I has been tagged by
The Rules:
1. People who have been tagged must write the answers on their blog and replace any question they dislike with a new, original question.
2. Tag five people. Don't refuse to do that. Don't tag who tagged you.
Error. Paradox. Cannot compute.
Heh. In other words... sorry to cheat, but I think every person I know who's on LJ with any regularity has already done this. Soooo... if you haven't, consider yourself tagged?
1. Make a list of 5 things you can see without getting up.
*looks around* My prettyful griffin statue. My sketchbooks. My wrist braces. Lots of books. A moose's tooth.
2. How do you style your hair?
Badly. *hides* Heh, if it's co-operating well enough, I'll generally blow-dry it and then pull it back with a few bobby pins. Otherwise, most days I just brush it out and leave it as it is.
3. What are you wearing now?
Pajamas. And a robe. And knee-high socks. It's cold.
4. What's your occupation?
Mmm, editor, writer, sort-of artist. (Hey, if I get paid for it it counts, right?)
5. What do you hear right now?
My computer's fan, and - barely - the TV in the other room. That's about it at the moment.
6. Who was the last person you hugged?
My dad when he came to say goodnight to me. :3
7. What is/was for dinner?
Leftover ham-and-broccoli quiche, and pineapple.
8. What did you do today?
Church! And stayed around for a good while afterward, because we were having a meal and general celebration of our church's 30th anniversary. Made me pretty nostalgic, actually... Not about this church's past, though. Although we've been going here, hmm, must be about five years now... after being founding members of our last church, and attending for about 16 years, I still feel very much like a newcomer here. Honestly, that church is the one thing I've most missed since our move from the cities.
9. Dog person or cat person?
Oh, both. Very much both. In previous years I might've said "dog person," primarily, but... that was before I actually had cats. Now that I've got both, I love both equally, really, for different reasons. <3
10. If you had to change your name, what would you change it to?
Man, that's a tough one. My real name, Emily, is kinda - I don't know. I don't dislike it, particularly, but it's really, really boring. I don't have a specific alternative that I'd prefer, though. I've always really loved the name Elizabeth, but... never much liked any of the common nicknames. So I've never especially wanted it to be my name.
(Although "El" is growing on me. Why yes, yes I am obsessed with a new fandom. The fixation will fade somewhat. Eventually. Really. *g*)
So yeah. Um, if I had to change it, I'd change it to Imbecamiel. Since I probably have more friends who know me by that anyways.
*is totally not serious* *about the name, not the number of friends* *or maybe I am*
11. What was the last thing you bought?
An awesome super-secret birthday present for my brother. The specifics of which I can't mention here, because he has an LJ account and is sneaky, even though he's not on it much. *eyes him suspiciously*
12. If you could afford to go anywhere in the world, where would you go?
Ooooh man. Tough one. It's kinda a toss-up at this point. I really, really want to go to New Zealand. But equally - yes, even though I was just there - I really, really want to go back to the UK. *wistful*
13. Where do you see yourself in five years?
Wow, I don't know. Kinda hope I'm married by then? And have at least one of my current books finished? But really... at this point I have no idea what's in store. My life in general really hasn't headed in any direction I might've predicted five years ago - not that that's a bad thing! just different - so yeah. I think I'm gonna give up on predictions, and just try to do the "next right thing" where I'm at.
14. Favorite book-to-movie adaptation?
I have to pick? XD So many good ones. I've seen a ton of Jane Austen ones I just love... and Dickens... The A&E Ivanhoe's quite good... Lord of the Rings, obviously.... The Lion The Witch and the Wardrobe was quite excellent as well.
15. What are you doing this weekend?
Welllll, considering the present weekend is just about over now, I'll go with next weekend. Should be fun - it's the church's men's retreat, so it'll by just us girls. Planning on ordering yummy food that the guys don't like (chicken alfredo pizza! Yay! :D), and staying up till the wee hours of the morning watching very girly movies. And maybe White Collar. Even though the guys would be very mad now if we watched that without them.
(Oh yes, the rest of the family has now been officially sucked in to our current obsession. Watched the first few episodes together, and everyone loved it. And it made Dad laugh out loud. And comment on how good the writing was. And even on the fact that the music was so fun and reminiscent of what you'd hear in a classic heist movie. And Mom told us to buy season two. And when we told her it wasn't on DVD yet, she was Not Pleased. And when we informed her season three was supposed to be starting in July, but we couldn’t watch it because we don’t get the channel, she said, “Well, maybe we can get cable before July?” XD)
16. If you could play any musical instrument, which one would you play?
Hmm. I've always had a general wistful desire to play the violin. Not enough to actually try taking it up at this point (Don't think I'd have the talent to master it, and starting over with an instrument would be a little depressing at the moment.), but... Honestly, I would love to be able to play the piano really, really well. After... wow, is it almost 16 years of lessons? - I can get by fairly well. But knowing that I'm never going to really excel at it has been kinda depressing lately. *cue perfectionism and lack of motivation*
17. To U or not to U? Favourite, Colour etc.
In actual practice? I am an editor, and live in the USA. So... obviously, no "U" for correctness. In inclinations? I've read enough British literature that the "U" tends to feel more right.
18. What are you doing tomorrow?
Ooo... Trying to finish up much-belated story comments. Heh. Maybe some art. Writing if I can work up the motivation/ideas (probably not, currently - I seriously need some short, funny little story idea that I could just sit down and finish in one go. I think that'd get me going again. Alas...). Call
cirtholien in the afternoon. If she's still on speaking terms with me, that is, after the terrible, terrible thing we've done in also getting her hooked on White Collar. *innocent*
19. What are you looking forward to the most?
Er... wow. Um, I can't actually think of any one thing that I'm really, really anticipating at the moment. I guess I'll go with... seeing The Hobbit movies? ^.^
Edit: Seriously, LJ? Seriously? I don't even - what is with the dozen LJ cuts? *sigh* Oh well. I'm too tired to try sorting out all the extras tonight. Sorry. :/