Curious - POV switch

Feb 21, 2008 14:36

My friend julis and I were discussing Curious through Genma's POV, and I wrote a little bit of it ^^ Porn porn porn porn...

NC-17. Not Work Safe!!!

I don't know what I was thinking, asking Raidou... )

raidou, smut, curious, fanfiction, answers, genma

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Comments 2

psychofrreak May 21 2009, 02:36:04 UTC
yay porn!!! the world can never get enough porn, and neither can i. esp genrai porn.... great job on this, im glad i was able to read it. thank you! now if only the textbook im supposed to be reading was this entertaining...


blackwidina May 8 2010, 08:43:03 UTC

My brain has now been fried. I hope you're happy with yourself. I love this series, have always particularly liked that fic, and now you throw Genma's POV on top of it? Oh, holy hell, I think I just melted into a big puddle of guh....


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