Tangled Blood, Part 1

Nov 29, 2005 10:24

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10

She was just another Weasley. Poor, wearing hand-me-downs from that Granger brat, the same red hair and freckles, and sorted into Gryffindor. A disgrace to purebloods.

Draco’s blood boiled with disgust when he heard she’d been excelling in potions, and Snape was taking the Weasley girl with him to the Americas to gather and learn about new herbs.


“Watch out for Malfoy.” Snape’s greasy hair fell as a barrier between his line of sight of the girl. The two had paused deep in a forest, not the first time.



“Why do I have to watch out for him?” Ginny’s brown eyes focused on her professor.

“Because I doubt that even with your new association, he could not see past your bloodline. We are loyal to the Dark Lord.”

“But... not to each other...?”

No, not to each other. Malfoy would kill any one of us if he believed it would put him more in the Dark Lord’s favor.”

Ginny sat down on a large rock, her black cloak spilling around her. A single finger traced the edges of the mask she held. “What about the others?” A lock of hair fell forward.

“None of them hate Weasleys the way Malfoy does. That's all I can say.”


“The Order of Phoenix?! But.. My mum and dad are members of that!”

“I know they are, Weasley.”

The girl turned and faced Snape defiantly. “I can’t kill my parents!”

“No one is asking you to do that.”

“Not yet, you mean. Someday, I will have to.”

“It’s possible. Your father is usually involved in the skirmishes.”

The air hissed as Ginny turned, her red hair fanning behind her. “And what else haven’t you told me? What else should I know?”

“Death Eaters kill people, Weasley. We kill muggles. We kill wizards and witches. You’ve heard the reports. You've listened to your father. What did you think you were joining?”

“I thought..I ...” Her soft voice hesitated, confused. “I don’t know what I thought.”

“You could run. If you choose. We can go back to Hogwarts, and you can run to Dumbledore. Plead to him. Beg for his help. He believes every soul can be saved. But do not believe for an instant, Genevra Weasley, that your family would ever forgive you for the mark on your left arm. Your mother and father, your brothers. Ron, Fred, not even Bill would accept you back with that. Run if you want Weasley, I’ll let you; but know that no one else will want you.”

Snape turned away and walked back towards the road, ignoring the sobs coming from the Weasley girl.


Ginny Weasley stared at the ceiling as she lay in bed. She was not at Hogwarts. She would not be back there for a few more days.

Across the room, Snape rolled over in his own bed, already sleeping. The two were still in the Americas, where they were supposed to be gathering and learning herbs. But Ginny knew that she had gained no new knowledge of herbs or potions while on this jaunt. She had only learned of things so dark they’d never once entered her nightmares.

The youngest Weasley let her mind ponder the things she’d learned; if she embraced her role as a Death Eater, her family could still love her for a time until they found out, or until she had to kill them. If she ran to Dumbledore as soon as she returned to Hogwarts, she would lose her family much sooner. And probably her friends as well.

If she followed the Death Eaters, she would have to protect herself from Lucius Malfoy; according to Snape, no one else would.

If she betrayed the Death Eaters, she would have to protect herself from Voldemort; according to Snape, only Dumbledore might be able to.

To the young girl of only thirteen, keeping her family and watching Lucius Malfoy looked so much better than losing her family and running from the Dark Lord.

She rolled to her side, facing the direction of Snape’s bed. Her stomach churned over, but she grit her teeth and opened her mouth.

“I’ll become a strong Death Eater,” she said into the darkness. “I’ll follow the Dark Lord; I’ll learn and perform the forbidden curses; I will survive and become one of the strongest Death Eaters.”

One of Snape’s eyes opened and stared at her through a few locks of his greasy hair.

“Gryffindors can do amazing things when they set their minds to it.” He smirked.


The week was over; Professor Snape had returned with the Weasley brat. Draco Malfoy had spent the entire week brewing anger.

Bursting into Snape’s office without knocking, the Slytherin boy’s mouth dropped open as he glared at Ginny, already in there.

Quickly he regathered himself and marched to the desk. “What could that Weasley possible have done that made her such the better choice for a week away?!”

“Good afternoon Malfoy. Say hello to your newest contact.”

