Title: Movie Night
Genre: Friendship
Rating: K+
Characters: Pre-timejump Naruto, Shizune
Summary: Opting for a scary movie was better than moping the rest of the night away, especially since it gave him an excuse to spend some quality time with his new neighbour.
Strange, his apartment had never looked so ominous and creepy before. )
Comments 13
I was just posting fics from last year (the date is from 2009 lol) and totally didn't expect anyone to see this.
But yeah, hi! I've been lurking on LJ just reading friends' updates and have been following your trip in Japan! (Welcome back, btw!)
How have you been? :D
Aw, thanks! I'd been wondering where you'd disappeared to.
I've been pretty awesome. How about you?
Yeah, real life sort of took precedence for a while and I did a major overhaul with my Uni major and career plans. Sort of needed to clear my headspace, you know?
But yeah, I'm still writing! I've been posting my fics to ff.net since I left but I decided I should at least archive the new ones at my LJ.
After I'm done posting the fics, I'll make an up-to-date post just to say I'm alive and see what's up with everyone. :D
(It is so weird. I was out walking today, and I thought of you. I guess I should stop avoiding messengers and sign on more often. ~_~)
Omg wtf this brings back memories! I haven't used this busted old account in so long, haha.
(Are you serious? Maybe that's why I felt that urge to sign on and dust off the old LJ to show I'm still alive and kicking. And don't worry, life has sort of taken precedence over everything lately...I went through a whole bunch of changes while I was gone and changed my future career choice and took a year off school and whatnot. It's been a hectic past two years, I'll tell ya.
But seriously, just drop me an e-mail if you sign on and I'll do the same. Either way, just know I'm lurking on LJ now and can at least keep an eye on you. >D)
(ABSOLUTELY SERIOUS. Man...there's a lot to catch up on, isn't there? And I understand- for lack of a better phrase, shit happens. Life happens. It goes places we don't always expect it to. <3
I'll shoot you an email for sure, soon. HAHAHA, THAT'S GOOD TO KNOW. I'll ninja you back, hurrr.)
Shizune is so underrated and I thought she'd just be perfect in this. :D Glad you liked her role!
And I completely agree; Naruto's totally the type to watch chick flicks and cry without shame. But when he's alone, of course. >D
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