Before I read all 23974257 Deathly Hallows posts on my flist (by the way, they should have invented a special tag for it. So I could click a HP tag and see all the posts my friends's made about it. THAT would be nifty!) I think I should write about my immediate reactions, because I'll forget it all soon if I don't.
My thoughts on the Deathly Hallows. SPOILERS inside )
Comments 13
Lolllll so true! I still maintain that Remus and Sirius are having lots of gay sex in heaven. As one does.
The Harry/Ginny romance was odd. They seemed to lust after each other, but that's about as far as the love went that I could see.
Exactly! Harry seemed to care more about Dumbledore than Ginny!
I guess Harry was secretly gay and desired a father figure.
Well, that would not be new, *coughSiriuscough*
I don't know.. but to me reading these comments of others hasn't really been enjoyable.. Maybe because I've only concentrated on books, not the fandom stuff, but still..
And like I said in a comment on Sarah's entry, I don't blame you for anything since everyone has her/his own oppinions. Still, I feel all different about the book.
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