Welcome to Round 15 of the Inception Kink Meme.
Prompting System
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Pairings: Any pairings are totally optional (author's choice).
Some stills for inspiration/fun. Not necessarily part of the prompt itself!
Tseng & Arthur:
Tell me you don't see the resemblance!
And a few clickable links to avoid pic-spam:
Dream is collapsing: http://images.blu-ray.com/reviews/1443_19.jpg
Zero Gravity: http://images.blu-ray.com/reviews/1443_8.jpg
Limbo: http://images.blu-ray.com/reviews/1443_11.jpg
So much potential with these fandoms! Where's all the crossover love?
I thought I was the only one!!
I'm uh, still working out details of a crossover. I've got two exchanges just coming up, finishing end of April, but if you are willing to wait... Hell, I'm going to be drafting something up anyhow.
Because: not only the Arthur & Tseng resemblence BUT energy mega-corps? That just damn FITS. Can you imagine Fischer and Rufus in a room together?
Architect!Ariadne = Reeve's kid?
Saito as a new Wutai power?
Dream-sharing coming out of SND?
I shudder to think if Yusuf met Hojo though ^_^
So yes, I'm definitely willing to wait for as long as you need. I'm looking forward to it though, and thanks!
P.S. Sorry about the largeness of the pic with Arthur and Dom. I attempted to shrink it a bit before posting, but instead I just made it even more gigantic (that's what I get for trusting preview mode).
Precisely xDD I was only just talking to someone about this a couple of days ago! Small world, but really, why HASN'T been done before? First time I saw Arthur, I was like HOLY CRAP can you imagine him and Tseng in the same fic?
Awesome. I hope I can deliver. I'm not very good just writing straight onto one of these things, and I've not been writing for ages, but you've gone and got us hooked by requesting it.
Not a problem for me, but if y'need to delete?
Take as much time as you need with it. I'll continue entertaining myself by daydreaming up my own scenarios in the meantime. Maybe I'll even take a stab at this crossover myself some day... we'll see. I know how I am, and my ideas often have a habit of trailing off half formed (just enough to make me know what I'd want to see). Thank goodness for prompts/memes, where we can pass our ideas off for others to run with and bring to their fullest potential!
I think I'll leave the picture in all its ginormous glory for now, but if anyone start complaining about loading time/page stretching, etc., I can always repost or delete (I wish I had access to the edit feature). Besides, who DOESN'T want to look at a larger than life Arthur and Cobb when they're all badass like that?
Thanks :) that takes the pressure off, but this has been cajoling around my brain for MONTHS now so hurrah for prompts that may get my arse in gear!! And you should try it out too - it'd be wonderful to see some FFVII/Inception action =D
Muahaha! (Edit I think is for paid accounts, but I've replied anyhoo so it wouldn't work :3) Always much love for the badasses!
(And now, I've just gotta work out how to get my fave Inception character in the loop - Eames. And Veld? Military? Argh, you are a bloody star for this prompt!)
Hmm, well the great thing about Eames is that as a forger, he can mold himself into any number of roles depending on the direction you decide to take this. He's skilled at reading people, so I could see him making connections other people wouldn't see and/or figuring out there's more to all the mega corp power struggles than meets the eye, etc. And we really don't know much about Veld or his daughter, so there are all sorts of opportunities for revelations there.
You know, Arthur even said once that dreamsharing was originally developed by the military. Side project of the Shinra SOLDIER program, perhaps? Good grief, the more I think about all this, the more possibilities and potential directions I can see everything taking!
I'm feeling more and more tempted to give this a go myself as well, even if the only thing that comes out of it is a series of drabbles. Again, we'll see.
By the way, feel free to take or discard as many of these ideas I'm throwing out as you see fit. Just brainstorming, here...
You are a star for taking up this challenge!
Yes, absolutely, and oh god there are SO many possibilities!
I was thinking the same thing about the military (not Heidegger's Army, bah, SOLDIER offshoot baby. Particularly as there's still some affiliated roaming about...)
I just wonder how Somancin fits in. I need to get my psuedo-science geek head on!
8D I'll devour anything you can think of doing. Seriously. I'm practically drooling here.
“Uuhg…” A slash of silver arcs down in front of him, a sudden clash of metal upon metal halting the thin lethal path of Masamune before it finally strikes.
Fierce blue eyes that practically glow with the colour, flicker in surprise. He feels pressure; the heaviness of someone’s protection nestled beside that of his own, ceaseless, guilt.
A salty tang assaults his nostrils, and it smells like sweat… or sea-water.
Training’s Over
Everything crumbles:
Green digital displays topple into coding.
Grey lithic skyscrapers crash into waves.
Crimson dissipates into the rain, beating an ever diluting path through the mud.
Burgundy whips around her shapely legs, as she plummets feet first to the ground.
He howls in despair.
Embrace your dreams.
If you want to be a Hero, you need to have dreams.
And Honour.
He wakes up, sweating, heart rate accelerated and with tears upon his cheek. There is an itch at his wrist that will not go away.
Do you know what it is to be a lover-
To be half of a whole?
You’ll be… my living legacy…
Seventh Heaven, Edge
Marlene pattered down the stairs at Seventh Heaven. She was a practically a young lady now, wilful, shaped by the many climatic events that have taken place during the course of her life, and by those who had raised her and protected her. Geostigma was a thing of the past, though both that, and Deepground, still felt like recent scars.
She watched the newsfeeds regularly in the bar; the race for new energy bringing up new names, new faces. ShinRa Electric Power Company - a name which her generation and those that came before her remember with a mixture of awe, fear and hate - was no longer an obvious player in the energy market. Though that did not fool those who knew Rufus and the Turks.
