Safe - Chapter 17

Jun 15, 2007 08:38

Characters: Peter/Claude-centric ensemble
Rating: PG
Word count: 2,100ish.
Spoilers: AU; nothing here, really.
Disclaimer: Nothing is mine but the words.
Summary: Holocaust-era Heroes
A/N: Goodness, the word-count runs away with me when people start talking! This chapter is for
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nathan, heroes_fic, heroes, peterandclaude, claude, fic, safe, peter

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Comments 39

whatwas June 15 2007, 15:30:41 UTC
*dances around happily*
loved this chapter.... loved Peter's childlike amazement at being invisible and all....;)

How does the invisible man manage to turn reassurance into a veiled threat? "
HA!, that is so Claude.... ;)

hope you have fun where ever you're running off to..... will be patiently waiting for the next chapter!


indyhat June 20 2007, 20:53:38 UTC
Thank you! :D

Next chapter should be up tomorrow ... :)


betterthanlegos June 15 2007, 16:48:10 UTC
Hee! Loved this. Nathan and Claude interaction allllways wins. Hee! I loved so much about this chapter.

This was probably my favorite part though:
"Does it ever occur to you that I have more pressing matters to attend to?"

"All the time, mate." Claude's expression is scornful.

Nathan looks at him, coolly. "You know, if you took more care-"

Claude rolls his eyes. "Oh, for-"

"Stop it!"

Glee. Can't wait for the next chapter ;D


indyhat June 20 2007, 20:55:52 UTC
Nathan and Claude interaction allllways wins.

Doesn't it? Even though it's not canon (well, except Claude wanting to punch him. That's canon. *g*)

I'm glad you liked that bit; wasn't sure if it really took.

Next chapter should be up tomorrow!


trippypeas June 15 2007, 20:30:11 UTC
i love that Peter is excited that he can be invisible with Claude..He's so cute..and it was lovely to come home from the heathen children to Plaude.

Bless You!


indyhat June 20 2007, 20:56:17 UTC
Plaude beats heathen children every time! :D

Thank you :)


trippypeas June 21 2007, 00:20:41 UTC
Yeah it does!! Love me some Plaude!! and love me some Indyhat!!


indyhat June 21 2007, 08:02:58 UTC


visiblemarket June 15 2007, 20:43:56 UTC
Hey there! I'm new to this story, but I've read through the older parts and just wanted to tell you how much I loved it! The whole idea is fantastic, you're an awesome writer, and I love how you transfer stuff from the Heroes universe to this absolute favorite detail is the fact that it takes place in Amsterdam (because, like, New Amsterdam=New York...such a history nerd, am I).

Anyway, I love the pacing of everything, and how everything's coming together. Also, you're characterizations are very well done...I just loved this line:

"-He only travelled to the future," interjects Peter, helpfully. "I think he's from Japan."- Ohhh, Peter.

Anyway, I'll stop gushing, but this is awesome! (Well, talk about ending on a non-gushy note).


indyhat June 20 2007, 20:58:29 UTC
Hey! :D Thanks for reading and commenting, and I'm very happy it's not too late to suck people into the story ...

I'm so thrilled you like it and I'm really flattered by your comments. Thank you! Yay!

*does the dance of whee*

Next episode should go up tomorrow.

I'll try to calm down now ;)


indyhat June 20 2007, 20:59:51 UTC
BTW, you get extra brownie-points for the New Amsterdam thing - so far you're the only person to mention it! (though I have a confession to make: that only occurred to me when I was already several chapters in! Huh ;)


visiblemarket June 20 2007, 21:15:36 UTC
Yay! Brownie points!

Though I have a confession to make: that only occurred to me when I was already several chapters in!:

That's okay! It only occured to me a couple of chapters in, as well. Linderman said something along the lines of "Old Money in Old Amsterdam" and it all clicked, and I actually laughed out loud at how perfect that was.

Next episode should go up tomorrow.- In that case, do you mind if I borrow your dance of whee?


cucumber_k June 15 2007, 21:55:02 UTC
Lovely chapter. Poor Peter caught in the middle of Claude's and Nathaniel's passive-agression.


indyhat June 20 2007, 21:00:39 UTC
Thank you!

And yes, poor Peter. Claude will have to make it up to him!


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