Jul 24, 2007 16:35

Before I read all 23974257 Deathly Hallows posts on my flist (by the way, they should have invented a special tag for it. So I could click a HP tag and see all the posts my friends's made about it. THAT would be nifty!) I think I should write about my immediate reactions, because I'll forget it all soon if I don't.

My thoughts on the Deathly Hallows. SPOILERS inside )

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tattered_laces July 30 2007, 06:07:35 UTC
julia my dear! I know I still owe you an email, because it's been so long since we've properly corresponded, but obviously the release and subsequent discussion of deathly hallows is something so important that it is as worthy as an email.

I agree with the majority of your thoughts, and overall I was really pleased with the book. There are a lot of little issues that I can't help wishing came out in a different way etc., but honestly, I cannot imagine writng a book with so much pressure and I think she did the best job that she could have and this was it, and I'm happy. But still sad of course that it's over. :(

Hermione *was* brilliant. They would have been so fucked without her, so many times. I loved all the Ron/Hermione in this book because I think Ron and Hermione's relationship has been really well-developed (especially in comparison to the RIDICIULOUS failure of harry/ginny) and their kiss was just SO GOOD when it finally happened and so worth the wait, particularly as it was over a SPEW issue. amazing.

I understand that she didn't have a lot of time to flesh out Harry and Ginny's relationship, but come on woman! It's creepy enough that Ginny looks so similar to Harry's mom, you've got to give us something to believe in with this couple! I had the same problem in HBP, that she tells us that they go so well together, but we never *see* any of it. THere isn't a single conversation between Harry and Ginny in that book. And obviously deathly hallows is even worse. Such a good point- the fact that Harry didn't even talk to Ginny after the battle. I know these books are much more about friendship than romantic love, but I just couldn't buy Ginny's character being ok with sitting at home while Harry goes off to war. Especially in the last battle when Ginny is forced initially to stay inthe room of requirement and Harry helps to keep her there. I cannot see Ginny standing that. In the end I understand that JKR didn't have time for harry/ginny romance but she could have added a little more than that one slightly random kiss.

I agree that the epilogue created a lot more questions than it answered, especially the fact that we have no idea what anyone does for a living! And though I'm glad that Harry named his son after Albus, something about Harry's child being called "Al" just really rubs me the wrong way. Poor kid. THe whole thing was pretty cheesy and heavy-handed. I hate to confess it, that in spite of it's major cheese factor I guiltily enjoyed it. I think basically I was just so happy to see Harry finally getting the chance to ahve a normal, non-shitty life. Despite the horrible children's names (Draco's son = Scorpius?? Um...) I found myself stupidly pleased.

I also kept expecting Hagrid to die! I was convinced he was a goner in that initial broomstick chase sequence. I think JKR just likes Hagrid too much, I think she has a majorly huge soft spot for him. ANd yeah, what was the point of ever creating Grawp? Why was he EVER introduced into the story? He served no purpose that I could see.

I also felt incredibly underwhelmed by death of Lupin and Tonks! I wanted to be sad but just... couldn't manage it somehow. I think you're right about not seeing it. We never saw anyone effected by the grief of it either (something I was also sorry about in terms of Fred's death, we never see George's or Mrs. Weasley's reaction)

Also agree that Wormtail's moment of mercy was LAME. I was unimpressed.

I also loved the trio's initial moments together and their time in Grimmauld Place. THat was definitely one of my favorite scenes in the book, when Harry reads the letter from his mother. That really touched me, much more so even than the scene when Harry sees his parent's deaths through Voldemort's eyes. I felt pretty underwhelmed by that as well. But the Lily letter had me almost in tears.

eeh I also have much much more to say, but I feel like this comment is reaching epic proportions, so anyway, hope to talk to you soon lovely!



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