Draco’s mouth dropped again as he stared at the girl. “What?”

“Ginny Weasley, your newest contact. You missed her initiation because you were in detention. You really must learn to control yourself around Miss Granger.”

Ginny stared agape at Draco. “You’re a Death Eater?” She asked. “Snape said your father was...but you?”

Draco grabbed the girl’s left arm without an answer and shoved her sleeve up. There, on her forearm, the skull and snake, scarred on her skin.

“Excuse me!” Ginny pulled her arm back and fixed her sleeve. “Would you like me to do the same to you?”

Draco pulled his own sleeve up. “No need, Weasley.” He let his sleeve fall back down, covering his own dark mark.

Snape stood from his desk. “She is our closest link to Potter now. If she has any information, she is to bring it to you, Malfoy. Perhaps the two of you should come up with something so you know when you need to meet.”

Draco’s lip curled in disgust. “I’m not working with a Weasley.”

Ginny crossed her arms. “Oh shut up. Like I want to work with you.”

“You should only be so lucky to work with me.”

“Lucky?! More like cursed.”

“Silence. The two of you don’t have a choice here. The Dark Lord is delighted to have a spy so close to Potter.”

Draco glared. “Then?”

“Your relationship must not change.”

“It won’t. She’s still a Weasley.”

“And he’s still a Malfoy.”

Professor Snape looked at the two children in his office. “Then come up with something so you know when information needs to be exchanged.” He sighed to himself.


“Hey Ginny, come with us to Hagrid’s,” Ron smiled, tussling his sister’s hair. “He says he’s got something to show us.”

“Sorry, Ron, I can’t. I’ve got homework to do.” She grinned from the table in the common room.

“You’re only a third year. Why do you have so much homework lately? I never did.”

“I did,” Hermione spoke up.

"You took double classes, Hermione."

“I think Ginny’s setting a good example. At least one of the Weasleys takes school seriously.”

“I take school seriously,” Ron protested.

Harry laughed. “Sure, Ron.”

“I’ll catch up with you guys later at dinner, all right?” Ginny flipped a page in her book.

“See ya, Ginny,” Ron called as the trio headed out.

Ginny watched until they were well down the stairs; once they were gone, she scribbled on a new piece of paper. She gathered up her books and ran down the stairs.


“Wait a minute, Ginny,” Fred started.

“Let us get this straight,” George continued.

“You want to learn how to sneak around?”

“And you want to know how to get out of trouble?”

The youngest Weasley smiled hopefully at her two older twin brothers. “I’m tired of being like Ron. It’s so boring, just studying and going to class. You always have so much fun.”

The twins grinned. “Life is fun, Ginny.” Fred picked her up. “When you lie-”

“Look them in the eyes.”

“But don’t stare.”

“Sound like you believe it-” George nodded.

“Because if you believe, so will they.”

“When you sneak-”

“Don’t worry so much about noise.”

“Unless of course you’re down a forbidden hall.”

“Then you should worry about noise.” Fred grinned.

“But if you are following someone-”

“Or sneaking up on them-”

“Don’t focus on silence.”

“If you focus on it, then you’ll surely make noise.”

“And if you just go, you’ll be more quiet.”

Ginny was grinning. She hadn’t thought it’d be quite so easy to get the twins to help her, but they obviously thought Ron was a stick in the mud. “What if I get caught anyway?”

Fred set her down. “Depends on who catches you.”

“If Snape catches you-”

“Come up with something quick that’s plausible, then run quick. You’ll still lose points but you probably won't get detention.”

“If McGonagall catches you-”

“A quick apology for something simple and be off to your tower.”

“If Dumbledore catches you-”

“You can say you were looking Ron or one of us.”

“We’re always looking for you, Gin.” George grabbed her hair gently. “You’re constantly lost.”

Ginny giggled and batted her brother’s hand away. “You guys have this nailed down, I see.”

“Of course.”

“We don’t get by solely on our good looks and charm, you know.”

“So Ginny,” George scooped her up. “Wanna let us in on your prank?”

“My what?”

“Your prank. You’re planning some kind of prank on Ron, or maybe Harry. Let us help, or at least tell us about it.” Fred poked her forehead.

