't have a clock anywhere. It's constantly dark through the window. How do you know when you're supposed to do anything?"

"I'm on such a time dependant schedule at Hogwarts, I prefer to relax at home. I do things when I feel like it." Snape kept his eyes on his book.

"Aren't you ever late? Or miss something entirely?"


"I suppose then, it would be pointless to ask when we're leaving?"

"You had a fit earlier." He lowered his book and eyed the girl.

"Well, I got over that, didn't I?"

Snape's left eye twitched. "Would you like to go now?" he asked, his voice showing faint annoyance.

Ginny hesitated, glanced at the bookcase she was certain Wormtail was spying behind, then nodded. "Please."

Snape sighed. Setting his book on the table, he stood. "Come on."

Ginny grabbed her box and stood in front of Snape.

Snape toucher her arm, and concentrated on the Malfoys' porch; with a faint pop, the sitting room on Spinner's End became empty.


Ginny's first few days at Malfoy Manor were hard for her.

Lucius ignored her; didn't even look at her. Draco was behaving oddly, as though her presence made him uncomfortable. He avoided her in the evenings and made certain he was gone with his father before she awoke. Narcissa however, had made every effort to see that Ginny was comfortable, knew where things were, and, Ginny realized later, had made certain that Ginny was across the hall from Draco, and seemed the only one genuinely happy to have her there.

It was a few days later; Ginny had grown a little more comfortable at her new home, settling into a rhythm.

The morning started earlier than normal with Narcissa gently waking Ginny up.

"Time to get up. Today we're going shopping for you. Time to get you out of those rags and into what a real lady wears."

Ginny yawned as she rubbed her eyes. "A real lady?"

"That's what you're going to be. A lady of the Malfoy home."

Ginny bit her tongue, not exactly certain she'd ever aspired to be a Malfoy lady.

"Out of bed! I should never have to tell you twice," Narcissa said pointedly. "Once is more than enough for a lady."

The girl climbed out of bed and stood there as Narcissa dug through her box; it had become a daily thing, the woman searching desperately through the box for something she deemed acceptable for Ginny to wear that day.

"Here, dear," Narcissa said as she handed Ginny a long blue skirt from the box; a moment later she pulled a similarly colored shirt and handed that to the girl. "Put those on for today. We'll have a much better selection when we get home tonight.

Ginny took the clothes and turned away, changing from the oversized ratted shirt she slept in.

When she was done, she turned back to face Narcissa.

The woman smiled at her. "So close."

Hunger gnawed at Ginny's stomach, but she could tell other things were on the agenda.

Narcissa whisked her upstairs to the bathroom mirror. Ginny watched her reflection as her hair was twisted and pulled by the blonde woman. Finally Narcissa let go.

"Time to lose that red hair, honey."

"What?" Ginny turned to face her. "Lose it?"

"You certainly can't go around with us looking like that. People are looking for you. The Weasley girl has been denounced by her own brother as a Death Eater, then she turns up missing. It would look a little suspicious if I suddenly had a red-haired little girl with freckles, don't you think?"

Ginny looked back to the mirror; she couldn't imagine herself without her flaming red hair.

Narcissa smiled. "Perhaps, we shall make you blonde like Draco."

Ginny shook her head. "I look horrid blonde! It doesn't look good at all. If you're going to change it, make it darker."

Narcissa's smile twitched. "I know you're still a little unfamiliar with how people of society live. This house is not yours; I have taken you in, dear. You will be a lady if you want to remain in this house, and a lady does not correct her elders."

A sick feeling grew in Ginny's stomach. After a moment, she managed herself to look meek and she nodded. "I'm sorry. I didn't know. I won't do that again."

"It's all right, dear. You're still new. I'll make sure you learn."

For the first time, Ginny didn't think of Lucius as her greatest threat.

After another hour in the bathroom, and Narcissa was finally done. The blonde had quickly been dismissed almost as soon as Narcissa had attempted it.

A look of complete disgust had crossed the woman's face as she took in the sight of the white blonde hair on Ginny, the girl's skin suddenly looking very red and the freckles standing out even more.

Another wave of her wand with a few quiet words, and Narcissa smiled.

"Now you look like my sister." She fingered Ginny's hair, now black as a raven. "I suppose we'll just have to tell everyone you're related to Bella. That's all right. Still good for Draco."

"Good for Draco?" Ginny's eyes watched Narcissa in the mirror's reflection.

