Fic: Chair Spinning (Kirk/McCoy)

Jul 04, 2009 22:44

Title: Chair Spinning
Pairing: Kirk/McCoy
Summary: Jim gets back to work
Rating: Teen/PG13
Word Count: 3185
A/N: #9 in the Two Men & a Starship series. Follows Evaluation Day. Thank you to everyone who reads/comments! ♥

Returning to the bridge doesn’t just mean getting the chair back, though that's definitely one of the best parts. It’s also about getting control again and making the important decisions. Jim has already gone through most of the correspondence that was sent during his time in medical, so that isn’t waiting for him, and there aren’t any decisions to make yet. It’s almost anticlimactic to get released for light duty only to find that there isn’t anything to do. The science teams are still exploring Scorching Monotony while the Enterprise orbits the planet for another few days. They’d been doing some good research, even if the planet is hostile to humanoid races.

Once they finish here, there’s been a request for a supply drop at one of the outer colonies that might be fun. Tedious, sure, but it’ll mean a planetside excursion somewhere without man-eating rocks with big teeth, so Jim’s looking forward to it. It’s been two months since they left spacedock, so he thinks maybe he’ll schedule a few days there to let everyone rotate and have at least one day off in the colony. It’ll be good for morale, and it’ll also help everyone work off some of the restlessness that comes with not having a lot to do other than flying and surveying right now.

Proper shore leave will begin soon, but he thinks a day off will be appreciated by everyone. Besides, he’s scheduled his own shore leave in the last batch so that his crew can go first. He hopes that Bones won’t be too put out to learn that he’s in the last batch, too. Jim wants to spend that week with Bones somewhere, away from the ship and the necessity to keep things secret, and he figures that Bones won’t mind having to wait. He’ll grumble about it, probably, but Jim will do his best to make it enjoyable. Preferably with a ‘clothing optional’ rule.

He spins his chair around again, careful not to draw attention from the few crew members monitoring the bridge right now, then looks out at the black surrounding them. The impotence thing is really stressing Bones out. While he seems very accepting and matter-of-fact about it, Jim can tell that it’s mostly an attempt at reassuring him, like he needs Bones to promise him erections in the future to stay with him. His concern is more about how that whole condition is making Bones feel than about his own gratification, something which is sort of scary to realize.

When did sex become something that’s more a bonus than a requirement? It’s temporary, of course, but the very fact that Jim is focused more on how Bones is handling this than how he’s only had the one hand job in two months is sort of revealing in ways Jim isn’t sure he wants to be revealed. He misses having sex with Bones, is tired of jerking off for release, but Bones is dealing with something that’s like a man’s worst nightmare. How can he whine about not fucking when Bones isn’t even able to get an erection?

There’s also the little detail that, as enjoyable as it was for Bones to touch him the other night, he felt sort of like he was using him, just taking without giving, and Jim doesn’t really like that feeling at all. He might be selfish in some areas of his life, but he’s never been that way during sex. Maybe it comes from having his first experience at fifteen with an older woman who did basically use him, not that he really cares to examine it or analyze himself like that. It’s just how he’s been, maybe giving more than receiving sometimes but never just taking without some form of reciprocation. It’s not like he’s going to tell Bones no if he offers, not when it’s obvious that Bones is worried that the impotency is going to somehow drive Jim away, yet he can’t shake the awkward feeling that follows getting an orgasm but being unable to give Bones one..

He’s going to have to figure out a way to fix it, he decides as he spins his chair again. He’s done some reading about it, but more in an abstract sort of way to learn the basics. Now, he needs to approach it like a problem to solve and work out a strategy and a few possible courses of action. Bones doesn’t have to deal with it all on his own, after all. They’re in a relationship, which is actually getting easier to think now that they’ve both said it aloud and agreed that it’s the best way to describe whatever’s been happening between them. Part of being involved in a not just friends way means that Jim is going to be supportive and helpful if he can.

Hopefully, Bones will just accept that and not bitch too much about it. Jim likes this whole relationship thing, even if it’s only been a couple of days since they officially titled it, and he doesn’t want to mess anything up. Maybe there are books that he can get on his PADD about that? He always does better when he’s got his reference material and been thorough in his investigations. It’s why he aced all his strategy classes and did so well in history. However, reading about relationships probably isn’t the best thing, since they’re always different and he really likes just winging it with Bones. It’s worked really well for them so far, so why risk fucking it up by doing too much? Books might work well for tactics and strategy, but he’s going to just trust his gut when it comes to all this. His instincts rarely let him down, after all.

“Captain, perhaps there is something that needs your attention elsewhere,” Uhura speaks up, giving him an arched brow that she’s had to learn from Spock.

He stops mid-spin and stares at her. What is it with his crew and their eyebrow arching? Sure, he can do it because he looks good doing it. Besides, he’s captain. The others shouldn’t be able to do it, though, not when it’s aimed at him. Except Bones, because he makes it look sexy. Uhura makes it look disapproving. At least Spock mixes in curious and slightly amused with the disapproving. “My attention is needed here, Lieutenant,” he says simply.

