(no subject)

Nov 03, 2006 01:38

Part One- Personal
Name: Gail
Character's Name: Percy Weasley

Email: bohacek.houseof@gmail.com
AIM: bohemianspyamI
Other Instant Messenger Programs: YM = klyanthea
AGE:(Must be 18+) Old enough to know better - in other words, 36
Past Rpg Experience: To give you a sample of what I have done, I've played/am playing Percy in a couple other games:
filius-reveniet on the game, exobscurus (game closed) and
proper_paradox at murderatmidnite

Other characters I have played / am playing:
Igor Karkaroff - tag_igor at theadvanceguard (game closed)
Colin Creevey - magicshutterbug at exobscurus (game closed)
Alastor Moody - dirty_alastor at nothing_goldrpg - sample RPG found here
Anthony Goldstein - nl_anthony at newlondon (game closed)

Where did you hear about our RPG? From justcate who plays Oliver and Lavender on your game.

Please tell us you you feel about:

Het, slash and femmeslash: No problem
NC-17 material: If done tastefully and doesn't become a priority in a game/character's life where it's the only thing that is posted, then I don't mind at all
Violence: Again, if done tastefully and in context of the game without going over the edge, I have no objections

Part Two- Character Info
Character Name: Percival Ignatius Weasley
Age: In the year 2000, Percy would be 24 years old
Birthday: August 22, 1976
Wand: Oak, 12 1/2 inches, phoenix feather
House in School: Gryffindor; Prefect and then Head Boy
Bloodline: Pureblood
Political View: From early on, Percy had aspirations to work at the Ministry of Magic and to some day actually become Minister himself (the youngest on record, he hoped). Therefore, throughout his career before and during the war, he staunchly defended the Ministry's actions and obeyed the Minister's orders, despite the fact that there were times when doubt would creep in. Working in the Minister's own department, Percy began to see and experience more and more mismanagement and corruption, and while he's tried to justify these actions one way or another, it hasn't been completely enough to satisfy his high sense of idealism. Coming back into the game the way he does, he will retain that sense of loyalty to the Ministry.

Height: 6'3 (described as tall and thin, like his brothers Bill and Ron, as opposed to the shorter and stockier build of Charlie, Fred, and George)
Weight: 170 lbs
Build: On the lanky side
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Weasley red
Dress style: Percy's clothes are neat and clean in appearance, dressing for success in the workplace, but growing up poor has taught him the value of things, so his style leans more toward the practical side rather than the capricious whims of fashion.
Discerning Marks: Besides the red hair and freckles that identify him as a Weasley, Percy wears glasses, which sets him apart from his siblings. He also bears a few scars that are from wounds sustained during the final battle at Hogwarts, most notably, a jagged one along his left leg - he will start the game with a bit of a limp and shall need the use of a cane to get along.
PB: Alexis Denisof

Sexuality: (include details about sexual orientation, history, and give valid reasons for your character being gay/bisexual/straight/transgendered) For the record, Percy Weasley is straight - his first girlfriend was Penelope Clearwater, who he met at Hogwarts. They lost their virginity together, coincidentally, while on Prefect duty together one evening at Hogwarts. After leaving Hogwarts, they'd dated on and off again over the years. He actually considered proposing to her, but his dedication to excel at work and then the war muddled his resolve. When she and her entire family were killed in a Death Eater raid, it broke his heart and has since then felt guilty for not making his intentions known sooner. He has dated and had sex with a few other women besides Penny - mostly fellow Ministry employees who he'd see during those times when when he was not seeing Penny, but nothing serious.

When he first started work at the Ministry of Magic in the Department of International Magical Cooperation, Percy hero-worshiped his supervisor, Bartemius Crouch Sr., as the man who he wanted to become. He had an obsession he had with him, and even Ron once made the remark, "They'll be announcing their engagement any day now". In reality, at the time Mr. Crouch was taking advantage of Percy by engaging in office sex with him. At first, it felt odd, but eager to please, Percy began to enthusiastically do what Mr. Crouch wanted. There was no question of love - Crouch wanted sexual favors and on Percy's part, it was idol worship and frankly, the illicitness turned him on. It stopped suddenly when Mister Crouch was placed under the Imperious spell before the Tri-Wizard games began at Hogwarts in 1994, and Percy never pursued it any further. However, the taste for such things never fully went away. He's had a handful of illicit encounters with other men, but always tried to keep it discreet and secret, remaining 'in the closet'. He has never told any of his friends or family about this side of his sexuality - as far a Percy knows, not even Penny suspected.