"Of course." She turned Ginny around to face her. "Your family may have branched in the wrong direction, but you haven't resorted to muggles yet for breeding. You're still a pureblood, Ginny. And I would have nothing less for my son."

Ginny looked in the mirror one last time, uncertain of the girl staring back. "I'm not even fourteen yet."

"It's never to young to be a suitable bride." She looked in the mirror with that smile. The smile Ginny had already accepted as something that would decide her fate for a few more years.

Narcissa waved her wand one last time.

Ginny watched in the mirror as her black hair grew quickly. It slid down her back until the ends reached just below her rear.

"There. Even more like Bella..." the blonde woman said; Ginny could tell Narcissa's eyes weren't seeing the mirror anymore. Draco had told her that his aunt was in Azkaban during one of their talks at school; Ginny wondered how much it affected Narcissa for her sister to be in such a place.

After a couple minutes, Narcissa seemed to come back. She turned Ginny to face her. "Mellantha."

"...I'm sorry?" Ginny stared back, confused.

"Bella always wanted a little girl to raise, to be just like her. She wanted to have a beautiful pureblood daughter, but she slipped up, and she was sent to Azkaban before she and Rodolphus had any children. We always talked when we were younger, about the future. She wanted to name her daughter Mellantha."

Ginny's eyes opened a little wider. She was beginning to catch on.

"I can't be Ginny anymore. Can I?"

Narcissa shook her head. "Not if you want to prevent your brother from finding you."

Ginny nodded slowly. "All right."

"Perfect, pure, Mellantha Black Lestrange." She smiled. "For Bella." Narcissa took Ginny's hand and led her downstairs.

That night, Ginny sat poised in the living room, under instruction from Narcissa. She was dressed in a gown the color of budding mint leaves, that flared from her waist down; the top was form fitting with sleeveless straps, and the front was cut to accentuate her developing bust. She wore silk gloves of the same color that came to her elbows, and her hair had been partially pulled from her face with the ends curled in back.

Lucius and Draco were due home soon and Narcissa waited impatiently; after sitting still for quite some time, Ginny heard the front door open.

"Now, smile," Narcissa instructed the girl; Ginny obeyed.

Lucius walked in the room first. His face filtered through confusion, to recognition, and then to resigned acceptance as he looked at Ginny. He smiled a bit at his wife and taking her hand, led her out of the room; as they walked out, Ginny heard him praise his wife for taking some of the Weasley out of the girl.

Ginny grit her teeth as she forced herself to keep smiling.

Draco walked in after his father, stopping when he noticed Ginny. She stood as Narcissa had told her to, watching his face.

"Hi Draco," she said.

"...Ginny?" he managed to answer.

She nodded.

"What happened to you?"

Ginny tried to ignore the way the question hurt. "Your mum thought I should lose my red hair. And she said it was time I started dressing like a lady."

Draco looked Ginny up and down, then back to her face. "Well...I guess you look like a lady."

Ginny's smile faltered a bit. "Oh..." She wanted to run from the room and lock herself away. "Thanks...I guess."

"What?" She looked like she was going to cry and Draco didn't understand why. "What's wrong?" he asked, almost snidely.

"You. What you're saying."

"I don't like you with black hair. So?"

"Well, it wasn't my choice. I wanted to keep my red hair."

"You don't look like Ginny."

"No. Your mum said I was Mellantha Black Lestrange."

Draco's brows narrowed. "Who's that?"

Ginny's hands felt tight as she held them at her sides. "The daughter that your Aunt Bella missed out on."

"Mum's trying to pass you off as Bella's girl? Is that why your hair is like that?"

Ginny nodded, about to cry. "She said I can't be Ginny anymore."

Draco stayed silent; he tried to make sense of the things he was hearing, and somewhere, it was working, but on a level closer to his consciousness, he couldn't grasp why there was a girl with black hair before him.

"Draco?" She was looking at him, uncertain.

He searched his mind for words; after a moment, he found some. "You look like a pretty girl."

"But I don't look like Ginny."

"No." He looked away from her and walked out of the room.

Ginny lost control and her face no longer displayed the doll smile she'd been holding; she hurried as quickly as possible without running to her room, where she closed the door and broke down in tears on her bed.


A few days passed; Ginny awoke a bit early. Draco was still avoiding her, and she wanted to ask him before he left for the day. Sitting up in bed, she listened; her door was closed but she was certain she heard someone.

Climbing out, she wrapped herself in the lilac silk robe Narcissa had paid for and walked to her door; after a moment's hesitation, she opened it and looked out.

"Draco?" she said cautiously to the boy across the hall.

