Title: Fog and Embers Pairing: Harry/Ginny Rating: Any Age Summary: In the end, there is fog and embers Word Count: 1030 Beta: florahart ABC Challenge: Alive for swoosh09
"Her hair is wild around her face, which is slick with sweat and covered with dirt and a streak of blood across her forehead from a deep cut. There’s a bad burn on her left forearm, visible through charred robes, but she either doesn’t notice or doesn’t care. For a moment, Ginny is taken aback, feeling as if she’s looking at a warrior Goddess out of one of her father’s Muggle mythology books, but then Hermione looks at her, and she sees the fear and worry as she again asks about Ron. A warrior, yes, but she’s also human, like the rest of them."
I love this paragraph, it is one of the best descriptions of the end of the war that I've read!
Comments 36
"Her hair is wild around her face, which is slick with sweat and covered with dirt and a streak of blood across her forehead from a deep cut. There’s a bad burn on her left forearm, visible through charred robes, but she either doesn’t notice or doesn’t care. For a moment, Ginny is taken aback, feeling as if she’s looking at a warrior Goddess out of one of her father’s Muggle mythology books, but then Hermione looks at her, and she sees the fear and worry as she again asks about Ron. A warrior, yes, but she’s also human, like the rest of them."
I love this paragraph, it is one of the best descriptions of the end of the war that I've read!
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