She looks around the bridge before she rolls her eyes. “I somehow doubt that ‘spinning the captain’s chair’ is an important part of the captain’s duties, sir.”

“It actually is. Right beneath exploring new planets, bringing goodwill to new worlds, being a good diplomat, and keeping the crew safe,” he informs her. “I actually think it should rate above the diplomat bit, so I changed it when I also moved keeping my crew safe to the number one priority slot.”

Her lips quirk as she obviously fights a smile, and he marks that down in the success column. “You should be proud, then, that you’ve excelled at one of your duties,” she tells him. She smiles slightly. “You’re also rather good at spinning the chair.”

It takes him a minute, or maybe two, to figure out what she’s saying. Well, not saying because hell will probably freeze over before Uhura gives him an actual direct compliment. One day, he’ll get one. Probably whenever she finally tells him her first name. Stubborn woman. Still, he preens, just a little, at being complimented for keeping the crew safe. “What can I say? I’m just that good,” he says, winking before he finishes spinning his chair.

“Your modesty is astounding,” she says dryly before she goes back to whatever she’s monitoring.

He looks at her and realizes that she doesn’t have much to do, either. They’re in limbo right now, since the only crew really working on anything specific is the science department. “I want you to teach me Romulan, Lieutenant. All three dialects,” he tells her as he stops spinning and gives her a serious look.

She turns her head quickly and looks at him. “Excuse me?”

“Romulan. While I know that the problem we faced previously has been destroyed, I think it would be beneficial to learn the language,” he says honestly. “I didn’t have time to learn every language that I wanted at the academy, but we have time right now, so you’re going to teach me.”

“You really are extremely odd, Kirk,” she mutters as she studies him. “You’re serious.”

“I wouldn’t waste your time,Uhura. It’s been on my to do list since I realized that you were the only one who could translate the communications months ago. I think it would be beneficial if I learn. Once we tackle Romulan, we can go through any others that I don’t know yet,” he decides.

“You already know quite a few,” she points out grudgingly. She always has been rather cranky about his ability to learn languages quickly, which might be one reason he took so many xenolinguistics classes at Starfleet. Besides the fact that he actually enjoys learning them, of course.

“I’ll learn more. Come on. We’ll do this in my office,” he says as he stands up. He strokes his chair before he leaves Sulu in charge of the conn. He doesn’t give her a chance to refuse, not that she’d directly refuse an order from the captain, anyway. If he’s going to have a week of light duty, at least he can be productive during that time. Besides, it’ll give her something to do while they’re orbiting Scorching Monotony, too. She likes bossing him around and telling him what to do, so it’s a win-win.

When they get to his office, he sits down and rubs his upper thigh while she sits across the desk. “If you don’t take this seriously, I’m not teaching you anything,” she tells him bluntly.

“I’m looking forward to learning, Lieutenant,” he says, flashing a grin as he gets comfortable and waits for her to get situated.

They work on it for two hours, until lunch. When he really focuses, he’s a good student, which is something that seems to surprise her, as does the fact that he isn’t doing it on a lark. It actually is something that he’s wanted to learn, so he’s glad that he’s got the opportunity now, even if he hopes that he never has to know it in similar circumstances to before. The knowledge is good to have, as captain, because there isn’t always going to be someone from communications around. He never really understood why more people in Command Training didn’t use their electives for xenolinguistics whenever possible. He did some of his during summer sessions, though, when other students went home to families or did other programs.

He’s meeting Bones for lunch in the officers’ dining hall. It’s quieter there, and he isn’t really feeling social to a point of sacrificing some private time with Bones in order to speak with the crew just yet. Maybe dinner, but he’s reserving lunch as Bones Time. He’s been eating in the mess for weeks, so this will be a nice change. Besides, he wants to brag about getting Uhura to teach him dialects of Romulan without actually having to force her because that’s an accomplishment, and he wouldn’t really be able to strut around over it with the crew all around.

Bones isn’t there yet when Jim arrives. Fortunately, no one else is, either, so he chooses a table that only has two chairs and is somewhat out of the way without being too obviously private. There isn’t much chance of there being many officers around having lunch at the same time, but he doesn’t want to be too suspicious about wanting Bones all to himself. It had been tempting to suggest having lunch in his quarters, since there might have been some kissing, but Bones is right about them needing to figure out how to balance the professional and personal aspects of their relationship. Having a meal together in public is a good first step. They really haven’t had one alone outside of Jim’s quarters since they left space dock. There’ve always been other people around or the whole avoidance thing, on both their parts, even if he didn’t realize that he was ignoring Bones at the time.

When the doors to the dining hall open, he looks up and is disappointed that it isn’t Bones. He nods a greeting before he goes back to reviewing his PADD. It’s another three whooshes before Bones come into the room. He looks tired, but he smiles slightly when he sees Jim, so he must not be in a bad mood. Jim returns the smile as he turns off his PADD and sets it on the table.

“I’ve been following my doctor’s orders,” he says when Bones reaches the table. “No excessive activity of any sort since spinning my chair doesn’t count.”

“You’ve been spinning your chair?” Bones snorts and sits down opposite him. “You look good. I mean, medically speaking.” He ducks his head. “Right.”

