Prompt Post No. 13

Jan 20, 2011 13:01

Welcome to Round 13 of the Inception Kink Meme. This post will be closed to new prompts once it reaches five thousand comments.

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round 13, mod post

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Arthur/Eames, Crazy!Arthur anonymous January 26 2011, 16:53:41 UTC
Honestly, Eames doesn't know why everyone thinks Arthur is the reasonable one of the team. Dude is crazy.

And okay, yes, they're all a little crazy. Ariadne went from being a mild mannered 20 year college student to committing gun-laden (sometimes treasonous) acts of corporate espionage with disturbing equanimity, Yusef regularly tests unknown chemical compounds on himself, Cobb has homicidal fantasies about his dead wife, and Eames...alright so Eames has a somewhat unsettling fondness for grenade launchers and maybe, maybe has a little too much fun pretending to be a woman sometimes.

But Arthur. Arthur is batshit insane. That's not to say that Eames doesn't totally love the little psychopath, he just wishes he wasn't the only one to notice it.


Re: Arthur/Eames, Crazy!Arthur sho_no_tabi January 26 2011, 19:10:26 UTC
I ridiculously adore this prompt and I hope someone fills it! ^_^


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Re: Arthur/Eames, Crazy!Arthur sho_no_tabi January 27 2011, 01:02:52 UTC
We really do have similar tastes, don't we? Hehe. ^_^


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Re: Arthur/Eames, Crazy!Arthur fae_boleyn January 28 2011, 15:02:20 UTC
It should concern me that I agree with both of you... Why doesn't it concern me? :/


Re: Arthur/Eames, Crazy!Arthur anonymous January 28 2011, 01:55:13 UTC
UM. YES. Crazy!Arthur for the win! I love Eames thinking of Arthur as the little psychopath! Someone fill please? :D :D :D


Re: Arthur/Eames, Crazy!Arthur stalker_magnet3 January 28 2011, 20:54:57 UTC
OMGOSH, this needs to happen.


Re: Arthur/Eames, Crazy!Arthur anonymous January 28 2011, 23:18:19 UTC
Crap. I may be writing something for this now. I don't even know. Damn you Crazy Arthur! Why won't you leave me alone!


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Re: Arthur/Eames, Crazy!Arthur anonymous January 28 2011, 23:45:12 UTC
Oh good! This is my first time filling a prompt here, so I'm glad someone else will be writing one too in case mine completely fails! And I completely agree, there can never be enough crazy!Arthur in the world.


FILL, 1/4 anonymous January 30 2011, 00:41:04 UTC
*Facepalm* I don't even know what this is, but I feel like I should apologize to Arthur for it.

Eames will admit he’s got some issues. He makes a living- makes a lifestyle- out of becoming other people; he’s pretty sure any shrink worth their salt would have a field day with him. And he’s got a masters in psychology, so he knows from shrinks. He also knows he’s got nothing on Arthur.


Eames’ first thought when he meets Arthur for the first time is, “Who is this crazy S.O.B.?” His second and third thoughts are, “Who is this crazy S.O.B.?” and “Where did I put that mother fucking grenade launcher?” respectively ( ... )


FILL, 2/4 anonymous January 30 2011, 00:47:24 UTC
Arthur’s closet is organized in a complicated system based on designer, color, fabric, and how many people he has killed while wearing a particular item. Eames knows this because he spent an hour studying it one afternoon when he broke in while Arthur was out doing point man things for the team. Don’t ask him how he figured out that last filing point.

Arthur’s wardrobe is comprised mostly of ridiculously priced, exquisitely tailored suits, but there is the odd pair of jeans or well worn sweats mixed in as well, along with an amusingly diverse collection of “my wiener” graphic T-shirts. To Eames’ knowledge, Arthur does not, nor has he ever owned a dachshund.

Other points-of-interest that come to Eames’ attention during his reconnaissance mission are Arthur’s music collection, which consists entirely of classic jazz singers and one five disc set of Tibetan Buddhist Monk Chants; and his kitchen, which contains a dozen bottles of expensive wine and not one single food item or condiment.

~*~The third time they see each other ( ... )


FILL, 3/4 anonymous January 30 2011, 00:51:30 UTC
The fourth time they meet Arthur barely speaks to him for the first day. He nods distractedly when Eames arrives at their makeshift headquarters, and then goes back to bending over his pile of notes. Eames, while slightly put out at the lack of a more enthusiastic greeting, greatly appreciates the view ( ... )


FILL, 4/4 anonymous January 30 2011, 00:56:23 UTC
It’s sometime around the fourth time that Arthur semi-publicly molests him when Eames figures he should probably find out what this is exactly. And not because he’s a bloody woman or anything who needs to hear Arthur’s declaration of undying love. He just thinks he should probably make sure that Arthur does actually know who Eames is and that he is in fact cognizant of what’s taking place at the moment ( ... )


Re: FILL, 4/4 kirstenlouise January 30 2011, 01:34:57 UTC
Anon, I have a deep and abiding love for fic that manages to be cracky without going completely off the deep end, and I have to say you've done a beautiful job achieving a happy medium of insanity.

Arthur is a motherfucking psycho and I love it. I LOVE IT. I didn't think I would love it, but I do and now I'm wondering why no one's done it before. There are so many hilarious moments in this, from Eames' half-baked ice-cream metaphor to Arthur's jam fixation to fighting dinosaurs under sedation (INCREDIBLE), but I think the best part really is that no one but Eames seems to notice.

Oh, Arthur. You wear crazy just as well as you wear Armani.

This is such an awesome fill. It had me practically falling out of my seat with laughter. The ways in which Arthur's crazy manifests are hilarious and yet manage not to seem so out there as to make Arthur wildly OOC. I can dig it, nonnie. The narration style is fabulous as well.



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