Seeking Bellatrix Black-Lestrange

Nov 10, 2006 05:39

Before considering this character or applying for this game, please at least skim the following threads so you are familiar with game history and have a sense of whether this is a game for you.

Starting game plot and key events to the present.

Backstory plot that lays the foundation for in-game events.

Hogwarts reorganisation under Headmistress Minerva McGonagall.

Wizarding government and politics.

About the Ministry Tracking Devices and Registry.

Game calendar of upcoming events.

Fiery Inception and Deathly Hollows.

We are a large game that has been in-play for two years. This naturally means that Muns have come and gone as interest waxes and wanes. We are eager and willing to help new players get settled in, but having an understanding of the starting foundation of the game is particularly helpful for everyone.

We do not want someone to attempt to mimic previous Mun's playing style, but it is often necessary to keep certain plot-points pertaining to the character involved because it has a broad-game effect.

Please note: Blatant plagiarism of a previous application will not be tolerated and will result in instant rejection of the application.

This topic will review the important game-history points for this character.

Bellatrix has a good deal of standing history as well as several plot-plans moving into the future which we would want/need Bellatrix to not only be involved, but of which she would need to be be a significant, leading and driving force.

Bellatrix was captured in a Death Eater-Raid gone sour by none other than Neville Longbottom almost a year before the war ended. She was incarcerated in Azkaban for most of the final year of the war. Fortunately for her, the Death Eaters still held a great deal of power and intimidation capabilities, even if many of them were escaped convicts!

With the aid of her own considerable financial clout and family legal assistance, as well as the addition of Lucius Malfoy's power, she was declared 'not guilty by reason of insanity' and installed in St. Mungo's Hospital for life-long treatment. It is there that she spent the last days of the war and the first several months of post-war, game play.

Mid-summer of 2000 'game-time', 2006 'real-time', through further familial manipulations and her own brilliant cunning, she was declared 'cured' of her 'insanity', and released.

Bellatrix is now quite at-liberty, though she is on the Registry and is one of the individuals confined by a manditory tracking device. Only werewolves must wear these as 'collars'. All other characters can choose how/where to wear their device.

Her husband, Rudolphus was killed in the war, but Rabastan still lives. He, too, was incarcerated in Azkaban, but Montague and Millicent Morsus aided his escape with use of Polyjuice potion and a not very-well-known barrister who has long-since gone 'missing' - and Rabastan found to have committed suicide in his prison room. The original Rabastan Mun left the game shortly after this occurrence, but as of August 2001/2007 we have a new Rabastan Mun who would love to see his sister-in-law about.

Where as we generally allow new characters entering a game to choose their personal loyalties and motiviations, we must insist in this case that Bellatrix be well and truly a devoted 'Pureblood Supremacist' with a passionate fervor that borders (!?) on insanity. (Or more than borders!)

Bellatrix would dearly love to regather the faithful and continue her Lord's work and objective, even though she has little hope he will return, yet again. Her Dark Mark has vanished, completely, rather than merely fade as before, which most of the other (saner) Death Eaters have taken as concrete proof that he is truly gone at last.

Clearly she cannot do this from within Azkaban or the mental-ward at St. Mungo's, so it is in her best interest to use cunning and subterfuge to reach her aims while not being re-incarcerated.

In this quest, she would like to control the actions and behaviour of Fenrir Greyback, to again use his fear-tactics to help with 'recruiting'. To this aim, she has contacted Remus Lupin in an attempt to get Lupin to aid her in 'controlling' Greyback, because she, herself, loathes him for the inhuman, impure monster he is. Lupin, thus far, has proved intractable to her methods of persuasion.

Bellatrix inflicted a great deal of damage, however, in telling Remus that one of the werewolves she and Snape helped to torture and eventually kill during the war (in pursuit of information) was a woman who believed Remus to be the one who 'turned' her into a werewolf. This bit of information was every bit as devastating to Remus as she had hoped it would be.

Lucius and Draco Malfoy, as well as Rabastan Lestrange, Millicent Morsus nee Bulstrode, Snape and Lupin are all among the present 'cast' who would have reason, desire, and willingness to interact and plot with Bellatrix. An active, creative Mun for Bellatrix Lestrange would never 'want' for anything to do.

This is another role in which we need the 'perfect' person, rather than just 'any' person, and we will be excessively picky about the applicaton. It is not enough to have 'facts' straight - we want to know and feel how Bellatrix is, for you. What are her motivations, her drives, her fears.

The successful applicant will keep Bella's past history and spend some time researching that history in the game. She will be irredeemably 'evil' - in that she will fanatically believe in the pureblood 'cause' above all else. Bellatrix is very intelligent, manipulative, powerful, obsessive, and just a bit (or more) psychologically unbalanced. It is not our desire to turn the game 'dark', nor to have the 'dark side' take over now that the war is won, but we like and want the danger and intrigue which a scheming but at-liberty Bellatrix would represent. We have many players who wish to play 'victim' as well as infinite number of NPC 'victims' available when death is a desired result rather than just mayhem.

The successful applicant will also have time to role-play on a very regular basis, and will be willing to work closely with the Admin team and make Bella a strong dark-side-plot-driver, including contributing to plot suggestions, development and actively driving plots forward. This is not a role for a shy, timid or completely inexperienced role-player.

Obviously good writing skills and a strong grasp of and love for Canon as presented by JKR are absolutely imperative.

We are a long-term game. This is not a role to take on during a school holiday only to be abandoned in a few months. We are looking for someone who can reasonably foresee themselves playing in the 'right' game for years.

Leadership, creativity, commitment, and a desire to have fun with this talented batch of writers/role-players are key qualifications for this role.
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