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Comments 136

fandomfan February 2 2010, 11:37:24 UTC
I was so excited to see that you were one of the first posters for this year's j2_everafter, because Keepsake is still one of my all time favorite pieces of fan-writing, and I couldn't wait to see what you came up with for this year ( ... )


indysaur February 3 2010, 09:11:44 UTC
Haha Keepsake! The reception for that story still boggles my mind! Sometimes I feel like I have to TOP IT. I am super relieved to hear that you were not disappointed by this story!

I think...for all the zaniness of Monsters Inc, the moment I think of when I recall the movie is when Mike shows his cut-up hands and reveals Boo's refashioned door. And when she says, "Kitty" after Sully uses it at the end...my heart! So in a way this was a tribute to the depth of feeling Monsters already had in it; I'm really happy that you felt that kind of honesty in this.

I am happy, too, to hear that the Jared POV helped to complete your sense of the story rather than being extraneous.

Thank you so much for your generous feedback; it was incredibly thoughtful and I feel really, truly grateful.


unreckless February 2 2010, 12:04:23 UTC
I know your happiest face.

That's just the kernel of truth at the heart of the story, isn't it? The heart, right there, beating away. The shower bit was great, and the line immediately after that one, but that simple five-word line makes it for me.

I'm very enamored of this story. The Jared voice is excellent, and the OCs! I can't divorce myself of the notion that Brad is Generation Kill!Brad, but I'm okay with that.


indysaur February 3 2010, 09:26:08 UTC
Hahahaha, I was WARNED about the possible confusion with GK Brad but I chose to ignore that sound advice. I have no problem with your notion that it is GK Brad, though! He is played by Skarsgard, right? He could look Jared in the eye at least! That's cool.

I'm so glad you liked this...it's actually a little funny, all those bits, if I'm following you correctly, were late-draft additions, influenced by the awesome people who read this over for me. SO. I will pass your kind words along. Thank you so much!


elizardbits February 2 2010, 13:37:32 UTC


indysaur February 3 2010, 09:26:50 UTC
Tiny dinosaur arm cuddling is the best kind of cuddling! Hahaha, thank you so much, I'm really happy you liked this!


tanpopo03 February 2 2010, 14:53:28 UTC
*flails* Oh man, christmas came REALLY early this year!! ♥_&hearts

I absolutely adore what you've made out of this movie. Seriously, Jensen as a grown up Boo? How so awesome?!? :D

His homesickness kinda broke my heart during the first part and I was all *sadface* at the ending before I got to the Jared pov. But this… ‘I know your happiest face’. All the smiles Jensen had carried coalescing into one nova of light as he said, "Sully, this is Jared." melted my heart into a big puddle of good. *happy sigh*.

The different pov’s complimented each other really well. Not only did we get Jared’s side on stuff we already know happened but so much all of a sudden made more sense. Rex FTW!

Please never stop writing Aus :D.


indysaur February 3 2010, 09:36:44 UTC
Haha, have no fear, AU is where I've made my bed. I'm so glad that you liked this! And I'm really happy that any unresolved sadness got answered in the Jared POV.

Thank you for being so excited and kind about this! It is really great of you.


iluvsockz February 2 2010, 14:57:51 UTC
I love that this was so gentle but gorgeous and heart-rending. I also love that Jared and Jensen had two such distinctive voices in their two halves and very different sides to the story. You've created an entire universe out of a relatively cracky premise and it just works. I really enjoyed reading this!


indysaur February 3 2010, 09:41:04 UTC
Oh man! This is all incredibly kind feedback, but I am extra happy that you felt that Jared and Jensen had distinct voices in their POVs! I didn't spend as much time on that as I wanted to, but that is really, really exciting to know that it still came across to you.

I'm glad that the crack premise fleshed out some for you! Thank you so much!


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