His eyes glanced at her from his shoes, then back down. "Yes?"

She took a step into the hallway, pushing a tangled bit of black hair from her eyes. "I was just wondering...I mean... You haven't said much to me since I got here, not more than your mother has made you, really. I've been kind of hoping...maybe we could talk, like we did at school. I...I feel kind of lonely here. Maybe you don't have to go out with your Dad everyday? Or... something?"

Draco finished with his shoes and stood up. He didn't look at her as he ran his hand through his hair and grabbed up a bag; he kept his eyes averted as he left his room. "I've got things to do." He walked down the hallway.

Ginny's eyes looked down as she turned back to her room; after closing the door she sat on her bed and let a few quiet tears fall. Why won't you listen anymore? I just want to talk...I miss you...


{Written Jointly between Amidoji and Sharachan}

Lucius stormed into the dinning room furious. Where is that boy? Glancing around, he went for the first person he saw. Moggie, the family’s newest house elf, was busy setting the table for breakfast.

“Where’s Draco?”

“Moggie doesn’t know, master. She hasn’t seen the young master this morning.” The house elf winced as the snake cane was raised, but she wasn't struck.

“What use are you?” Lucius slammed the cane into the floor, turned and headed for the kitchen to find his wife.

He found her. They nearly collided in the door way between kitchen and dinning room. She, with a tray of toast, ham and pastries to set on the table, avoided him better than he avoided the door frame.

“You should stay out of doorways, Lucius.”

“Have you seen that brat this morning?”

“One would hope you are talking about your son. No I haven’t seen Draco this morning.”

“He’s not is his room and he’s not near the food.” Lucius pulled his wand out of his cane and muttered a quick spell. With the proper incantation, the manor could tell how many of it’s family were present. “He’s not in the house or on the grounds.”

“Perhaps he left early and went down to the town.”

“This is that Weasley’s fault my son is misbehaving. She's a poor influence on him. Why are we even keeping her? We’re not getting any money for her upkeep. It all coming out my pocket.”

“You'll not talk of her like that, Lucius. She's part of our family now, or will be soon enough.”

“My son is not and never will be attracted to a Weasley.” Lucius said the name as though it were a curse, spat from his lips and something to be damned. "You changed her hair and her dress, Narcissa, but not what's inside."

“She's pureblood; we agreed the witch our son marries must be. Would you rather some of the girls in his house? That slothful Bulstrode girl or that arrogant Parkinson; would either of them perhaps be better choices?” As Narcissa spoke, her voice grew quieter and her eyes became shards of ice. Narcissa was quiet with everything, including her anger.

Lucius let out a deep snide laugh. “The Weasleys are one of the lowest wizarding families in England. She would be a disgraceful addition to this family, at best.”

“Her family name doesn’t mean that she is not perfect for our son. The Weasleys have been good enough for the Blacks in the past and even the arrogant Malfoys respect the most noble house of Black. Correct?” She knew he would not cross her. To speak ill of the house of Black would start a much longer argument than the one over some girl.

Lucius paced the kitchen, defeat echoing in his ears. “It will take a lot of training to eliminate what she was raised with; her father and his love of muggles. Perhaps then, then she can be a daughter of this family. For now, she is a daughter of the Blacks.”

“Good that we agree, Lucius." Narcissa smiled slyly. "Her name is Mellantha Lestrange. She is no longer a Weasley and by the time our son returns from Hogwarts he will not recognize the lady waiting for him here.”


Snape's eyes looked up from his book as a knock at the door cut through the silence. He set the book down and went to answer the door.

"Malfoy?" he asked in surprise.

Draco pushed his way inside. "I'm staying here tonight." He set a bag on Snape's couch.

"You're what?"

Draco sighed. "Can I stay here?"

The man closed the door and turned around. "Why do you need to stay here?"

"Why did you have to bring Weasley to my house?"

Snape blinked. "What?"

"You brought her to my house. Dad wants to kill her; Mum's already planning her wedding dress; and she wants to talk."

An eye twitched. Snape stared at the boy. "Oh, your life is so difficult."

Draco glared. "You know what Dad would do if I spent time with her."


"And Mum keeps telling me I shouldn't go out all day; I should stay home and talk with her."


"And I'm not trying to just ignore Weasley...but it hurts less to ignore Mum's wishes." Draco rubbed his shoulder.

Snape looked bored. "While I have to admit that your family politics are delightfully entertaining, why are you here?"

"I just want to get away from it for awhile." Draco sat on the couch, making himself comfortable.

