Masa & Baba [Good Come 4] Interview translation

Mar 16, 2008 00:17

Here it is as promised. \o/

Seriously, get ready. This is pure, authentic D1 fanservice. I think I died and went to heaven at least 5 times while typing this up. Very fun interview with a great concept and quite intimate, actually. Sleeping habits, Baba-family dinners, secrets, parents-in-law, first impressions, memories of one certain night... there's everything. :D

I couldn't restrain myself from adding some squeeing notes and comments, do forgive me. xD Beware of massive fangirlism in this post.

Scans are here. Thank you,aicchi!

NOTES: Bold is what they wrote on their sketchpads.
[---] is page text and italics are the interviewer's questions and comments.
I left out the info on Page 4., it's mainly about Baba's DVD and Masa's album.

Page 1.

[We didn't expect them to enter dressed in accordance with each other. With such synchronicity, their compatibility test should be perfect!

Baba Tooru & Nakagauchi Masataka - As members of an ever invincible team, they are a splendid combination on stage. Friends both in public and private, they often blog about going out for dinner and their various common episodes. But let's see the truth, how good is their compatibility?]

Page 2.

[When they are together, the two of them almost seem like brothers. They don't constantly hang on each other, yet you can feel an air of intimacy surrounding them. What kind of truths will be revealed..?! Let's begin immediately!]

Q: Where and when did you first meet?

["Audition hall", exclaims Nakagauchi-kun ... out loud.]
BB: Audition hall.
Masa: Baba-sama spoke to me first in the audition hall.

BB: Since I'm not that good at dancing, I asked him: "Ah, how are you supposed to do this move?"
Masa: I thought, there's no way I can't tell him now! I showed the basic moves, but I didn't reveal any details. (laughs)
[Evidently, this is rivalry.]

Q: What was your first impression of the other?

BB: Seems nice!
Masa: what kind of good-looking guy is that!!

[Did you address him because he seemed nice?]
BB: I *thought* he was nice. At first. (laughs)
Masa: HEY?! How can you say "at first"?! As for me, I thought, what a cool guy! And he's taller than me! But his legs are kinda shorter...
BB: Hey, hey! They are a soccer player's legs! A soccer player's!
Masa: Because he looked very mature, I thought he's definitely older than me. Then he turned out 3 years my junior. (laughs)

Q: Where did you first went out eating together or hung out together?

BB: A dinner bar in Shibuya?!
Masa: A family restaurant near practice hall!!

[Which is correct, now?]
Masa: Am I wrong? But it was in Shinjuku, no? (laughs)
BB: Ah, I remember! It was a family restaurant. /T/N: I'm pretty sure Masa has a picture from that time on his blog somewhere./
[Who invited whom?]
Masa: It was definitely Baba!
BB: Because I felt really lonely, I definitely wanted to go out to eat with someone. So I invited him. Then it turned out that our way home is in the same direction. One stop by bus for both of us!

Q: At whose house did you first stay over?

BB: Nakagauchi-place.
Masa: My place.

Masa: I think it was still during practice. Around October or November 2006. My one-room apartment seemed as small as it gets. So we agreed that next time we'll stay at Ba-chon's house. Even now we mostly go there.
BB: That's right. We're having meals together at home.
[How is the other's place?]
Masa: Ba-chon's a bit bigger now. Before, when we rolled out the futon we could barely open the door. Mine has become bigger too.

Q: What was the longest time you've spent together?

[One counting furiously, the other saying: "No ideeeaaa~"]
BB: 36 hours.
Masa: More than 24 hours.

BB: This was recently. When practice ended, we went over to my place, then we slept there, then went back to practice. That was about a day and a half.
Masa: Didn't we do that for two days once?
BB: Oh yes, we did! I think that was more than 48 hours?
[What about change of clothes during such times?] /T/N: THERE IS NO NEED FOR ANY DUUUUUH./
Masa: We just borrow from each other.
BB: Or I give you some, rather?

Q: What was the farthest place you went together in private?

BB: Roppongi.
Masa: Shinjuku!?

[How do you usually spend time together?]
Masa: We go to a game center or go out eating. Oh, we went to Toyosu once! To watch movies.
BB: Ah indeed! At the Toyosu United Cinema. For three days I've done nothing but watch movies there.
Masa: I was there the opening day.
[What movies did you see?]
BB: "Bourne Ultimatum", then "Biohazard" on second day, then "Saw 4" the day after, together with the whole team. /T/N: ahdkadasdqw, Rikkai at the movies. ♥/

Page 3.

Q: When have you earnestly thought: "I'm happy to have him as a friend!"