“I’m glad you got rid of the beard,” Jim murmurs quietly. “Not just because whisker-burn gives me a rash, but because I like being able to see your lips.”

“Jim,” Bones warns and nudges his leg lightly under the table.

“Okay.” Jim nudges back and smiles. “It’s good to get back to work, even if there isn’t a lot to do right now. I had messages to answer, and Pike was griping about my ending up in medical so soon. You know, I really don’t have any idea why you two don’t get along better than you do. You both like to gripe at me.”

“We get along fine. And we gripe because we care, so deal with it.” Bones stands up and stretches, which makes his shirt rise up enough to flash tan skin and dark hair disappearing into the waistband of his pants. “I’ll go get us something to eat. You stay here and rest.”

Jim clears his throat and nods, not trusting himself to speak when his mind is on bare skin and trails leading downward. Bones gives him an odd look before he goes to get them lunch. While he walks away, Jim deliberately focuses his attention on the table because he doesn’t want to stare at Bones’ ass in the middle of the dining hall. Well, he doesn’t mind staring but the whole Captain getting caught ogling his CMO’s ass thing needs to be avoided. Fortunately, he’s got his libido somewhat under control when Bones gets back to the table.

“How’s Cranton doing?” he asks as he takes his plate off the tray. Bones got him roast with vegetables, too many vegetables considering the amount of roast, but he decides not to point out the difference in proportion. If Bones wants to make him eat his vegetables, he doesn’t care. Not like he hates them or anything. Still, he can’t resist reaching over to steal a French fry off Bones’ plate. “I don’t see any veggies there.”

“It’s been a long day, and I wanted a big, juicy hamburger. I’ll eat healthier tonight,” Bones mutters before taking a bite of his burger. He licks grease off his bottom lip. “Cranton is doing fine. I’ll be keeping him for a couple of days, but he’ll make a full recovery. I’ll send you a report this afternoon.”

“I’ll stop by to check on him tomorrow then,” he decides. “We’re going to be stuck over Scorching Monotony for a few more days while more samples are gathered, so I’ll need something to do.” He steals another fry after Bones swipes a carrot off his plate. “I’ve managed to convince Uhura to teach me Romulan, by the way. I didn’t even have to force her. I think she’s suitably impressed by my brilliant mind. Alas, I’m no longer available, so she’s stuck with Spock.”

“Romulan?” Bones arches a brow and, yep, it’s definitely sexy instead of disapproving. “That’s different. As for Uhura, she should know you’re good at languages. You didn’t get to be treasurer of that club because you look good in your uniform.”

“Well, it was by vote, and I did look good,” he says thoughtfully. “But I wouldn’t have been able to be appointed without the necessary requirements. She’s just one of many who don’t usually look beyond this.” He motions to his face. “I’m used to it, but it’s always rewarding when someone like that has to admit that I’m more than just this.”

“It can get frustrating. With me, it was my youth when I first got started. Finished med school early, youngest doctor on rotation, and I looked young for my age back then,” Bones says, shaking his head. “Fortunately, I grew into my age and that stopped being a problem.”

“I don’t know. You still look pretty young for all that you’ve accomplished, especially when you’re clean shaven and have your hair combed.” Jim smiles. “Of course, you’re only thirty, so it’s a few more decades before you’ll probably wish you still looked a lot younger. Though, your birthday’s coming up in a couple of months.”

“Yeah, it is.” Bones rolls his eyes. “And, no, I don’t want to celebrate any more this year than I did last or the one before it, so don’t plan anything.”

“What? Me plan something?” He bats his eyelashes before he eats another bite of his roast. He hasn’t made definite plans yet, since he has to wait and make sure that they do get to take their leave over Bones’ birthday like he’s scheduled. Totally a coincidence, possibly. Not really but he’s not going to admit it. There will be plans of some kind, but no all-nighter at the bar or dinner and a movie like he’s forced on Bones his previous two birthdays. It’ll be something for just them, of course, but he’ll make it fun and not so platonic this time.

“Damn it, Jim. I mean it. It’s just a birthday,” Bones grumbles. “How are you enjoying the Romulan?”

Jim lets the subject drop for now, since there’s still a lot of time, and he hasn’t made any definite plans yet. He smiles when Bones steals another carrot off his plate, taking a pickle off his instead of a French fry this time. “It’s good. Uhura’s not going to take any shit from me, so I’ll probably learn it pretty fast. I generally do when I’m concentrating.”

“Stop eating all my food.” Bones swipes a potato from Jim’s plate and shrugs. “You had more than me, so that’s fair.”

“It’s alright. I’ll share,” he says. “What’ve you been doing since I left medical?” He eats his roast and steals a few more fries while listening to Bones talk about his day. He can’t help smiling as Bones tells him the most boring details just because he asked and is actually interested. He doesn’t understand half of what Bones is saying, but it doesn’t matter because they’re talking again, about anything and everything, and that’s what’s important.


#8: Evaluation Day | #10: Hi Honey

series: two men & a starship, all my fanfiction, pairing: kirk/mccoy, 2009 fanfic, rating: teen, fandom: star trek xi

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