"I'm avoiding students during the summer," Snape muttered as he snatched his book up. "Somehow, that memo missed the Malfoys and the Weasleys." He disappeared behind a bookshelf, still complaining bitterly about students, the Order, and the Death Eaters.



Draco came home early the next morning; he tried to sneak in quietly but found his father already up and sitting in the living room.


The boy stopped; he watched his father carefully. "Yes, Father?" He waited for the cane to raise.

"Where have you been?" The man tapped his fingers on the arm of the couch.

"I went to see Snape."

"You left. Without a word." Lucius stood up.

Draco didn't let himself back away. "I wanted to get out of the house for awhile alone." His gray eyes watched the man step closer, the cane tapping the floor with each step.

Lucius stopped when he was less than a step from the boy.

Draco stood there, knowing what was coming, just not when. He watched his father; both stood motionless.

A moment later, Draco grit his teeth; his eyes closed as the cane connected with his upper arm. After a moment, the sting turned to a burning pain, but Draco opened his eyes and looked at his father. No tears came and he made no sound.

"Don't do it again." Lucius turned away and took a step; he stopped and half-turned. His expression was sour. "Your mother wants you to spend time with the Weasley."

Draco's face twitched. "I thought you wanted me to avoid her. I'd get the cane if you caught me near her."

"That changed, didn't it? Your mother and I discussed it. You'll get the cane if you avoid her." He turned back and walked out of the room.

The boy sighed in relief at his father's departure, though he was uncertain. After switching his bag to the uninjured arm, he headed for his room.

He paused in the hallway, looking at her closed door. After a moment, he went into his room and closed his own door.


Later that afternoon, Draco emerged from his room. Across the hall, he saw her door was open. He stepped across the hall.

"Did it hurt?"

Ginny looked up to find Draco in her doorway. "Did what hurt?" She stared at him.

He walked in the room and sighed. "Your arm, Weasley. Did it hurt?"

She rolled her eyes. "Of course it hurt. It burned into my skin, Draco." Ginny looked down at her covered arm. "Why?"

"I know someone who loved being marked."

She looked up. "...Really?"

"My Aunt Bellatrix. Mum says she laughed."

"I'm not like your aunt." She touched her black hair softly. "I didn't laugh."

"Did you cry?" A smirk crossed Draco's face.

"Of course not!" she answered. "... I screamed a lot..."

"Crabbe and Goyle cried. They cried like babies."

"Did you cry?"

Draco let out a harsh laugh. "No. I mean, I didn't laugh, but I didn't scream, either."

"Bellatrix really laughed?"

"Mum says Aunt Bella's been that way since they were young. The Blacks have always been very against mudbloods, and I think getting the Mark was Bella's best day. She's Mum's sister...But from the way Mum and Dad talk about her, she sounds kind of nuts. But she's been a strong follower of the Dark Lord since the beginning. That's what got her put in Azkaban in the first place."

"What exactly happened?"

"Well... I'm not exactly certain. I know it involved Longbottom's parents. I don't know what Bella did, but his parents have been at St. Mungo's ever since."

"That's why he lives with his grandma?"

Draco nodded.

"Your mum keeps pretending I'm Bella's daughter. That's what she tells everyone.. What if I turn out like your aunt?"

"Then you'll fit right in, won't you?" He sat next to her on the bed and gently pulled a bit of her hair from her hand. "It's not that bad, you know. It was just a surprise. I didn't mean to act like that."

She pulled the hair away. "What are you doing?"

"What do you mean?" He eyed her coldly. "I'm trying to tell you I was sorry. Maybe I shouldn't bother."

"I've been here almost a month and all you've done is ignore me. Now everything's all right?"

"I couldn't talk to you."


Draco looked away. "Dad. You know how he is. You're still a Weasley to him. He threatened to beat me if I so much as looked at you. It was all right at school; I was ruining the Weasley family. But Dad...wasn't very thrilled when Mum let you come here. He wanted me to have nothing to do with you." His voice was dark and angry.

"So what's different now?" Ginny braided the piece of hair, looking down.

"Mum. When she wants something, she knows how to get it out of Dad. They... talked about you a couple days ago, I guess."

Ginny paused in her braiding. "And your dad just agreed?" she asked in disbelief.

Draco took the half braided hair and held it up to her face. "You seem to know that it's not wise to cross Mum. Otherwise your hair wouldn't look like this, would it?" He let the piece fall from his fingers.