“Oh...” Ginny hesitated. “I uh, I haven’t actually come up with an idea yet... I was worried about getting caught.”

Fred and George grinned at each other. “We’ll help you come up with something. And show you how to get it off without a hitch,” both said in unison.

Ginny threw her arms around George’s neck giggling, watched carefully to make sure her sleeve didn’t slide down too far.


Draco watched from Slytherin tower; Potter, Weasley and Granger were tromping through the courtyard toward that overgrown man’s house.

Eyes glaring, he turned away and ignored them. He didn’t have to watch them as much now, not with Weasley’s sister spying as well.

Weasley. The name was foul to him, a curse word. He couldn’t believe that one such as her would chose to become a Death Eater. Her father, such an active advocate of the Order of Phoenix. She and all her brothers, sorted into Gryffindor.

Something must boil inside her that no one could see. How the Sorting Hat could miss it, he didn’t understand. But no Weasley would follow his path without something.

It didn’t matter though. Draco Malfoy cursed the day she’d been born, hating her now. Working with a Weasley, just wait till his father got word of this.


The next day, Draco Malfoy walked down the hallway; Crabbe and Goyle on either side. Shoving students, specifically Gryffindors, out of their way, they made snide comments amongst themselves as they walked.

A wadded paper ball expertly smacked Draco in the side of the face and he turned immediately.

Ginny Weasley stood against the wall, watching him with her arms crossed. “Afternoon, Malfoy.”

“What do you want, Weasley? Starting a little early today, aren’t you?” He growled back. The paper was their sign that the witch needed to talk to him. He hated it.

“It’s never too early to bother you.”

“Like brother, like sister. Why don’t you run along to your little study hall. Have to keep up your potions grade, don’t you?”

“Oh, what do you know, Malfoy?” Ginny glared at him, turned and walked off without another sound. That was his sign, telling her where he’d meet her as soon as he got away from Crabbe and Goyle. She hurried to the classroom that was used for sixth hour study hall.

Ginny looked up and down the hallway, then slipped into the empty room. No one paid her any mind.

Once inside, the girl simply waited. She knew Draco wouldn’t hurry, but she hoped he wouldn’t make her late for her next class, Divination. She listened as people milled up and down the hallway, hoping to hear Draco’s voice approaching. Hearing no sign of the boy, she walked away from the door and sat at one of the tables.

“What is it Weasley?” Draco growled a few minutes later as he closed the door behind him.

A small smirk edged up Ginny’s lips. “I have something to tell you.”

“Make it quick. I’m in the restroom.”

“In potions today, watch Ron.”

“Why the bloody hell should I do that?”

“You’ll see. Just do it.” The redheaded girl stood up and flounced out of the room.

Draco watched the door close. That Weasley girl thought she could pull him around whenever she wanted and tell him trivial things that had nothing to do with their mission.

After a moment of angry thinking, Draco left the study hall and headed to his next class.


Professor Snape paced in front of his fourth year class.

"Next, you need to add your pomegranate juice very slowly."

Ron tipped his jar carefully over the mixture.

And watched horrified as his fingers slipped and he dropped the entire bottle in the potion. He quickly looked around and saw Malfoy smirking at him.

"Professor!" Ron cried out. "I think..I might have dropped...the bottle... In the cauldron."

"Weasley..." Snape sighed. "The bottle won't do harm. But the excess juice and the speed at which you seem to mess up may cause undesirable results."

Ron let out a small whine.

The rest of class period continued without major incident until ten minutes before the end.

"Now, it is time to test your potions." Snape looked at Ron.

"Uhnnn.." Ron whined.

"Good luck, Ron. You're going to need it," Hermione whispered.

The red-haired boy looked down into his cauldron. The color was off from Hermione's, and it was bubbling more rapidly. A look of terrified disgust on his face, Ron carefully ladled some from the cauldron. He ignored the uncertain look Hermione gave him as he let the air cool the liquid, then poured the potion on his plant.

Professor Snape watched, eyes blank, as Ron's plant grew about six feet tall, turned yellow and sprouted canary feathers.

"Ron!" Hermione stared as his creation. "Look what you did!"

