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The Rules:
1. People who have been tagged must write the answers on their blog and replace any question they dislike with a new, original question.
2. Tag five people. Don't refuse to do that. Don't tag who tagged you.
Error. Paradox. Cannot compute.
Heh. In other words... sorry to cheat, but I think every person I know who's on
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Comments 4
Anyway... so your whole family is now hooked! I just read an interview snippet of Tim DeKay who said he was proud of the fact that it *is* a show the entire family from grandparents to ten-year-olds can watch. Rare, these days, to find compelling shows that are also family-friendly like that. June seems even farther away now than it did. *sigh*
Congrats on your church's anniversary!
Oho, yes, very much hooked. It is such a unique show - in its characters, the family-friendly nature, the real appeal it has for very different people. I'm just loving it. :D Also, my mom likes Neal's clothes. And his hair. The significance of this may be lost on most, but... it is of great import, I assure you. She kinda has a thing about not liking various characters' hair (Sheppard, Carson, Ronon from SGA, Don from Numb3rs, etc.) or even that of other people on television (the weather man, various other commentators...), and she comments on it, frequently. She's always remarking on how so-and-so needs a haircut, or to brush his hair properly, or that his hair just bothers her. So yes - her liking Neal's style is kinda a Major Event. *bg*
I used to so badly want to play the violin (I think because I was fangirling Sherlock Holmes at the time?), and was wistfully, just-ever-so jealous of a friend of mine who could. Oh, well...kind of resigned myself to being incredibly mediocre with anything I've attempted, so probably violin would be depressing. XD
And hmm...oh, I suppose I'm still on speaking terms with y'all. ;D Do you think 2-ish might work? We're having a friend over in the afternoon and any later might run us short.... :)
Oh, I know. International trip together? Would be the height of awesomeness. *wistful sigh*
There is just something about the violin that's terribly... cool. And sophisticated. Or something. Probably partly the Sherlock Holmes associations - linking it with general intelligence and artistic-ness - partly a great love of violin music in general, particularly Celtic. (On a silly, random side-note, my dad used to be just crazy about the French Horn - still does like them a lot. His sister played it, though. Not very well. Not exactly one of the more common instruments to want to play? *g*)
Heee! ;D Yes, I think two should work fine for calling... Shall talk to you then!
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