drive-by pocket-sized four-day challenge

Apr 24, 2014 21:55

Thank you to everyone who voted in the poll and expressed interest in this quickie challenge! (Even if you didn't vote in the poll, you're still welcome to play!)

  • Anyone participating can play: You can leave as many prompts as you want, but you MUST fill at least one prompt. Please don't leave a prompt if you don't intend to fill a prompt. (If RL ambushes you and you can't fill a prompt before midnight Monday Schwarz isn't going to come after you, but, like, intend to fill a prompt if you leave a prompt pls.)
  • Fandoms: Weiss Kreuz and/or Saiyuki. Crossovers, etc., are okay.
  • The nature of this challenge: This is a brief challenge with brief responses. We welcome drabbles, wee fics, doodles, sketches, haiku, one-sentence fills, anything that takes a small amount of your time. Have fun!
  • Etc: Prompts can be filled more than once. There is no guarantee your prompt(s) will be filled. Positive feedback is love. Porn is super (sexualization of minors is not). Crossposting is cool. Pimping the challenge is cool. (btw, anon is turned off due to a bad experience, so just... fyi, fwiw.) Also: have a nice weekend, get some sunshine, sleep in, write a little something, eat good food.
WHEN: starts now! ends Monday, April 28 (at midnight your time. or thereabouts; Schuldig's not watching. probably.)
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