An all new look

Aug 23, 2007 16:41

Yay! I finally managed to customise my LJ pages (with the help of Noone's kind advice!) and I'm celebrating the makeover by posting some graphics. I made the banner from a recoloured photo from the 70s. From my own stock.  :)

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*graphics: icons, *graphics: banners, *graphics: headers, atonement

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Comments 6

skywriter86 August 23 2007, 16:49:25 UTC
Wow, this IS colorful! lol Very vibrant and fun! ;)

Congrats on the Mod's Choice. I like the colors of your The Fountain icon, and I also like your Atonement signature (that looks like a good movie; I recently skimmed the book). I think the textures and font work well in this situation because they give the graphic a gritty atmosphere.


imajrim August 23 2007, 18:32:35 UTC
I know, very colourful! But the banner didn't look good with white or black, so orange and purple it is. ;) Hope I don't make people go blind with the new look...

I like the grittiness of the Atonement siggie too, but perhaps it's a tad too colourful. Couldn't help myself! Anyway, I got the image from here.


mlle_de_cerise August 23 2007, 19:38:40 UTC
ima - love your new layout and the latest batch of graphics!

Congratulations on getting mod's choice in the LJ contest.

As for the 'Atonement' siggie...I don't think it's over-done at all! The colours are vivid but blend well together, they emphasis the contrast between the character's weariness of war and the natural beauty he finds himself in. Beautiful! I've been watching the trailers and really want to see this film although I never really managed to get 'into' the book.


imajrim August 23 2007, 20:22:20 UTC
Thanks LG :) I feel a bit colourful today... I can't even part with the new userpic! It matches the layout so purrfectly...

I haven't tried to read Atonement, but the film looks so pretty that I can't wait to see it. :)


n_noone August 24 2007, 10:30:55 UTC
Hey Ima, I love, love, love your new look - it's luscious and sultry.

Congrats on the mods choice. I entered an icon for that comp too and it was an utter stinker. I'm going to blame my recovery from my op for noodling with my brain. :D Yours is a beautiful icon and I suspected you'd made it when I saw all the entries.:)

I love your other icons too and as for the Atonement signature - oh boy, it's very beautiful and moving and I think the film is going to break my heart - can't wait. I adore Joe Wright. I did love the book, beautifully atmospheric, if not totally perfect in the last pages.


imajrim August 24 2007, 12:15:57 UTC
Blame the op if you like, but I'm sure your brain is as sharp as ever! Your LJ banner, for example, is absolutely brilliant! :)

Compared to the other entries to the competition mine were very over-textured, but after making the first one I just needed to continue with the colourful, eroded look. They didn't appeal to many, though: for the four icons I got three votes put together... Hehee. ;)


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