BB: When he's all 'Serious Guy'.
Masa: When he takes me out for yakiniku! (laugh)

Masa: Actually it's Ba-chon's father and mother who take me out, but usually they are charmed into it by Ba-chon. (laughs)
[Nakagauchi-kun is 'Serious Guy'?]
BB: Outwardly he usually seems happy-go-lucky. But, well, not to say surprisingly, but he's very focused and knows exactly what he wants to do. He's strict with others and with himself too.

Q: What is that you respect about the other's work or acting?

BB: DANCING of course.
Masa: Though he's younger, he works harder than me. And never whines about it.

BB: Because he is very good at something I'm not, I respect him. I want such talents for myself.
Masa: Ba-chon is a very hard-working person. Even when circumstances get tough, he always says: "Yeah, but even so..." and knows which way to go. I'm always like: "I really can't do this! This sucks!" Always saying it out loud. (laughs)
BB: If you talk like this I can work even harder.
Masa: You always know what I mean! (laughs)

Q: On the other hand, what trait of the other would you change?

["There are a lot..!" both say.]
BB: I like your wrestling technique, I really do, but a bit... just a bit... umm... could you be a bit more gentle?
Masa: He's OK the way he is. There isn't anything I would like to change!

Masa: My wrestling technique is quite something, huh~ (laughs)
BB: I don't mind if you do it, but I hurt like, a lot. (laughs)
Masa: Okay, I'll try to control myself better next time. (laughs) [Yet he still has no intention to stop. (laugh)]

Q: Please tell us a secret no one knows besides you.

['They're all secrets you could never print!' they say.]
BB: He clings to me when we're sleeping together! (when half-asleep)
Masa: His leg muscles are really something.

Masa: Ba-chon's leg is really firm! Such a handsome face and then such awful legs!
[Did you touch them?]
Masa: I tried to twist them! Their build is really unique. Firm and thick and big. Really thick. Twice as thick as mine. Not to be underestimated. /T/N: Leg fetish, much? :D/ [On Nakgauchi-kun's sleeping habits, check Page 16.]

Q: When have you involuntarily thought 'Ah, how cute~' about the other?

BB: When someone swoons over him, he blushes and gets flustered!! [accompanied by a blushing drawing]
Masa: When he's playing with Ru-chan (his dog), he turns into a little boy.

Masa: [checking his "portrait"] That doesn't even look like me! (laughs) Why is it so ugly?!
BB: You see, when someone swoons over Masa or praises him, he blushes and gets all embarrassed.
Masa: Hey...ah... that's... I'm gonna cry here. (laughs) I'm done for. Never thought I'd be exposed like that!

Q: Now that some of your secrets have been unexpectedly revealed, what is that you'd like to say to the other?

BB: Let's try our best! ♥
Masa: Make the best of our next free time together!☆

BB: This has a meaning of trying our best, but not limited to work only.
Masa: Oh that's great. Wanna see mine? 'Make the best of our next free time together!' (laughs)
BB: There are different menings to mine too. Like let's be at our best, even when we're just hanging out.
Masa: Ah! They (their answers) are related!
BB: Always full speed. Be it free time or work.
Masa: This is how we roll.
[Wow! Such perfect harmony. (laugh)]

Q: What is your dearest memory together?

BB: The things we've overcome during the long performance run.
Masa: That night...

BB: 'That night'...!? Aah, I remember! I remember. That night was wonderful!
Masa: We're gonna remember that for long, right?
BB: Though you might remember it better than me. /T/N: This means BB was more piss drunk, evidently. xDDD/
[What kind of night was that?]
Masa: We had a nabe (japanese stew) party. It was quite a bit of fun. Amusing things happened.
BB: I was amusing, right?
Masa: Details are top secret of course. (laughs)

Page 4.

Q: Let's do some performance-related talk. If you played doubles in real life, how would that look like?

BB: Basically we'd both play offensive!
Masa: I'd play offensive..? No, we both could do both ways? /T/N: asdwfkw. "Seme", coming from "semeru" means "offensive play" in sports. But the first time I saw this panel, my gaze fell upon Masa's sketchpad, and he has written it like: "I'm... seme?" xDDDD/

Masa: Who plays too offensively, who is drawing back to defend, Ba-chon would know that perfectly. (laughs)
BB: But if we had a match, we'd both play aggressive, that's for sure!
Masa: A swift attack! (laughs)
BB: We both like to be at the front line. "Ah, look out, a lob!"
Masa: "Ah, can't get it!" Something along these lines. (laughs)

Q: To finish our talk, tell us what you'd like to do together from now on?

BB: Driving, travelling, going to the sea...
Masa: Working with each other again. Go camping. Go to see a soccer game. But to work together, after all!

BB: Neither of us has a driving license, but when one of us gets it, I want to go driving!
Masa: We definitely will!
BB: And travelling. An onsen trip just for guys!
Masa: We'll go!
BB: Then, to the sea! "The splash of the waves~" [singing] /T/N: This line is from the BAS's Summer Breeze. :3/
Masa: We'll run along the seashore together~ It's decided!!