"I can see it fine, Hermione," Ron answered, defeat on his face. Another botched potions assignment.

"You made your plant into a bird, Weasley. What talent," Malfoy spoke up from behind.

Snape's eyes twitched to the door; in a flourish of robes he was across the classroom and wrenching the door open.

Ginny's eyes grew wide, and George grabbed her hand protectively. Professor Snape was staring at them, his 'Look, I caught a Gryffindor' expression across his face.

The three stood up and the twins tucked their ears into their pockets.

"Afternoon, Professor," George nodded.

"We were just checking up on our favorite brother," Fred added.

Ginny nodded.

"Looks as though you have everything under control, though-"

"So we'll just be on our way."

The twins turned and ran, George pulling Ginny behind him.

"Thirty points from Gryffindor, Weasleys! And you will be getting detention!" Snape shouted as the three disappeared around a corner.

"Thirty points?" Ron muttered to himself. "Fred and George usually only lose ten each..."

"Ginny was out there, too, Ron," Hermione whispered. "Didn't you see her?"

"I didn't look. I'm used to Fred and George playing tricks on me."

"Well, all three of them were out there. I think that's why he took thirty this time."

Ron sighed and stared at the giant canary in front of him.


Ginny walked down the crowded hall after her last class. Her eyes scanned the kids as she headed toward the courtyard.

“Miss Weasley,” a voice in front of her spoke, and before she realized it, she’d run into Snape.

“Oh! Professor Snape..?” She replied back.

“Perhaps you need to pay more attention to what’s in front of your face.”

“I’m sorry Professor. I was distracted.”

“I’m sure. You were heading for the potions room, weren’t you?”

Ginny’s eyes clouded. “I’m sorry?”

“The potions room, Miss Weasley. Your extra credit assignment.”

“Oh!” Ginny put a look of certainty on her face. “I’m sorry, Professor. I’d forgotten about that. I’ll be right there, just give me a moment.”

“I’ll be waiting, Miss Weasley.”

Ginny watched Snape walk away. She knew she didn’t have an extra credit project she was doing, and she wondered what she’d done wrong already. Sighing, she turned and headed towards Snape’s classroom.

When she arrived, she opened the door slowly and walked inside. The room was dead quiet except Snape at the lead table.

“Good afternoon, Miss Weasley. I trust you’ve have a most stimulating day.”

Ginny wasn’t certain how to answer him so just sort of nodded. “I..I guess..?”

“Your participation in your brother’s potions class today was quite unexpected. In addition to losing house points, the three of you will receive detention from your respective teachers, for skipping your own classes.”

Ginny’s eyes widened. “It was only a joke!”

“A joke, Miss Weasley, has no place in potions. Switching something can cause a nasty result.”

“We didn’t hurt Ron! We changed his ingredients, but we made sure that we didn’t put anything in there that would hurt him. And then he made it worse, because he dropped that entire bottle in. The potion was only supposed to make a small canary, but I guess putting so much in made it giant.”

Snape paused, and looked into her dark brown eyes. “I would expect this from the twins. Why were you involved? And do not lie to me, Miss Weasley.”

Ginny swallowed hard, then looked up at the professor.

“You told me that I should learn how to lie and sneak around and follow people. I thought Fred and George would be good to teach me those things, but I couldn’t tell them what it was really for. So I told them I was planning a prank on Ron and didn’t want him to catch me. Then they wanted to help me with the prank and I thought it would look funny for me to turn down my brothers, the masters of pranks at Hogwarts. I didn't mean for the prank to be carried out but I couldn’t stop it without making Fred and George suspicious.”

Snape eyed her a minute longer, then nodded. “All right, Miss Weasley. Remember, I cannot favor a Gryffindor, no matter what connections we may have elsewhere. Skipping a class is not allowed. You will receive detention with your brothers.”

The girl nodded. “I’ll remember. May I go?”

Snape waved a hand at the door, already involved in paperwork of some sort. “Go, Weasley.”

Ginny escaped from the classroom as quickly as she could and walked down the mostly empty hallway. She’d never been in trouble, not truly in trouble like Fred and George, and her breathing was still in panic mode. She tried to calm it as she headed toward the Gryffindor dorms.

