010 // video

Nov 29, 2010 11:50

[The video is of a young man, dressed in some combination of Western and Middle Eastern wear, with a black mask covering his features. He might be in his late teens, he might be thirty--it is difficult to tell. What is immediately noticeable is that, unlike the Erik seen until now, he is... seen. In full view, and apparently comfortable with that ( Read more... )

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Private-Video thegooddrjones November 30 2010, 02:56:58 UTC
Hello Erik, my name is Martha. May I come see ya so we can chat. I'm a friend, and I mean ya no harm.


thegooddrjones November 30 2010, 19:42:51 UTC
Thank you.

[There was another smile as Martha took a step into Erik's room, and she hoped that when he returned to himself later, he wouldn't take it as some sort of violation to whatever trust lay between them. She looked around the furniture, and wasn't surprised to find the coffin and other things rather like the book had described them. She would, however, wait for his invitation to actually sit down.]

Erik, I'm not here to lie to you, and while you've been abducted in a way, in a way you haven't. I know ya, ya see, well, not this you, but a you in the future. You're normally here as him.

[One hand was held up quickly.]

I know it sounds completely mental, but trust me, it's not.


ingenue_bait November 30 2010, 19:46:01 UTC
[Erik waved an elegant hand, inviting her to sit. She had manners, anyway. More than he was used to dealing with. It pleased him.]

I have seen many impossible things here, mademoiselle. But I find it difficult to believe a "future" version of myself resides here, let alone comfortably. I further find it difficult to believe we are, as you say, friends. Though you do have something of originality to recommend you.


thegooddrjones November 30 2010, 20:01:19 UTC
Thank you.

[She spoke the words again before she settled down into one of the chairs and waited for him to finish.]

When are ya from right now? Is it Persia?


ingenue_bait November 30 2010, 20:05:08 UTC
[Erik's head tilted, watching her.]

When, you say. Do you have my entire life mapped out in your head?

[There was something slightly more dangerous in his presence, though he had not moved.]

What do you know?


thegooddrjones December 1 2010, 00:23:47 UTC
Not mapped in my head, but I'm familiar with it. I meant what I said, Erik, I am your friend and I'm here to help you. You never have anything to fear from me.

[She kept her hands open and in view, and her posture non-threatening. Martha knew that Erik could be very dangerous indeed, but she was counting on the fact that this Erik didn't seem the same as the other one she knew. His answer told her that she had been fairly on the ball when she mentioned him being in Persia, and she knew that he hadn't killed for pleasure yet. Martha didn't think he would hurt her.]


ingenue_bait December 1 2010, 00:33:06 UTC
[He was not interested in hurting her. He had enjoyed the power of his previous murders, but as yet they had only been in self-defense. And he was not afraid of her--just wary. As he had to be, to live.]

You claim to know my future. And you claim to be my friend. You understand none of this makes any sense.


thegooddrjones December 1 2010, 08:54:11 UTC
I do understand that, [the words were admitted quickly and easily.] I know it sounds quite mad, but it's the truth nonetheless.

Can you tell me the last thing that you remember, Erik? From when you are now, I mean.


ingenue_bait December 1 2010, 15:13:18 UTC
[Erik tilted his head. Why should there be different definitions of "the last think you remember"?]

I was in my quarters, in Persia. Quite comfortably, I might add. And I have been summoned to an audience with the Shah, who will not be best pleased if I am late.


thegooddrjones December 1 2010, 16:02:49 UTC
Don't worry, Erik, you won't be here for very long; it'll probably be three days at most. Then you'll return to your quarters in Persia and it'll be like ya never left. You won't have a memory of this at all. So, you needn't worry, you won't miss your appointment.

[She paused for a moment.]

So, how's the ice cream? Ya should eat it before it melts.


ingenue_bait December 1 2010, 16:34:02 UTC
[Erik looked down at the ice cream in his hand, opening the lid curiously. It was presented in a way unfamiliar to him, but it also seemed untampered with. He dug in with a spoon, and tasted it--notably the first time he'd eaten in front of Martha.]

Amazing. I have not tasted its like before.

[He returns his attention to her.]

You are asking me to believe in magic, but I suppose I have no alternative. Not even I could produce an illusion of this magnitude. So you say you're my friend. The friend of an older version of me. What is the nature of our relationship?


thegooddrjones December 1 2010, 19:17:59 UTC
It's one of my favorites, I've a friend who's mad for banana's so I'd picked it up on the off chance he'd drop by before I came here.

[Not that the Doctor ever would, of course, but it made her happy to think that if he ever did at least she'd be able to offer him ice cream that he'd prefer. When he asked about his relationship with her, the other one, Martha inclined her head.]

I'm here to help you. Him. You. Bloody hell, you'd think I'd at least get the pronouns right after all the time I've been traveling like this. I'm here to help you earn your second chance.


ingenue_bait December 1 2010, 19:44:27 UTC
[Erik laughed softly, genuinely amused.]

A second chance? At what, mademoiselle? I am, as you can see, doing quite nicely on my own. I have no complaints--none but the obvious, and I have been... compensated.

[Something in his tone implies he does not find the trade entirely fair, but he is working within it. And confident about transcending it, at this point.]

In short, I do not see what help you can provide.

[Though she was quite lovely. Erik found himself appreciating her. He was a young man, after all, denied contact. Not nearly as long as his older self, of course, but this one had yet to entirely give up that dream. Even if he did not speak of it, even to himself. And she was lovely, despite her odd way of dressing and speaking. Or perhaps because of it.]


thegooddrjones December 1 2010, 21:08:20 UTC
[The laugh made Martha smiled quickly, because she didn't think that she'd ever heard Erik laugh before. Well, not really laugh; she'd heard him scoff at her more than a few times, but it was never with this sort of amusement. Knowing what he meant by the compensation with his talents, Martha nodded a bit.]

I'm helping ya go back to a new life, Erik. You've come here after your death.

[Martha didn't want to ruin his time here by telling him why he would need redemption, of what he would do in the Shah's court and how it would change him. She didn't want to tell him of what his love for a silly girl would lead him too, or how that silly girl would never love him back. She wanted him to see that she really could be his friend.]

Do ya have anything you want to ask me, Erik?

[Sometimes honesty was a pain in the ass.]


ingenue_bait December 1 2010, 21:50:51 UTC
[He paused at that, the spoon stuck in the ice cream.]

My death. Do you know how it occurs?

[If he could prevent it, he'd be grateful.]

Why should I need a new life? Can you give me a new face? You lack curiosity about the mask, and that is unusual. Either that, or you are a great actress. Do you know what lies beneath it, then?


thegooddrjones December 1 2010, 23:37:09 UTC
I do. But you won't remember it if I tell you what it was.

[There was genuine regret in her voice and she looked away from him quickly, it was hard to think about him having to go back to everything, when he could have a pleasant time here.]

I do know what lays behind it, from the file I have on you, but I've not seen it and won't until the the other you feels comfortable enough with me to allow me to see it.


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