Welcome to Round 15 of the Inception Kink Meme.
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Comments 7843
Nothing Can Compare. It's also somewhere in forgerness's Summer Fest.
"Shut up Eames."
"Tell Sanchito that if he knows what is good for him, he best go run and hide. Daddy's got a new 45..."
"Please tell me Sanchito isn't Cobb."
"Believe me when I say that I have something for his punk ass~"
"What do you want for lunch? Cobb is buying."
"Cornmeal porridge, of which I'll share with you~"
"Oh god."
"Bigger man says he’s got love for everyone. Bigger man love everything under the sun~"
"If I give you money, will you stop?"
"Probably not."
"Standing in the light of your halo~ I got my angel now~"
"That's a completely different genre."
"Oh, I finally figured out how to plug my ipod into the car."
"And you chose Beyonce?"
"Uh, yeah?"
brb lolling forever.
Pairings: Any pairings are totally optional (author's choice).
Some stills for inspiration/fun. Not necessarily part of the prompt itself!
Tseng & Arthur:
( ... )
I thought I was the only one!!
I'm uh, still working out details of a crossover. I've got two exchanges just coming up, finishing end of April, but if you are willing to wait... Hell, I'm going to be drafting something up anyhow.
Because: not only the Arthur & Tseng resemblence BUT energy mega-corps? That just damn FITS. Can you imagine Fischer and Rufus in a room together?
Architect!Ariadne = Reeve's kid?
Saito as a new Wutai power?
Dream-sharing coming out of SND?
I shudder to think if Yusuf met Hojo though ^_^
So yes, I'm definitely willing to wait for as long as you need. I'm looking forward to it though, and thanks!
P.S. Sorry about the largeness of the pic with Arthur and Dom. I attempted to shrink it a bit before posting, but instead I just made it even more gigantic (that's what I get for trusting preview mode).
Precisely xDD I was only just talking to someone about this a couple of days ago! Small world, but really, why HASN'T been done before? First time I saw Arthur, I was like HOLY CRAP can you imagine him and Tseng in the same fic?
Awesome. I hope I can deliver. I'm not very good just writing straight onto one of these things, and I've not been writing for ages, but you've gone and got us hooked by requesting it.
Not a problem for me, but if y'need to delete?
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Not claiming, because my fill list is ridiculously long as it is. But consider this prompt stalked to hell and back.
Arthur. In. Armor.
'scuse me while I salivate...
And, omg, Eames like taking Athur captive and having his wicked way with him while Arthur silently begs for more. NNGH.
Though I may be running away with the prompt a bit.
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