Title: Fog and Embers Pairing: Harry/Ginny Rating: Any Age Summary: In the end, there is fog and embers Word Count: 1030 Beta: florahart ABC Challenge: Alive for swoosh09
Thanks, hon! Well, it has less mention of death than the books, which are kids books so I went with a general rating. *grin* I'm glad you enjoyed it! ♥
I really hope this doesn't come off as stalker-ish, but I've been reading your fanfic for a long time and finally found the courage to leave a comment to tell you that I think you're a great author. This line:
For a moment, Ginny is taken aback, feeling as if she’s looking at a warrior Goddess out of one of her father’s Muggle mythology books, but then Hermione looks at her, and she sees the fear and worry as she again asks about Ron. A warrior, yes, but she’s also human, like the rest of them.
was just great imagery. I could see Hermione, fierce and unrelenting, yet so very human.
Anyway, I'm losing my nerve right now, so just wanted to say that you're great, and I really hope you don't mind that I've friended you.
Thank you! You know, I don't bite so there's no need to worry about commenting! I'm glad you enjoyed this and especially that section as it was a favorite! *grin*
Wow. That was moving. Dark and serious and angsty and everything a war is. A lot of people can't really get a hold on how horrible a war is...and how heartbreakingly wonderful it is when it's all over. This was very well done. Thank you so much for sharing.
oh wow. i'm not much of a ginny/harry person, but this just made sense. i'm kond of new to this whole fandom thingy, and its kind of like stumbling upon the best coffee and book store in the world that also has cheesecake so good it could cure cancer. or maybe i'm over reacting a bit. also, can you explain the stoat's head hill rpg thing to me? this is my third offical excution to this magical place, and i'm a bit more confused than usual...
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it. This could be the first time that I've ever written G/H, actually, unless I drabbled them before. Pleased you think it turned out well!
As for stoatshead_hill, it's a roleplaying game. To read it, you just choose characters you enjoy or, if you've lots of time, read them all *grin* The premise is listed on the User Info page, and then the characters are written by different authors for each, who develop their lives within the premise. It's sort of like one big multichapter story written by many authors *grin*
That was great! I don't read Harry/Ginny really at all, typically. But this was so well done, so atmospheric. Emotions were clear but it wasn't overwrought or overly dramatic. :D:D
Comments 36
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For a moment, Ginny is taken aback, feeling as if she’s looking at a warrior Goddess out of one of her father’s Muggle mythology books, but then Hermione looks at her, and she sees the fear and worry as she again asks about Ron. A warrior, yes, but she’s also human, like the rest of them.
was just great imagery. I could see Hermione, fierce and unrelenting, yet so very human.
Anyway, I'm losing my nerve right now, so just wanted to say that you're great, and I really hope you don't mind that I've friended you.
As for stoatshead_hill, it's a roleplaying game. To read it, you just choose characters you enjoy or, if you've lots of time, read them all *grin* The premise is listed on the User Info page, and then the characters are written by different authors for each, who develop their lives within the premise. It's sort of like one big multichapter story written by many authors *grin*
*ambitious grin*
also, i just read some of your Draco/Hermione. it made me squee in the most undignified way.
Nice job!
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