First Blood

Nov 23, 2011 01:03

[Action]During the day, his Master is attending Winter's Court for a very important meeting. Usually when the sun is up, the vampire is asleep in his black coffin. Being one of the more powerful and ancient vampires, Alucard woke up early in the late afternoon while the sun is up. While most vampires would burn and be scorched under the sun, ( Read more... )

winter court, the captain, integra hellsing, alucard, location: imperial city

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Comments 26

[ Filter; Alucard ] bastaaaaaards November 23 2011, 06:10:20 UTC
Soon enough, Integra had finished... well, briefly. While Court hadn't completely finished, there was a small 'break' period, and now was as good of a time as ever to meet up with her vampiric servant. Why keep him up longer, when he could be sleeping?

Entering the small building, still wearing her white robes, she nonchalantly walked towards the back, knowing this would be where Alucard was, and sure enough, she had picked the right booth.

Sliding in across from him, she quietly ordered a hot tea, and then placed her hands neatly into her lap. "Coffee? You truly must be exhausted," she mused, knowing that the poor vampire was probably drained because of the sun.


nolifeemperor November 23 2011, 06:33:06 UTC
Alucard is sipping on his warm cup of coffee. It was a cappuccino latte, light on the milk, but a little heavy in sugar.

"Not only." As if he's going to admit that the sun is his worst enemy. "I'll feel better when it becomes night." He stirred his coffee with a little spoon and offered her a little smile. "How is your meeting?"


bastaaaaaards November 23 2011, 07:03:29 UTC
"Of course. I suppose I should have allowed you your rest, but this is quite important, as I'm sure you know," she replied, nodding her thanks once her tea was brought to her. She merely added a bit of sugar and honey, and sipped it as is. She rather enjoyed a somewhat bitter taste, after all.

Tilting her head, she hummed. "So far, it has gone well. But it isn't my place to comment on politics. The only reason I was even summoned was to keep an eye out for anyone who may attempt to betray His Highness."


nolifeemperor November 23 2011, 08:38:20 UTC
[OOC: Oops, meant to say, "If only coffee can keep me up." Sheesh.]

The caffeine starting kicking in and now Alucard is more awake and ever alert. The coffee really warms his cold body.

Continuing to smile. "For you, I will never rest until you are. Plus, the people are interesting during the daytime." Being around people is just refreshing and to be open to new sights and sounds, adds more to Alucard's experience.

"Hn, doesn't sound like a challenge then."


elysiontoabyss November 23 2011, 06:39:32 UTC
[A man wearing a tattered, black cloak approaches Alucard. He says nothing and simply passes by, giving no acknowledgement of the other man's existence. All he does is quickly use a second to rummage through Alucard's pockets. This is, after all, what a pickpocket does.]


nolifeemperor November 23 2011, 06:52:34 UTC
[Mr. Pickpocket would find a wallet in Alucard pockets, containing some money. However, in the next split second, Mr. Pickpocket would find Jousha, the silver pistol of death, being pressed against the side of his skull. The safety is unlocked with a soft click. The gun is loaded with ammo, with Alucard's finger behind the trigger, ready to push it. The vampire has impressive quick reflexes as well. In fact, he was so fast, it was a blur of motion, that humans can't catch it in a blink of an eye.

Alucard is well aware of the Emporer's Peace in effect, but being the Monster that he is, he doesn't care much. The urge to kill and steal a life is hard to resist.]

You steal money. I steal lives. Or should I break your fingers and your face instead?


elysiontoabyss November 23 2011, 07:16:27 UTC
[Perhaps it might be surprising to Alucard, but Abyss doesn't look too overtly frightened. Yes, he is frightened, of course, but he's still smiling, albeit anxiously. He raises his hands into the air with Alucard's wallet in his hands.]

Hehehe, hehehe...

W-well, that doesn't sound like much of a fair trade, now, does it? Haven't you heard about equivalent exchange? All the wizards are gung-ho over it.


nolifeemperor November 29 2011, 00:44:12 UTC
Yes, I have heard of it. But I am no wizard.

[Alucard would tell him that he's a monster, a vampire who strive to stir fear and be the stuff who haunt humanity's nightmare. A vampire who is born to drink on the blood of others and use their souls to fuel his power.

However, his Master gave him strict orders to keep his identity a secret. Even the most meekest of man would have a loud mouth to tattle his information to the higher authorities and that would put his Master's organization in trouble. The Church can put a bounty on his head and it would be all over.]

Very well. [Open his palm where Alucard expects his thief friend to drop the wallet.] Return my wallet and I let you walk free. [And knowing how thieves work, he pressed the hollow barrel tip of the gun even harder against his skull.] And all the contents within should be accounted for - every coin, dollar, card, and pictures.


Oh hay~ nosilverplzkthx November 24 2011, 02:40:48 UTC
Captain was allowed to walk through the city as well and he figured he might as well gain some information on it, anything he could find really. As he continued his walk he found about the city. A power...something...familiar. As he got closer, he could smell it. He knew that scent...vampires.

Except this wasn't multiple vampires, it was just one. And he knew this one, Alucard: The No-Life King. After more walking he stood roughly 10 yards away from the vampire, looking him dead in the eye.


Wassup? nolifeemperor November 29 2011, 00:37:16 UTC
And the King of Vampires knew what kind of creature the Captain is - a werewolf, a creature of the night. Alucard saw him through the guise of the human military uniform. He can smell him from many yards away. Werewolves are monsters who turned from human into ferocious creatures of brute power and strength by the cycles of the moon. Fear by many, their strength and power are second to none ( ... )


Not much, just leading an invasion. You? nosilverplzkthx November 29 2011, 02:12:05 UTC
Despite the fact that Captain did not care much for the Emperor's Peace either, Major didn't want him to go on fights that could draw attention to Millennium. Not that he needed to worry much, Captain isn't one to start a fight unless provoked. He just follows orders, he merely chooses to react instead of act.

So he merely looks back at the Monster in front of him. Should a fight break out, he'd merely lead Alucard away. But for now, he would wait it out. After all, he'd waiting hundreds of years for a worthy opponent to kill him. Waiting to fight Alucard again was basically nothing.


Doing my Master's bidding :| nolifeemperor November 29 2011, 23:17:03 UTC
In the following few quite moments, nothing happened. Alucard merely put his hands in his pockets and smiled at him. His red eyes glowed in the dark and his grin turned upwards with a crescent curve.

"This isn't the right time and place to fight, Captain." Alucard said, breaking the ice. "I'm sure you have business to attend to for someone you work for, yes?" The Fuhrer, perhaps? The Major? Hm.


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