She hesitated, then raised her eyes to his. "Your mum has a very deliberate way of telling you exactly how much you're not worth, and exactly where you stand in line, without ever raising her voice. In fact, she gets quieter."

"And I'm sure that is why my father changed his mind."

"So...then...things haven't changed?"

"What things?"

"Well, when I first got here, and you just ignored me, I thought maybe I'd done something. I can't talk to Fred and George anymore, at all, about anything now. I certainly can't talk to your mum. I..I kind of missed you since we left school, anyway. I mean...I was looking forward to seeing you again, and then you... ignored me."

Draco stood up from the bed. He looked uncomfortable. "Well... I suppose if you want to talk about anything, you know where my room is." He turned towards the door.

"Don't leave..." she spoke as she stood too. "Please." She took a step forward and reached for his arm, hesitating at the last second.

Draco waited. "What?" He didn't look at her.

"Can you stay here for awhile? I mean.." She reached the last couple inches and touched his arm. "I..I want to talk now."

Draco let himself be pulled back; he looked down at her, being a couple inches taller. "I can stay for awhile."

Ginny let go of him, looking thankful. She sat back on the bed. "It's so lonely here. I mean... I always had someone around, I grew up with six brothers. Someone to talk to, someone to walk around with. And when I got here...I knew it'd be different. But I didn't realize how lonely I'd be. I don't know what I'm going to do when you go to school."

The boy stood there listening to her; he had no comforting words for her; he rarely did.

"I'm terrified of your father, too, you know."

"I thought Dad ignored you."

"He mostly does. But the other day, I don't even know what I did wrong, it all happened so fast. I did something, and he saw, and I guess it was wrong, and he looked at me, yelling, and he came with his cane, like he was going to hit me, and I was certain he was, but your mum stopped him. His eyes, though...He looked at me with such hate...I'm terrified of the times your mum goes out without me...My mum and dad....never hit us. And the way your dad speaks of me sometimes...It's as though I'm a hand-me down. I never wanted to be Lucius's daughter. But I'd rather not be hated."

Draco sat next to her. "I don't think Dad would hit you, Ginny. He's always taught me to respect a lady."

Ginny noticed how one of his hands had drifted to his upper arm. "He's also taught you to hate Weasleys. You said yourself that's all I am to your father."

He said nothing; he knew it was true.

"And I think that's all your mother sees, she just sees it differently."

"You'll be fine, Ginny."

"You know what your mum told me?"

He waited.

"She said, that when she's done with me, you wouldn't recognize the lady waiting for you. I don't want to be someone else, Draco. I don't want to be Mellantha. I want to be red haired freckled Ginevra Weasley."

"You will be. It just has to hide a lot. Otherwise they'll find you."

"I don't want it to hide! I don't want you to not know who I am. You're all I have left. None of my family knows anything."

"You'll still be Ginny." He stood up, looking a bit frustrated. "Look at Mum. She's not so much different from her sister. Dad says all the Blacks are slightly insane. But she knows how to put on the appearance of a lady. Outside, she's Narcissa Malfoy. Inside, she's still a Black." Draco let a breath out. He wasn't certain if he was succeeding, but he was trying very hard to be comforting. "You'll still be Ginny inside. When we talk, when we go out, you can still be Ginny. You just have to be a lady for Mum."

She looked at him, uncertain. "Are you sure?" She stood up. too.

"Don't worry so much. About Mum, just do what she says. Act the way she tells you to. Be a lady for her. It'll be easier for you. And don't worry much about Dad. You'll be fine if you stop crying so much. He'll leave you alone if you do the things Mum has you do. Don't get in his way, but you don't have to be afraid." He sighed. "And if Dad does hit you, don't run. Try not to cry if you can." He grabbed her arm. "And make sure you tell Mum as soon as you see her. Dad shouldn't hit you, no matter what your name; you're a lady." Draco paused and looked at her, letting go of her arm. "You'll be fine, Ginny. You know, for your family being like it is, the Weasleys have survived quite a long time. I don't think a bit of my mum and dad is going to get you."

"This summer...Before you go back, maybe you can help me some more. I still can't do all the curses..."

Draco didn't answer for awhile. He looked at her. Cold, detached gray eyes met warm, dependant brown ones. He turned away. "I'll help you. But don't look at me like that. I don't like you the way Mum wants me to. I don't like you much at all. You're tolerable."

"You like Pansy. I know."

"I do like Pansy," he said with malice. "I wish Mum didn't hate her so." He paused. "You're not bad, Weasley. But you've got a lot to work on." He turned and walked out of her room.
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