Title: it was not your fault but mine, and it was your hearts on the line
Characters: Chuck/Serena; with Chuck/Blair; Dan/Blair; Serena/Blair; Serena/Nate; Serena/Dan with illusions of Nate/Blair Georgina/Chuck; and Jenny/Nate
Rating/Word Count: pg-13/ 3368
One-Line Excerpt: Chuck use to wonder when he turned soft, how he's lying here, collecting
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Comments 23
i agree with you so much. That they are fighting it, happiness because they can't see it going where they wanted it. Chuck can't have Blair. And Serena can't have Dan (Or later Nate.
anyway i'm so glad you like it, thanks so much for taking the time out to read and review(:
I'm still in love with this piece. I'm so glad you finally got around to posting it! ♥
i'm also really glad i finished it, not sure how i like it but glad it's done.
thanks for reviewing and reading, love. ♥
and i loved the crossing out. it was a great device to use, because it showed how very Chuck like (if that makes any kind of sense) the narrative was.
and god, some of the lines you write kill and kill so well.
When Dan kisses Blair he feels his heart do the strangest thing, break all over again.
i love crossing out, i feel like it's an amazing tool to use.
i actually have my own favorite line. (really who have a favorite line in their own work?) but i was wondering if maybe it might have been one of your favorites.
How many positives does it take to get to the center of your own unfolding?
Answer: a bathroom counter top, a long neat row.
Plus. Plus. Plus. Plus. Plus. Plus. Plus. Plus. Plus.
(forever really. Past infinity. Past the universe. Past the stars. Past heaven. Past anything you could possibly even grasp, and more.)
thanks for reading & commenting. ♥
and yes, I loved that line too so much, it was perfect.
thank you! thank you! (i'm not fishing for compliments, i swear)
i just really love knowing what lines stuck out to people, it always makes me really happy to know what parts touched someone.
i really wanted the backround details to be poigant even if they weren't the main focus.
i hope you are able to check out more of my fics as well, and hope you enjoy the ones to come.
This is just really, really amazing. I'm a closet Chuck/Serena fan, so this fic was like, I don't know, my fix or something. I just really wish they didn't have to be so miserable, though.
But anyways: great job! I loved all the italics and strike-throughs, and oof, the part with the row of pregnancy tests really hit me hard.
thank you thank you thank you.
i love that line, it's one of my personal favorites.
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