There was a debt of ‘repayment to be paid’, but it was the ‘immediate legacy of the Shinra name which kept them from showing their hand.’
(She had eavesdro- heard Mister Tuesti talking to an old man with a scar on his face about that one time. Marlene had always remained vaguely wary of her former kidnapper, despite forgiving him and harbouring a rather soft spot for Cait Sith… But, hey, it was her planet too! Why should she not listen in about that?)
So now it was Fischer Morrow extensively in Edge, Corel and the Northern Continent as the main Energy Corp. The President of Fischer Morrow, Maurice Fischer, had been in the newsfeeds recently, his health having declined in his old age. Robert Fischer, his son and heir, alongside Peter Browning, were in varying attendance at Healin Lodge.
Fischer Morrow's closest competitor was Proclus Global of Wutai, headed up by Saito, who holds favour from the Kisaragi clan. It is argued that old resentments die hard in Wutai, but Marlene had always liked Yuffie, despite her ongoing tendency to 'borrow' ribbons and trinkets.
As an outlier, Cobol Engineering allegedly have so much power in the lands around Mideel, it is said that they pretty much own the place.
Other recent news mentioned Cobol being involved in some sort of scandal, but any specifics were scant on the Networks. The World Regenesis Organisation (WRO), who ran most of the news channels, prefer to keep distanced from the burgeoning corporate rackets. They provide an unbiased perspective, designed to maintain a status quo. Often details are therefore deliberately missed out because of it. Marlene was not sure what she thought about that.
Barret was still helping Shera and Cid working on refining fractionation processes, and she was happy for her 'Pops’ in her own way - coal was in his history and oil was merely the next step in fossil-fuel development. The WRO were spending millions of gil on research into even newer, cleaner energies, such as hydro-electrics and wind power. On top of that all energy corporations had to align themselves with the global strategy, accountable to the WRO, to ensure the Planet has the time needed to heal. The Lifestream was no longer being plundered.
But this new Black Gold was issuing in the rise of powers - reminiscent to the rise of Shinra, so the older folk say - and, even though Gaia was no longer being hurt, Marlene was still a little concerned.
Tifa stood at the bar, running a cloth over a glass, engaged in conversation with Ariadne. Edge University was naturally the leading academic institution for Urban Regeneration and Architecture, at which Ariadne was a student. She was real pretty, and smart too, so Marlene thought, and had been dropping by for coffee for a few years now. Tifa seemed to like her a lot as well, although she seemed to go a little distant speaking with Ariadne at times, like she was now. She was saying, softly, “Ariadne, if you keep pushing all the time, you know, you may actually hurt someone.”
Which baffled Marlene a little, because she could hardly imagine Ariadne hurting anyone at all. Tifa flashed another one of her small smiles; fond but a little sad-looking and added, “Some people just need to come to terms with things themselves. We just have to be there for them if they ask.” Adriadne had shook her head a little at that, looking like she should have been laughing. But curiously, she was not, “Really? And so how is Cloud?”
Cloud- Cloud is- He had been dreaming a lot of late. Nightmares. He woke from them screaming sometimes. Marlene hiccupped a little at the question then stepped further forward. She placed a smile on her face, to stay positive, so she could be the strong one this time, “He’s still asleep, Tifa. He's just a lazy bones!” She managed to keep the smile up for a few moments, but it was no use, she was worried for the spiky-haired blonde man in the bed upstairs. Denzel too. And that made Marlene worry more.
Marlene slumped to the bar, dejected, “Why is Cloud sad? Is he going to leave us again? Why don‘t you go and wake him? Ask him what the matter is?” Tifa was the one to laugh then, it was lilting, just like she sang sometimes - Shilly Shally, “You two are just as bad as each other.” She smiled and patted Marlene’s arm, looking over to Ariadne briefly with a sigh, “I suppose… I do wish I knew what he was thinking sometimes. What’s going on his head. You know... what he‘s dreaming about.”
Adriane spluttered a little into her coffee.
Tifa raised an eyebrow.
The pacing of this story is just right so far. I'm glad you haven't tossed all of the characters into the blender all at once, but are taking your time introducing them naturally as they work their way into the story. It all reads very well.
I also love the way Marlene has narrated these first few parts. She has that childlike precociousness about her of knowing far more than she should, but not completely understanding it. Her observations of the world around her therefore allow us to read and learn about the ways in which this slightly altered world is structured (to accommodate for the additional characters and locations, etc.) without ever coming off as condescending or boring.
The last few paragraphs with Tifa expressing to Ariadne how she wishes she could figure out what's been going on in Cloud's head has great potential for some foreshadowing. I'd love to see where it goes!
Anyway, I hope I'm not singing your praises so hard as to be intimidating (ha!). I'm just so excited to see this being filled, and so wonderfully at that!
Heh - I don't think I could! Though, I'm going to try and pull in more Inception people in next. Or at least Robert Fischer. Bless his ickle cotton socks (and quite possibly, sock suspenders. xD)
Thanks! I just thought Marlene has taken on the mantle of being the narrator before, for good reasons - pretty much what you have stated, she can be the credible link in for us as the audience - so why not now? (Though, I am sorry there won't be a consistent narrative voice.)
:P Now I just need to work it out in my head before I start writing complete and utter nonsense! (ha!)
Aww, no it is actually helpful and VERY much appreciated. I just hope I can continue to entertain coherently. Thanks a bunch!
Hope you continue to enjoy it!
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