“Weasley!” A crumpled up paper smacked Ginny in the back of the head and she turned around to find Draco.

“What, Malfoy?” She crossed her arms, glaring at him. “Why’d you throw that paper at me?”

“Same reason you did this morning.” He smirked at her. “Where do you think you’re going in such a hurry?”

Ginny expressed only her hatred for the Malfoy. “I was headed to the library, not that it’s any of your business.”

"Study all you want. You're still a Weasley."

"And you're still a Malfoy." She turned and stalked toward the library, uncertain why the Slytherin boy wanted to talk to her.

Once in the library, Ginny swallowed and headed for an unoccupied corner. Still very uncertain about her new role in Hogwarts, she sat uncomfortably waiting for Draco to appear.

Taking his time down the hallway, Draco thought. She's still a Weasley. Just because she has the voracity to join the Death Eaters and prank her own brother doesn't change who she is. He paused as the library door, noting who was also in there, then went inside.

Ginny had done such a wonderful job at picking a safe corner that Draco missed her on his first scan of the room. Upon a second glace, he saw her red hair barely peeking around the corner of a shelf, and headed that way.

"Weasley," he said in a whisper as he approached.

"Malfoy," she replied as she looked up at him. "What do you want?"

"Whisper, Weasley, we are in a library."

Ginny glared and dropped her voice down. "What do you want?"

"You switched Ron's ingredients for potions class today."

"With help. Fred and George were showing me some things."

Draco paced a minute, eyeing the young girl. "That's not like you, Weasley."

"That's what Snape said."

"Don't draw too much attention to yourself, Weasley. Things can't have a noticeable change. Once, all right. But be careful if you want to do it again."

"It wasn't even so much for the prank, Draco.." Ginny looked down for a minute; it was embarrassing to be talking to Draco like this, but she didn't want to anger anyone. "I mean..yeah, it was funny. I had fun with my brothers. But..I can't lie very well, better than Ron, but that's not hard. Fred and George though, they're grand at it, and I thought who better to teach me. But then they wanted to know why and who and it just got very messed up. I couldn't stop it by the time I realized what was going to happen." She sighed. "I didn't mean to cause a scene... But with things as they are... I have to be able to lie."

"You needed to learn how to lie, so you went to your brothers? Your brothers aren't so much good at lying as they are at simply being slightly more quick-witted than most of the teachers. They get out of trouble, they don't avoid it."

Ginny looked down at her lap. "I'm sorry for drawing attention. I did what I thought was best..."

"If you need help with anything relating to that area of your life, do not go to your family. That's almost certainly sentencing yourself to Azkaban, Weasley. Seek help from a source that already knows."

"But only you and Snape know."

"Then it shouldn't take you long to choose, then, with only two options."

"But Snape won't help me with that. I've already asked."

Draco crossed his arms and waited.

"...I'm supposed to ask you?" Ginny finally concluded. "Why do you want to help me?"

"Oh I don't. I don't want to help you. But I do want to help the Dark Lord. And do you know how satisfying it will be to tell my father that I corrupted Arthur Weasley's youngest child? I corrupted the first Weasley girl born into the family in many generations. I corrupted Ron Weasley's little sister."

Ginny glared at him, struggling to control her anger. In the end, she failed.

"Shut up! Don't talk about my family that way! You have no right to do that!" Her voice was no longer a whisper, but at least the words rang similar to so many other outbursts the girl had said to Draco Malfoy. "Leave my brother alone, Malfoy! Leave him alone, and my father too!" Ginny's eyes were dark and dangerous as she pounded the table with a clenched fist. "Just shut up, Malfoy."

"Now, now, Weasley, don't get so riled up. And remember, we're in a library."

Ginny took a deep slow breath, still angrily eyeing the boy. She didn't believe she could speak without yelling again, so she simply took another breath.

"That's better." Draco let a small laugh out. "Buck up, Weasley."

Closing her eyes for a moment, Ginny thought. If only Fred and George knew the mess I've gotten myself into...If Ron knew I was asking Draco for help. If Dad knew what I've joined....I can't think of them, though. If Dad knew, I would be at Azkaban before I could blink. He would send there, and Fred and George, and Ron, and even Bill, they would leave me there. Leave me to rot. She opened her eyes.

