Curious - POV switch

Feb 21, 2008 14:36

My friend julis and I were discussing Curious through Genma's POV, and I wrote a little bit of it ^^ Porn porn porn porn...

NC-17. Not Work Safe!!!

I don't know what I was thinking, asking Raidou to let me rim him. I knew how shaky his comfort zone was - it had been growing slowly, tentatively over the months, but he still flinched when I got too close to his ass.

But god, I never expected him to come up with rimming on his own. It was one of my very favorite things to do, and to have done to me, but I hadn't brought it up. I didn't want to do anything to push him - not yet, at least. I thought I'd give him time, let him get used to the fact that he might very well be gay before I started springing anything new on him.

And ohhhh, it felt good. He seemed very nervous at first, licking me gingerly, so careful. But then... fuck, he got into it just like he got into fingering, just like he got into giving head. And when he stopped - when he stopped, I still don't know what came over me. I asked, and I did see the fear in his eyes, but I had to act confident, I had to, or else he might start thinking there was something wrong.

Okay, I admit, I pushed a little harder than was maybe necessary. But goddammit, I loved it, and I didn't know if I'd get a chance like this again.

I almost didn't believe it when he said yes. I was preparing myself for some awkwardness, some apology, and then Raidou closing himself off to me in that way he had when things got too weird. Nothing obvious, nothing big, just - I could tell sometimes that he wasn't all here.

Not today, though. Today, he said yes, and then he asked, "How do you want me?" and god, I don't think he knew what he did to me with that question. I wanted him every way, every fucking way, I wanted him bent over, I wanted him spread open, I wanted him pressed against a wall, on his knees on the floor, I wanted to fuck him so bad when he asked that, with that open, trusting look on his honest face.

I mastered it, the urge to try to talk him into letting me fuck him; I had a feeling I might be able to, if I played my cards right. I had done it before, with other men. But it felt wrong to try to manipulate Raidou that way... He was different, and would always be different. My friend first, and my lover second, and that's how I wanted to keep it, no matter how hot I got at the thought of teaching him to enjoy having a hard cock thrusting inside him.

So I gave him his options, and my cock ached when he bent over in front of me, exposing his ass. Oh, he was so nervous, I could feel him shaking slightly when I bent to kiss his neck. I reassured him, I rubbed his back, his thighs, trying to get him to relax. I wanted to do this, and I wanted him to like it, not just persevere through it like it was some sort of mission.

I kept petting him gently and he still wasn't relaxing, so I reached low between his legs and wrapped my hand around his heavily hanging dick. It had gotten a little soft in his nervousness, so I stroked him with a sure, steady grip until it swelled to its usual proud size, until he was rock hard in my hand and moaning. By then, I hoped he would be able to handle this. I kissed his spine, and he was still hard... kissed lower, still solid in my grip. I kissed his tailbone, laid a light lick over it, and he didn't freak out, so I decided to go ahead.

I loved Raidou's ass. Perfectly formed, strongly muscled, dimpled glutes that filled out his uniform pants beautifully. There was nothing feminine about his ass, not even the indistinct tanlines running over his waist and upper thighs. His cheeks were big, powerful, solid - and they were pushed up in the air toward me, and he was letting me spread them open.

Ohhhh, god, his asshole. I had seen it before, but not like this - not inches away from my face. And definitely not with the knowledge that he was on his knees, bent over, for me.

I trailed my tongue-tip down his crack as I dug my fingers into his ass, as I spread him wide, and I felt a slight shudder run through him.

"Genma," he said, a tremor in his voice, and I'm almost ashamed to admit that that turned me on even more. I had gotten over all the taboos and mental discomfort associated with assholes long ago, but for him it was still brand-new, so new, and god, his asshole had never been touched by anyone else, and it was so pink and perfect and it would be so goddamn tight around my cock...

I ignored the twinge of my conscience that told me that Raidou really was uncomfortable right now, pushed it aside with the assumption that he would enjoy this, once I started. Without giving it another thought, I pushed my face between his cheeks, and licked.

He didn't say anything else then, just shifted his weight, so I continued. I was right. I could tell he was enjoying it, so much that he was trying not to make noises, like he didn't want me to know just how much he liked it. I was in heaven... the little moans muffled by the pillow, the feel of his muscles moving subtly under my fingers as he involuntarily rocked his hips back, the slightly rough, puckered skin under my tongue, the smell and taste of him, of skin and sweat and desire, my god, I was throbbing, aching, dripping with need. I thought that if I touched my cock it would shatter, I was so hard.

And then he clenched, and my head spun. I moaned and tightened my fingers on his ass. This tight little asshole, this virgin pucker, bearing down on nothing against my tongue, and I had to try for more. He was loving this, there was no doubt, so maybe I could push him just a little bit more.

I spread his cheeks a little wider, pointed my tongue and pressed against him. I was met with resistance, and then it let me in, just a teasing little, just a fraction of an inch before Raidou stiffened up. I closed my eyes and went back to licking, certain I'd hear him tell me to stop any second. When he didn't, I tried again... and this time, there was no stiffening of muscles, no tremor in Raidou's body, just the resistance of muscle never tested like this. My tongue-tip slid in, and my cock throbbed at the thought that I was inside Raidou, he was letting me inside, even if it was just my tongue, my god.

Not wanting to freak him out too soon, I laid a few more long licks over his wet hole. When I could tell he was still okay, I thrust my tongue back inside him. I was having a hard time keeping my breathing level. I was panting against him, nearly moaning as I slid my tongue out of his asshole, then back in. And again. And again. His body was starting to shake again, but this time it was accompanied by quiet groans and more obvious movements of his hips, and it was driving me crazy. I barely curled my tongue inside him and got a moan that sent a deep shudder through me, that squeezed a surge of precum out of my cock. I was starting to fantasize that maybe fucking Raidou would be simpler than I had imagined, and then--

"Stop. I don't like it. Stop," he said, his voice serious, the tone final. I stopped immediately and sat back on my heels.

"You alright?" I asked him, thinking maybe I had misinterpreted, maybe he didn't like it nearly as much as I thought he had. But then he rolled over, and the state, the fullness of his arousal cleared that up for me. I was right, he did love it. He just wasn't ready to admit it.

That was fine, though, perfectly fine... I didn't want to rush it, rush him. And we still weren't done for the night. I took a moment to admire him, the solid mass of finely-tuned muscle under scarred skin, the sharp line of stubbled jaw, his swollen lips, the firm swell of his cock laying against his stomach. My hand went instinctively for my dick and I held back a moan when I squeezed it gently.

"I'm fine," he whispered, and I could tell by his expression that he really was. He let me lick his ass, had let me tongue-fuck him a little, even, and he wasn't freaking out, wasn't pushing me out of the room or gearing up for a 'talk,' so I filed this experience away for savoring later, when I was alone.

Right now, I had a cock to suck.


raidou, smut, curious, fanfiction, answers, genma

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