Introvert/Extrovert A part of his personality is extroverted, for in the past he's enjoyed talking proudly about his accomplishments and often makes an effort to be seen by his superiors as somebody who is outgoing and gregarious, but this is more or less a front to hide his nagging low self-esteem - the real Percy Weasley, is rarely shown, and only toward people who he feels won't threaten his ego.
Boggart is? Explain. In the past, Percy's main fear has been rejection, and therefore his Boggart would come to him as the person who he would see as his most immediate Authority Figure (at Hogwarts, it was Dumbledore; at the Ministry, it was the Minister of Magic) coming to him angry and heavily chastising him for improper conduct and shoddy performance. While that fear still remains, it's been replaced, at least temporarily, by blurry images of Death Eaters advancing to kill him - the last vision he saw before blanking out (his glasses had fallen off his face during the fight and he couldn't see properly, hence the blurred vision, heightening his sense of fear and helplessness)
Patronus--can they produce one? What is it and why does it have that form? Percy's Patronus takes on the form of a knight riding forward with his lance lowered, mounted upon an armored steed. Percy has a hidden romantic side to him. As a youth he read many books and was fascinated by tales of brave knights, fighting insurmountable odds for a greater cause, and particularly the Arthurian legends, due to his own name (Percival) and the name of his father (Arthur).

Include strengths, weaknesses, quirks, general outlook on life.
Percy is a very focused individual: once he had set his mind on something, he strives toward that goal with determination. In the past, this caused him to be a bit fanatical and narrow minded, but age and experience has softened these edges. As mentioned before, he's idealistic and has a fairly romantic and humourous side as well, but guards that side of his personality because he's afraid of being hurt and mocked. Because of how Fred and George used to make fun of his personality, Percy doesn't like it when he is made fun of. He's always been a stickler for rules and regulations and while he likes to think of himself as a leader, he does much better following orders rather than giving them.

Parents? Arthur and Molly Weasley
Siblings? Bill, Charlie, Fred, George, Ron and Ginny
Family dynamics--do they get along? Opposite sides of the war? Accept their child's magical talent? Pressure for 'pure blood' marriage?
In general, Percy has this underlying feeling that he has something to prove to his family, even if they probably couldn’t care less. He rather alienated himself due to the rift caused when his father accused him of being used by Fudge as a spy, and rather kept an aloof distance away from his family and found acceptance at work and with those he worked with. He attended Bill and Fleur's wedding, but only the ceremony, where he stood way in the back. He left immediately afterward and did not attend the reception, since he didn't care to speak with any of this family members. Penny would sometimes try to mend things between them and it was after her death that Percy started coming around again, but never really felt fully accepted back, except by his mother, who he believes to be the only one who ever came close to understanding him.

Occupation: Former employee at the Ministry of Magic, secretary for the Department of the Minister of Magic - he will be offered his job there once again, mostly as a political move by the current Minister who will want to use Percy as a glowing example of a successful survivor of the war. However, he'll still need some recovery time to go through before accepting it - if he ever does.
Residence: He used to live in a flat in London, not too terribly far from the Ministry building, but I image since he's been considered dead, it's most likely been cleared out. Where his things are - if they've been packed away and kept somewhere or gotten rid of immediately after his disappearance - depends on the actions of his family. Most likely he will have to start right from the beginning - possibly living at the Burrow, one of his siblings or (more likely) a friend's place until he gets his life back together.
Financial Status: Had a decent account at Gringott's, but again, since he was considered dead, his financial status depends on what his family did with his money. Perhaps the Ministry will provide him some back salary, along with the offer of his former job again, as a political manuvour on the Minister's part.

History from student days at Hogwarts to the present time: (include any affiliations since Hogwarts, jobs, family life, significant events in the character's recent history, how was this character affected by the war?etc.) Really quite long to mention here in full, since Percy has a rather detailed canon story - but there are some noteworthy things I'd like to mention for game purposes:

At the final battle against Voldemort at Hogwarts, Percy was there as part of the Ministry of Magic, fighting against Death Eaters, and in the course of the battle, he was seriously wounded. As the enemy advanced to finish him off, Percy concentrated and was able to disapparate off the grounds, since the magical wards protecting Hogwarts had been reduced during the invasion. Amazingly, he didn't splinch himself, however, because of the stress and strain his body was under, he fell into a coma without even knowing where he had disapparated to. His body was discovered by Muggles and was rushed to a Muggle hospital where they've been taking care of him, and since he didn't have any identification on him at the time, they had no way of knowing who he was.

