An all new look

Aug 23, 2007 16:41

Yay! I finally managed to customise my LJ pages (with the help of Noone's kind advice!) and I'm celebrating the makeover by posting some graphics. I made the banner from a recoloured photo from the 70s. From my own stock.  :)

Some LJ contest icons (The Fountain/The Count of Monte Cristo):

Just won Mod's Choice with the last one. Thank you most kindly!

I've been inspired by the beautiful images from Atonement, which I'll definitely go and see as soon as I can. Here's a very overdone siggie. I just couldn't stop with the textures and the colouring... The gorgeous font is called Thirsty for Souls.

And to kls: Sorry, no JJ this time, except for the user icon... ;)

*graphics: icons, *graphics: banners, *graphics: headers, atonement

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