"Malfoy..." she began, though the sound disgusted her. "I suppose then, that I need your help." She took another deep breath to keep herself under control.

"I'm sorry, Weasley, I couldn't hear that."

Ginny glared at him. "I said, I need your help, Malfoy."

"Of course you do." His lip twisted up in another smirk.

Ginny turned her head and crossed her arms. "And how are we supposed to go about it? You're a year ahead of me and a Slytherin. We can't exactly claim we're doing homework."

"We'll have to talk to Snape then, won't we? It doesn't look suspicious when a teacher makes you do it."

"Fine. You talk to him."

"No. I don't need the help."

"That's true. You're already repulsive."

"Watch it, Weasley." He stepped closer and grabbed her chin, forcing her to look at him. "I don't have to leave you alive, if you prove to only get in the way." His other hand held his wand at her face.

Deep brown eyes looked back fearfully at Draco. Slowly, she lifted her hand and gently pulled Draco's off her face.

"I'm sorry. I'll talk to Snape tomorrow after class." She bit her tongue, holding back her real thoughts. It would do her no good to anger Malfoy when she had no ways to protect herself from the forbidden magics that he could cast. ,i.Wait until I learn them, too. Just wait until I no longer have to be afraid.

Draco took his hand back, wiping it on his pant leg first, and then tucked his wand away again. "Good, Weasley." He turned and walked out of the library.

As soon as she could no longer see him, Ginny's tears overflowed. "Oh, bloody hell," she whispered to herself as she walked her own pace to the dorms, the tears falling faster than she wiped them away.


"Ginny! We're going to be late! Come on!" a Gryffindor girl called from the common room.

"Don't wait for me! I'll be there as quick as I can, but I don't want you to be late, too."


"Go. Just go on." She waited until she heard the girl left, then sighed. Her name was Lauren or Laurel or something. None of them really cared about her, she figured. They weren't friends. People she talked to at class maybe, but that was it. She figured most of the girls liked her brothers. She didn't have friends in her own year. The closest thing she felt she had was Hermione for a friend. But even then, she'd rather spend her time with Fred and George.

The late bell rang for class, and Ginny finally stood up. It was the only way she could see to talk to Snape without the others being suspicious. He would keep her after class to ask her why she was late and threaten her not to do it again. Late for potions. That itself would probably raise questions anyway, since the entire school had heard she was the best at it in her year and better than most of the 4th years as well.

She hurried down the stairs and toward the classroom. She breathed deeply, preparing herself for the looks and stares and whispers. She had to be Ginny Weasley, but lately she sometimes forgot who that was.

Snape looked up as the door burst open.

"You're late, Miss Weasley."

"I'm sorry, Professor, I got a little held-"

"Sit down. I didn't ask why."

Ginny obediently walked to her seat, ignoring the questioning look from Laura, who sat next to her. They were supposed to be partners, and Ginny was certain that was why the girl didn't want her to be late, but it was unimportant. She knew they wouldn't be doing partner potions much longer; otherwise Snape would have a harder time adjusting her grade to reflect her 'excelling' without drawing attention to whoever her partner might be.

Ginny mostly zoned out during Snape's explanation of what they were doing that day; she thought about what Draco could possibly have to teach her that her brothers couldn't. Fred and George didn't just avoid trouble...Did they?

She sighed quietly. She didn't want anything to do with Draco. He was cute, but that was all he had going for him. The minute he opened his mouth, it all dripped away. And he'd always been especially foul to her family, mostly Ron since they were the same year. But ever since that day at Diagon Alley, where she'd stuck up for Harry, Draco had made sure to always have a snide comment ready for her as well. And she knew her father and Lucius Malfoy had huge differences. Draco was right. His father would be sadistically proud to hear how she'd betrayed her family, and that his son was helping.

"Miss Weasley!" Snape's voice suddenly cut through her thoughts.

Ginny's eyes opened wide and she looked at him. Her brain slowly caught up and she realized exactly which class she was blowing off.

"Yes, Professor?" she winced as she squeaked, knowing that a Gryffindor causing trouble in Snape's class was a dense plan.

