...and oh god it got worse.
Quick recap: Finally got one of my RL besties to watch BSG. Yay! But now, not only is she NOT a pilots shipper, she's an Adama/Roslin shipper. AND one of those people who thinks Lee is boring and has no personality. Boo!!!!
Oh the horror. But still a chance of a post-UB/post-poof conversion, right?
Well... Well. )
Comments 28
Lee and Kara had a bond, a connection that was there from the start of the show until the very end and that ending? It sucked for pretty much everyone. My head still spins when I think about the ending.
This is why I need my shipper friends. This is why you guys are awesome. I need my nice, normal, sane and rational people around me to talk about this stuff with.
And yes, I did just call us shippers nice, normal, sane and rational.
That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
( ... )
I say that OTHER people think shipping is a bad thing...
mwaaaahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!! :D :D :D
Also - I love both those gifs, but the second one... oh I love it so. I love it so. :D Thankyou! That's cheered me right up!!
I also will always be fascinated in all the different ways people take BSG. It has so many facets that it's almost more amazing that any two people agree on anything. ;)
I was like, seriously?? ... Seriously??? Of ALL the crap that just went down, THAT is the thing you're going to pretend never happened???? THAT?!?!?!?!?!?!? *headdesk*
It is beyond odd. Also, she thinks Lee is boring and dull and lacks personality, but her loyalty stays with a character we only see in flashback, like, twice who has absolutely NO personality whatsoever??? What the unbelieveable hell.
it's almost more amazing that any two people agree on anything
And thank heavens for the internet that let us all find each other!!!! :D
I feel bad for encouraging false hope now! Not gonna bash your mate for not getting it, people are drawn to different things for different reasons, although the finding Lee boring thing is just ... *side eyes*
Is she one of those people who has to see the potential for a functional relationship for a pairing before she can get into it? I mean, that sounds like the substantial part of her objection. And to be fair, when it comes to an actual pairing, pilots are pretty thoroughly dysfunctional. It's hard to argue that Kara isn't too unstable to sustain a relationship, for example. Pilotshippers embrace the dysfunction for the most part, but I can see how it might turn others off.
And don't feel bad!! Your experience helped me get through the first conversation with her about Lee without completely losing my shit!
As for bashing her - pft!! Bash away, I'm certainly gunna!! But that's how we roll, she'll expect it of me... especially after my desperate attempts to show her the error of her ways pre-UB *laughs at self*
although the finding Lee boring thing is just ... *side eyes*
Yes... well.... you know my feelings about this :/
Is she one of those people who has to see the potential for a functional relationship for a pairing before she can get into it?
You know what? This could be it. When I look at her shippy things (predominantly Josh/Donna and Mulder/Scully) they were certainly more likely to be able to make it happen long term than pilots, I guess. I dunno, while I get the whole Kara-wouldn't-have-been-able-to-hang-in-there-long-term thing (in fact I really do see the sense in that, certainly as long as they were on the run from the cylons. Once they'd ( ... )
Well, yes and no about the faith thing. Because up until the end, it was a faith thing - but part of the reason the poof was so demoralisingly unsatisfying is that their growth and maturing over the entire series had finally, clearly, got them both to the point where they actually could build a functional relationship between them.
(Which is part of the reason I'm fine with calling 4.0/4.5-Kara real!Kara. To me, the most consistent read of her character overall is not that she just "succumbed" to the destiny crap, but that she recognised that the only way to get free of it - of the deathgrip it had on her life from the beginning - was to go through it. Only way out is through. And she is finally free ... and the consumation of that victory became a violation because it implies that either a) freedom earned = cessation of meaningful choice in the realm in which it was earned, ie, you die/poof, or b) she exercised her choice in ( ... )
Because I do. I love you. in a totally not-at-all-creepy kind of way
Thankyou - thankyou - for once again saying logically, rationally and coherently what I can only point at and say "but! but! but!.... FEELINGS!!!!!!"
I'm going to make notes. I'm going to revise them. And when I eventually have The Talk with The Disappointing BFF about all this, I will be referring heavily to these arguments.
I could just quote that whole comment at you for agreeing purposes, but I won't. But in my mind, monkeytwin, in my mind... I am.
**laughs at own ridiculousness, then slaps self in face yelling 'how dare you laugh, I have serious feelings about this, alright?!'** *g*
But hey, if you're not a k/l person, you're not a k/l person. :D And honestly, despite my venting, I respect that. It's my friend's complete REFUSAL TO SEE THAT THERE EVEN IS A K/L that is getting to me. That and her being ok with the ending, which, as we all know, was a major clusterfuck. *headdesk*
As for Adama/Roslin - it's funny you say the grey ones are always my favourites, that's pretty much my friend's take on it too. I am actually not (contrary to how I probably sound here) ANTI ( ... )
Pft! Don't worry - I was just being melodramatic :)
i think rdm and co. really started fucking up the whole k/l thing around the third season.
(OK, I also was going to copy everything you said after this but that seemed excessive, so just use your imagination?)
Yes. I love UB - LOVE IT - but holy shit it was a punch in the gut. I just... I still can't quite believe he had to do that to them. It was almost literally painful to watch that episode. And don't even get me started on the epic-fail-of-woe was that was UBEX. Just *sideeyes* RDM is an ass. An unmitigated ass. And maelstrom? So much is wrong with that shit, where do you start? And Sam??? Let's just say there's a reason k/s is the one ship I simply cannot tolerate. Just... no. No. And DEE??? I have no respect for her character really after seeing UBEX. I didn't have much before that, but after? No. More than happy to expand on all that if you need a vent :) I am late to allllllll the fandom parties, so it's all still pretty new ( ... )
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