Feb 16, 2011 18:03

 Sooo.... I've found the dream pet I want to own someday. A male Savannah cat, probably third or fourth generation. I want, so very, very much. <3

What's that?

Cross a Serval with a domestic cat. Result? A big, long-limbed, very intelligent cat, with markings like a Serval. Uses a litterbox and eats cat food like a housecat. They'll make noises like both housecats and wildcats. Also perfectly tame, affectionate, loyal, good with children, loves dogs, gets along well with other cats, can be fairly easily trained like a dog - will come when called, willingly walk on a leash, fetch... - likes swimming, not particularly prone to any diseases, and has a lifespan comparable to a domestic cat. Talk about the best of both worlds.

Could it get any cooler? :D

Well yes, yes it could. It would be much cooler if they weren't incredibly expensive.

But oh, someday.... *wistful*

animals, randomness

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