His eyes narrowed. "Perhaps you need to pay more attention to what’s in front of your face.”

“I’m sorry Professor.”

"Stay after class, Weasley. A word with you."

Ginny nodded grimly. When he walked away from her, she quietly pounded her head into the table. Dead, dead, dead.

The rest of the class period seemed to drag on to Ginny, but she made herself pay attention in case Snape came down on her again.

She just sat in her chair as Snape dismissed the class. She watched everyone filter out, a couple throwing concerned glances at her, others laughing. She sighed and looked at Snape expectantly.

For a few minutes, the man ignored her as he arranged things on his desk. Once he finished, he looked up at eyed her.

"Why were you late, Miss Weasley?"

Her voice full of terrified confusion, she managed to say "Because I have to talk to you." She sounded absolutely dreadful.

He paused, then sighed. "In my office, then, an hour before dinner tonight."

"Can we talk sooner? Please?"

"It's that important?"

Ginny thought back to Draco's wand at her face, his threat. She nodded. "It is."

"Then after your next class, come to my office. Better?"

She nodded again. "Can I go?"

"Yes, we don't want you to be late to another class, do we? Go on."

Ginny grabbed her bag and hurried from the classroom. She had to make it on time to Charms; she knew Snape wouldn't vouch for keeping her late.


"Come in, Weasley," Snape answered as she knocked on the door.

Ginny pushed the door open and peered inside around it. Seeing only Snape, she walked in silently and pushed the door closed.

"What's so important, Weasley?"

She walked closer to the desk that Snape sat at. She looked down at the ground.

"I want...If you can..." Ginny took a deep breath. "Draco says that it could be dangerous, to keep asking for help from Fred and George...Because, what if they saw?"

"Your sleeves don't ride up, do they?"

Ginny raised an arm up to show. "Not really far enough, I think. I've made sure I've been wearing tighter sleeves," she lowered her arm "but...I don't know. I don't want to go to Azkaban."

"Well, it's up to you. Would you like to stumble around blindly, or would you like to learn the things you need to know from your brothers and risk them seeing?"

The young girl just looked at him. "I don't know!"

Snape sighed. "I'm not going to lead you by the hand. I'm merely supposed to offer direction."

"Well you haven't done that! You've thrown me on the road, said good bye, and walked away!"

"Every Death Eater has their own specialties and abilities. Each can do something different, but still effective. Your brothers have some valuable skills to pass on to you, Miss Weasley, but it's up to you to step up and learn them. However, if you're not up to the risk, then perhaps you should think of something else."

Ginny stared into her lap. She wanted so badly to learn from Fred and George, but she still knew not how to protect herself from Draco yet.

"When will I learn the curses?"


Ginny looked up. "The curses. You said there were three that the Death Eaters use that no one else uses. Father's mentioned one before while I was at home, but I don't know what the other two are. And when do I get to learn them?"

"You get to learn them, when you begin showing up for your extra credit in potions. You've only shown up once since we arrived back at Hogwarts."

"That's what that's for!? You didn't tell me that!"

Snape stared at her, emotionless.

"Right. Direction, not leading," she sighed. "I'll start showing up. Every day at 4, right?"

"Every day at 4."

Looking around the room, Ginny thought about how to phrase her next question. After a moment, she just opened her mouth and hoped it came out.

"If there's a way for you to do this...Can you, maybe... sort of...I was thinking, maybe, what if Draco teaches me?"

"Have you seen him try to sneak around?"

"Well...No. But I don't really need to learn to sneak, do I? I mean, maybe, but he could teach me to lie? And...Well, he's a lot more cold hearted than me or my brothers, and I think maybe...I need to learn that as well."

"Can you handle his ego? I can't have your brother Ron anywhere near Malfoy in class or the whole thing becomes a game."

"I.. I think maybe I could."

"I heard about your little outburst in the library."

"Oh...you did?" Ginny's face twisted slightly in fear.

"Only you were mentioned as yelling."

"Right.. Yeah, he uh, said something about my family. But that's okay, right. We're supposed to fight. If we weren't fighting, that would look funny."

Snape eyed her. "You honestly want Malfoy to teach you?"