Percy will begin the game coming out of a coma - the first things he asked the doctors there was, "Who won?" and "Where is my family?" Not knowing initially that he is in a Muggle hospital, he'll start talking about the war against Voldemort and the Ministry of Magic and other such things pertaining to the Wizarding World, which will lead the doctors to think that his brain has been addled by his injury, since to them he is talking nonsense. Once he understands where he is, he'll remain silent and try to cooperate in order to simply get well and be discharged so he can find his own way to the Wizarding World. But, before that can happen, a Muggle-born Healer, who works in Muggle hospitals as well as at St. Mungo's, will hear about this 'mad man' talking about wizards and magic and some battle against a Dark Lord, and will come to see Percy, thus establishing Percy's contact with the Wizarding World once again. The Ministry would then be notified, and before Percy's parents are told, the Ministry will first come in to identify him and transfer him from the Muggle hospital to St. Mungo's. The Ministry will then tell Percy what has been happening in their world, at least politically, to get him up to date and to see if he's still towing the party line - which he will. Then, Percy's parents will be notified - as will the Daily Prophet, so it may become a great opportunity for the Minister to look good.

What plots would you like to pursue with this character? What goals does the character have? Percy will need to recover a little bit longer. He'll be leaning toward working for the Ministry again, but he's not going to be the same old Percy. The doubts he had before will start to grow and intensify and eventually will decide that he no longer wants to strive for his old goals. It will be something like a mid-life crisis, where he'll look toward different persuits.

Now that we've got a sense of your characterization, this is where you get to really showcase your writing style! Give us everything you've got! Remember--this sample must be a 'fresh' sample relevant to our game and the current setting.

Sample Journal Entry:

A battle. That's the last thing I recall. Hogwarts. The Ministry had been notified that You Know Who was laying siege upon the school. I remember now. All available members from the Department of Magical Law Enforcement had already been sent in and they were asking for additional backup. The Minister put out a decree that any volunteers should step forward to lend their wand to the fray. I didn't have to go and my colleagues tried to convince me to change my mind. Needless to say, they didn't.

Under disillusionment charms we arrived there on broomsticks and we could see the fighting below. Besides the fear, the only other thought that ran through my mind was to wonder about the status of my family, and that seemed to strengthen my resolve.

We flew down upon the enemy forces, myself and a few others, and were immediately fired upon by curses. I was eventually struck in the leg and crashed near the lake. I was in a phenomenal amount of pain, my glasses had fallen from my face and I couldn't find my wand, but I could make out the forms of black cloaked Death Eaters approaching. I honestly don't remember anything after that, besides desperately wanting to escape from what I knew would be my imminent death.

And then...I woke up here.

Sample Third Person Writing:

Eyes fluttered open and Percy looked around. His vision was blurred and his mind was still groggy, but he could tell he was no longer at Hogwarts. Lying in a bed with white sheets. And there was something in his nose? When he tried to move his arm, he realised something foreign was also stuck in his hand. A mild panic took him and his stirring attracted the attention of people who came rushing into his room, speaking in a state of excitement about how he had 'awoken'.

"Where am I? What's going on?" he muttered desperately, even as they tried to hold him down.

"Everything's alright," one of them told him. "You're in the hospital. You've been in a coma for the past few months."

The woman's answer settled Percy down somewhat. "St. Mungo's," he said with a sigh, but then the urgency returned to his voice. "Who won? What happened to my family?"

"We'll be able to notify your family once we get some information from you, sir," the woman replied as the others continued to move around him, doing what, he could not tell without his glasses. "You were admitted without identification after being severely wounded..."

"Who won?" Percy interrupted her. "Who won the battle?"

There was a pause and then the woman answered, confused. "I'm sorry, I don't understand."

Percy repeated in frustration, "The battle at Hogwarts, against You-Know-Who. The Ministry of Magic...we came to help."

The pause was longer this time than before, and when the woman replied, her voice was patient but wrought with concern. "I'm afraid I don't know what you're talking about."

"What do you mean?" Percy tried to get up once again, but his exertion was putting a strain on his already weak body. "Did we lose?

"Please, you should rest." the woman firmly but gently insisted and then spoke to somebody beside her. "He's going into a state of shock."

Fearing the worst, Percy continued to struggle. "Why won't you tell me?"

Hands came to hold him down and he heard somebody say, "He needs to be placed under sedation." These words only increased his fear. Had they lost? Was he being held captive by Death Eaters? He felt a pin prick in his arm and soon thereafter was overtaken by drowsiness.

p.s....I've been working on this all day and it's now into the wee hours of the morning in my world...I wanted to get this in before I crashed, so if there are any inperfections, you can blame my tired brain. Thank you, and I hope to pass the audition.
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