/T/N: I... don't think I need to add anything else. xD/


[Masa-sketchpad: Finished! (Baba-kun)
BB-sketchpad: Finish. Directed by: Baba Tooru
Starring: Nakagauchi Masataka & Baba Tooru
... to be continued.
/add-on: Lighting: Nakagauchi Masataka/]

Coordination Result:
It seems the majority of their memories stem from what they did rather than where they went. When remembering fun times like "that night", it's definitely the same memories that come up immediately. Shared memories, shared experiences during their stageplay, and things they overcame together seem to be in the majority. Though all these are likely the norm for them, that's why they can't seem to choose one single memory. Moreover, being together couldn't be more natural for them, so there isn't even a need to re-evaluate the results of this compatibilty test. (laugh)

Page 5.

[I want to get my license this year. After that, let's go driving! [Baba]
Sounds good. I'll give you directions from the passenger seat. And provide for drinks and music. [Nakagauchi] ]

Q: ---- You've mentioned it on your blogs as well, but you went out for yakiniku with Baba-kun's whole family, right?
BB: That's right, that's right! My family asked me: "What is Masa up to today?" and I said: "Probably working, why?" "Wouldn't it be nice to go out for yakiniku together?" they asked. When I phoned Masa, he's just got off work. There I said: "Come over, then."

Q: ---- Does your mother call Nakagauchi-kun "Masa" then?
BB: She calls him Masa-kun.
Masa: I even had a deep conversation with Ba-chon's mother once. (laughs)
BB: That was such a surprise! We had nabe at our house. I felt sleepy so I went up to my room, but Masa was not coming even after a while. When I went downstairs again, there he was with my mom, talking over a glass of wine. And a serious conversation to boot! I said: 'I'll just go to sleep then' and went back to my room. (laughs)
Masa: His father was there too, actually. (laughs) But he went to sleep just before Ba-chon came down.
BB: Then they kept talking even after that. It took more than half an hour before he came back. (laughs)

Q: --- Just before you've said: "He clings to me when we're sleeping together."
BB: That's a really cute story. Once we went to stay over at Masa's place: Masa, me, Dai-chan (Watanabe Daisuke) and Yuuta (Furukawa Yuuta). We slept together in a huddle. And then~!
Masa: A double attack!
BB: Yup. First when he embraced me I was half-asleep and I thought, okay, no problem, I can sleep like this just as well. Barely had I fallen asleep when he rolled away for a moment, then just bamm! elbowed me in the side out of nowhere! I was shocked awake! (laughs) But Masa, he was still asleep! He has such bad habits.
Masa: What will happen when I'm sleeping with a girl?! It seems I hold on quite tightly! Before this, both Kane-chan (Kanesaki Kentarou) and Aibacchi (Aiba Hiroki) have already said: "Masa suddenly embraced me in my sleep, that was a surprise!"

/T/N: I'M BROKEN. FINISHED. OUT. NO WAY I CAN COMMENT COHERENTLY ON ALL THIS. DARLING, YOU CAN SUFFOCATE ME ANY TIME IN YOUR SLEEP OKAY. \o/ Also can't stop laughing about the image of Masa surprise-tackling Kane-chan. xD/

Q: ---- Are your sleeping postures this bad?
Masa: They are. Sometimes I'm rolling everywhere in my bed. Though I never fall down. Maybe even in my dreams, I'm still dancing. And embracing and elbowing. That must have been painful...
BB: I jolted awake! But he's told me before that he has a tendency to embrace others in his sleep, so it wasn't a big deal. (laughs) When it actually happened, I thought: 'So that's what he meant!'

Q: ---- At last we asked you about the things you want to do from now on. It seems getting a license is top priority. Who is going to be the first?
BB: I definitely want to have a license in the near future. Though I still haven't started on it.
Masa: I think I won't have one even when I'm 30!
BB: I thought about doing it still this year.
Masa: If I ever get the chance to drive, I'm sure I'd be a speed-driver. I pity any girl sitting next to me! That's why I'm staying on the passenger seat and give directions.

Q: --- Staying on the passenger seat, does this mean doing things like unwrapping gum and handing it to the driver?
Masa: Certainly~ I'd also prepare drinks and music. BGM should be "The splash of waves~" of course!
BB: That's when we're at the ocean!
Masa: When we go on an onsen trip, we'll be like: "The water's splendid, don't you think? Ahahaha~" /T/N: Very old geezer-like talk. xD/
BB: Then we'll be at Unzan and do the "Get down, sway around!" like Hirose Koumi-san!
Masa: Sounds fantastic! When Ba-chon gets his license, we're off!


REVEL IN THE PERFECTNESS, YOU ALL. ♥ xD Also, they are so holding hands in that picture on the last page. :3

myuboys, articles, fangirling, translations, d1

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