"No. But I think it's the best thing. I'm not certain I get what I want anymore."

"No. Not what you want." Snape turned away and studied his bookshelf.

"So...well, maybe then, you can find a reason for Draco and I to meet that won't raise suspicion?"

"I'm certain I could. But I don't think I trust what you've told me. I think you're lying." He looked over his shoulder.

"No, I'm not." She blinked, trying to keep the fear off her face, but she was certain that her face probably looked very similar to Ron's when he was scared.

He eyed her for a minute, then turned back to the bookshelf. "I don't suppose you've ever aspired to be a mediwitch, have you?"

Inside Ginny relaxed. "I can't say I've thought about it...Why?"

"I could arrange with Madam Pomfrey for you and Draco to meet in the hospital wing. I'm sure he'd be quite surprised to discover he's always wanted to be a mediwizard."


"You'd have to clean and such there, of course."

"Clean what?"

"Oh you know, bedpans and emesis basins."

"Ew...Is there anything else?"

"You could always help Filch."

"....Ew." Ginny sighed as she looked at Snape's back. "That's all?"

"You could help Professor Sprout in the greenhouse. But then, you'd actually have to do something. Hard working Hufflepuff and all that.. McGonagall would get suspicious if I told her the two of you needed to meet for something. And she'd actually pay attention and make you do it."

"What would we have to do with Filch?"

Snape turned around. "You're not honestly considering that? He would whine for hours about wanting to use the old punishments, you know, hanging students from their toenails."

"That's all?"

"Then he'd probably have you go dust cabinets or something. At which point the two of you would be free to leave. He'd be an alibi in case you ever need it."

"Let's arrange it with Filch, then."

"Are you serious, Miss Weasley?"

"Well, he's got that drawer."

Snape's eyes narrowed. "The drawer of confiscated items."

"Yes. George told me, and Fred."

"The Marauders' Map!"

"The what?" Ginny's face showed genuine confusion.

"That map that Potter has. He got it from your brothers."


"And they stole it from Filch."

"What did you call it?"

"The Marauders' Map."

"I didn't know it had a name."

"It's named after The Marauders."

"Fred showed me how you can see everyone in Hogwarts and where they are, if you want to. And George showed me all the passages."

"That's how your brothers sneak out."

"Oh... I don't think so. Fred and George told me they found a passage way their first week of the first year, and they didn't have the map then. I think it just made it easier. But I think without it, they would have caused just as much mischief."

"Potter has the Marauders' Map..." Snape muttered; he sat at his desk and pure hatred crossed his face.

"Um..Professor?" Ginny shifted in her seat. "Fred and George aren't in trouble. I mean, you can't prove they stole it."

Black, empty eyes focused on the girl. "What did you say, Weasley?"

"Um..." Ginny swallowed hard. "I mean...They didn't actually tell me they took it from Filch's drawer. They told me they saw the drawer and it said "Confiscated and Highly Dangerous" but they didn't say they actually got the map from there. Just that when they left Filch's office, they had the map."

"Weasley. Are you trying to protect them?"

Large brown eyes searched the room for anything but Snape to stare at, as she lowered herself in her chair. "Can we talk about something else?"

Snape stood. Ginny watched out the corner of her eye as Snape walked around the desk and stood in front of her.

"Very well, Miss Weasley. I'll talk to Filch."

Ginny looked up at the towering teacher. "Okay.." she managed to squeak out.

"And if you or your brothers ever do something in my class like you did yesterday, I will nail your Gryffindor stained robes, with all of you still in them, to Filch's detention room wall."

"Technically," Ginny ignored the look on Snape's face that told her it was wiser to shut up now, "we didn't do it in your class. Ron left his kit on the table in the common room. That's where we did the switch at. And then, Fred and George and I, we were outside the door during your class, not actually in it."

"Ron has a variety of classes you could have made fun with. His astrology charts, or his tea leaves, or-"

"But then Fred and George couldn't test....uh.. Never mind?"

"Leave, Miss Weasley, before you get yourself another detention."

Ginny pushed herself up from the chair and ran to the door; she fumbled with it for a minute before opening it and ran into the hallway.

Snape muttered a spell and his door closed.

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