Oddly the DD piece is the only smut I've written for months - I seem to be going through a 'gen' phase. And I picked a gen pitch-hit too. Must be something in the water...
Partners in crime, eh? I had a staffie that used to do a similar thing with my cats. He'd come and tell on them unless they dropped some of their ill gotten gains as a bribe for him to keep his mouth shut.
Oh yes. If it hadn't been Bren it would certainly have been Flash, who has a strange relationship with Draco (he's the only one of our cats who has any time at all for the dogs).
How does Draco persuade Bren to (a) commit pilferage on his behalf and then (b) not consume the rewards thereof? He is clearly the Napoleon of crime...
I think this was serendipitous. Bren steals paper. The pitta was in a paper bag, ergo, once at dog-level Bren has a bag to shred and Draco gets the discarded bread (which is just as well as we think that one of the things Bren might be alergic to is wheat/maize).
Comments 8
Also, I have been baking.
Sorry. Ahem.
Only cats have he brains to be crimelords.
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